Aries people are very energetic and competitive. They are born leaders and self-motivated. They make good entrepreneurs, stock-brokers and shine in the entertainment business. They also do well in defence jobs. Desk jobs bore them. Their dynamism is handy in fieldwork and action-oriented or front-end jobs. They must avoid routine or monotonous jobs. Arians are very resilient and are often workaholics. Jobs in trading and sales & marketing positions are compatible.
For the methodical and practical Taurus, government sectors are suitable. So are law, engineering, accountancy, teaching and administration. They are good at making plans and executing them so they will do well in the corporate world. They should not opt for careers that need them to make quick decisions or involve financial risks. Hardworking and dependable, they make good support staff. They excel in jobs that are seen as tedious by others.
Inquisitive and intelligent, Geminis are clever and quick-witted. However, they have a vacillating mind. Geminis find it hard to focus on one thing for long. They love change. Advertising, Journalism, Marketing, and media jobs are tailor-made for them. They could also be travel guides. Monotonous jobs will bore them to death. Geminis have a talent for communication and multi-tasking. They are innovative and seek ways to do a job more efficiently. Gemini make good sales people, diplomats and politicians. Their communication skills make them good speakers and writers.
Cancerians have a caring and nurturing nature. They shine in social work, human resources, nursing, teaching, counselling. They make good therapists. Cancerians are kind-hearted. They desire to contribute to society. They prefer to have a regular income. Jobs in hospitality, interior decoration and finance are suitable. Averse to risk-taking, they should avoid stockbroking, sales jobs, insurance and entertainment industry. Sensitive Cancerians thrive well when they are appreciated.
Power-hungry Leos are born to lead. Ambitious and dominating, they are also creative, charismatic and generous. Politics, entrepreneurship, real estate, travel and public relations suit them. They also gravitate towards the entertainment industry. But their indomitable and stubborn nature makes them troublesome subordinates. Back-end jobs are unsuitable for them. They need appreciation and recognition. They like to do things flawlessly. They are good at handling crisis well and hence, do well in top jobs.
Virgos are perfectionists. They are analytical, practical, well-organized and hard-working. Any career which requires observation, analysis, etc. will be ideal for a Virgo. Teaching, research work, writing, detective work, secretarial jobs, editing, public services, accountancy, auditing, surveying, graphic designing, etc. are some of the fields they can excel in. Their nurturing nature and love for service makes them excel in the field of medicine.
Librans are diplomatic, charming and cooperative. They are rather indecisive. But owing to this very quality, they make great judges and consultants. They also shine as ambassadors, lawyers, sales persons, customer service executives, negotiators, and travel agents. They don’t like too much responsibility but they are good listeners. They are lovers of beauty. Art, architecture, human resources, etc. are also likely fields for them.
Intelligent, strong-willed, hard-working and resourceful, they make good surgeons, educators, scientists and physicists. Scorpios are very passionate. Anything that is purely materialistic will not do for them. Law, designing, humanitarian fields are some good choices for Scorpios. They have an uncanny understanding of the human mind. Their intuition makes them excel as detectives, cops, spies and researchers. Scorpios love complexity and challenges. Staid jobs don’t interest them. But they can handle routine jobs too. Power fascinates them and they will thrive in politics.
Lively and optimistic Sagittarians shine in politics, sales, public relations and editing. Their spirituality and straightforward nature draws them to freedom movements and revolutions. Entrepreneurs, sports people, pilot, police officers – all these jobs suit them. They will also do well in marketing, entertainment and hotel industry. Sagittarians need independence at work. They have good intellectual capabilities. Sagittarians do well in most careers as they are quite versatile.
They are goal-oriented and responsible. They are hard-working and excel in jobs like banking, administration, finance, IT, management, etc. Ambitious and authoritative, they execute projects well. They should avoid careers that lack opportunities for growth or involve financial risks. Dependable and highly organized, they do well in positions of power. As they love computers, IT careers are also suitable.
Original thinkers, Aquarians are intelligent and progressive. Inventors, scientists, inventors, designers and musicians are mostly Aquarians. They are good at logic and analysis. They make good engineers and applications developers. They dislike conventional jobs like accounting and billing. They will excel in aviation and astronomy. Professions which challenge and stimulate them are ideal. Photography, animation, poetry, electronics, organic farming, market research, computer technology, etc. can be considered.
Pisceans are sensitive, emotional and creative. They are also dreamy, artistic and spiritual in nature. Many artists tend to be Pisceans. Their compassionate nature also makes them good counsellors, astrologers, nurses, mystics and physical therapists. They tend to think outside the box. They should not choose careers like military and defence services as they are not temperamentally suited for them. Generous and kind, Pisceans excel in social work and philanthropy. They also make good teachers. Materialistic careers like banking are not their cup of tea.

AstroVed is an international organization started in New York, with main operations in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Founded by educationalist and philanthropist Dr. Baskaran Pillai, our mission is to enrich the life of every person we come in contact with by providing excellence in Vedic Astrology and remedial rituals.