Astrology Reports > Natal Chart Interpretations

Looking for a personal reading of your astrological chart, also known as a horoscope or natal chart, based on your date of birth, time & place? Please select from Astrology Yard's comprehensive range of astrology reports detailed below. They include; Birth {your personal astrological profile}; Yearly Forecast & Solar Return Chart {your predictions for the future}; Marriage, Relationship & People {your compatibility or synastry); Career & Work {your vocation}; Progressed Chart; Money {your financial prosperity}; Health & Wellbeing; Child &Baby; Goddess Mythology {a special report for women} & Animal {a unique report for your pet}.
Astrology reports are in-depth, personalised & illustrated natal chart interpretations by Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson of Seeing With Stars. Each reading includes an astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, birth chart or natal chart, showing the planets in the zodiac signs at your date of birth, time and place as well as easy to read listings of the positions of the planets and houses in your horoscope & aspects between planets & angles.
Astrology Report Delivery
Astrology reports are usually delivered by email within 24 hours of receipt of successful payment and are in web and PDF format. They are ideal for personal guidance or that special gift for a special occasion such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries & valentines, all we need are the birth details & email address and we will send a personalised astrology report to them directly.
Birth Astrology Report - Your Personal Astrological Profile

The birth astrology report is the foundation for all other reports in astrology and is your personal astrological profile. It is an in-depth interpretation of your unique natal chart or horoscope, that can be used as a tool to deepen your own self-awareness.
This natal chart interpretaion, covers your life goals, your home life, your education & communication abilities, your relationships, your motivation in life, your career & ambitions, your creativity & originality, your challenges in life & your purpose and joy.
Yearly Forecast, Astrology Report

The yearly forecast, is a future prediction astrology report that offers the major highlights of the upcoming year 2019/2020, starting from the date you order your astrology report. Will relationships, money or adventure be indicated for you?
Using transits, this natal chart interpretation will identify key dates and events in your coming year and allow you to be prepared for them, embrace them and to hopefully understand the lessons of growth they will bring to you.
Solar Return Chart, Astrology Report

Every year the Sun returns to the exact same position on our birthday, hence the saying; "many happy returns". Your solar return chart, or birthday horoscope, is a chart that is calculated at that moment and is used to predict the future.
Will relationships be highlighted or will travel or work be the major theme in your birthday horoscope?
Marriage Compatibility, Astrology Report

The marriage compatibility astrology report, assesses whether or not a relationship is marriage material i.e. whether or not two people are likely to be successful in forming a lasting union. Are you as individuals predisposed to having a happy and successful marriage? Can you live in harmony? What is the spark of attraction between you?
Ultimately you will get a greater understanding of your own and your partners needs and why you relate to each other in the manner you do from this compatibility horoscope by date of birth, time & place reading.
Relationship Compatibility, Astrology Report

The relationship compatibility astrology report, examines a romantic relationship on a variety of different levels,offering insights into the dynamics. What are your individual relationship concerns? Do you connect emotionally and on an intimate level? Do you stimulate and inspire each other? Do you share the same generational and societal values?
This compatibility natal chart interpretaion explores these issues and more, and whether the relationship is likely to be successful in the longer term.
People Compatibility, Astrology Report

This compatibility astrology report, examines the people who will accompany you on your lifes journey throughout it's many different stages.
Initially it looks at your family roots & upbringing & the parental home, was it a warm and loving place or less so? It then moves on to your siblings, extended family, neighbours and early school mates. Next it looks at your friends, acquaintances and work colleagues. Then it looks at your partners and lovers in life. Finally your personal pleasures and passions are examined as expressed through Mars and Venus.
Career & Work Astrology Report

The career & work astrology report looks at your calling or vocation in life. It outlines what talents you uniquely possess that will lead you to a fulfilling career and work life. Ideally there should be no separation between who you are and how you make a living in this world.
Firstly, this natal chart interpretation looks at the overall picture of where your destiny points you to, career wise. Next it examines your general outlook onto the world and basic nature. It then moves on to where your income is likely to come from and what work you will be drawn too. Finally it looks at where you can go on to shine professionally in the world.
Progressed Chart, Astrology Report

The progressed chart shows us the natural unfolding of the potential revealed in natal chart or horoscope over time. Progressions describe the different phases in our lives as well as our inner urges and how they affect our lives rather than dramatic outer events. Progressions are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding.
Some astrologers believe that Progressions are signs from our soul or higher self. We take a look at what is indicated by your progressed report over the next coming five year period.
Financial Prosperity, Money Astrology Report

This money astrology report looks at the unique set of values and gifts we as individuals were born into ths world with. By understanding what these are, from looking at specific areas of our horoscope, we can gain insights into what we truly value and are talented at, not what we have been taught to value, and how this can be manifested for us as material wealth and financial prosperity.
Learn about; your money temperment, your relationship with money, your personal income, sharing your income and your fortune from this natal chart interpretation.
Health & Wellbeing Astrology Report

The health & wellbeing astrology report, looks at your natal chart specifically focusing on health related matters. It aims to give you a picture of the astrological indicators that correspond with your health and wellbeing. It includes nutritional advice, stress management tips and therapy options which may be of benefit for you specifically. It also aims to provide you with some useful tips about physical health matters and mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Please note, this horoscope by date of birth, time & place reading is not intended to be used in place of a consultation with a qualified medical practitioner. It is vital to always seek professional help where one's health is concerned.
Child & Baby Astrology Report

With the innocence of children comes the wonder of possibility in the lives that stretch ahead of them, the journey from babyhood to adulthood is full of joys and challenges. The child & baby astrology report, hopefully, will give you a glimpse into the nature, talents & life path of your child or baby before it becomes evident in later years giving you unique insight into areas to be nurtured.
This horoscope by date of birth, time & place analysis is written in a way designed specially to describe a young child, their needs and desires and preferences.
Sacred Feminine, Goddess Mythology, Astrology Report

The sacred feminine, goddess mythology report, is a special reading for women. It looks at twelve figures from ancient mythology and the forces and ideas they embody and how they will manifest specifically inside of you depending on when you were born.
These twelve figures correspond with twelve asteroids in the sky each named after a specific figure from mythology. Each of these forces makes up one part of the sacred feminine and how it is expressed in this world be it through nurturing, fertility, love or relationships.
Pet Astrology Report

Animals and birds, and in particular domesticated animals and birds or pets, play an important role in our lives. No matter what species of animal you have drawn into your life, be it your pet cat, dog, horse, fish, tortoise etc, this animal astrology report will hopefully help you, as owners gain some extra insights.
Learn about; your pets personality, your pets lifestyle, your pets health and diet, your pets training and yourself as owners from this horoscope by date of birth, time & place analysis.
New Reports Coming Soon!

There are many areas in life where astrology can be lluminating. As such we have more reports being developed all the time. Please check back on this page every so often to see if there are any other new astrology reports listed that you may like.
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