- Introduction
- Health And Wellbeing Report
- Your Basic Health Needs
- Your Vitality And Wellbeing
- Your Health Factors
- Health Challenges
- Healing Solutions
- Key Parts Of The Body
- Conclusion
- The Birth Chart
- The Birth Planets
- The Birth Aspects
Usain Bolt Astrology, Natal Chart Health and Wellbeing Reading
Born: 21 August 1986, 18:30, Falmouth, Jamaica. Zodiac Sign: Leo

My name is Bolt, Lightning Bolt.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
World Health Organization, 1948
Usain St. Leo Bolt, is a Jamaican sprinter regarded as the fastest person ever recorded whose achievements in sprinting including Olympic and World Championship Gold medalist, has earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt". Bolt is Catholic and known for making the sign of the cross before racing competitively and wears a Miraculous Medal during his races. On 14 February 2015, he announced that he intends to retire from athletics after the 2017 World Championships in London. The following is Astrology Yard's interpretation of his natal chart, specifically from a health and wellbeing perspective.
Bolt's grew up with brother Sadiki, sister Sherine and his parents Wellesley and Jennifer Bolt who ran the local grocery store in the rural area of Falmouth, Jamaica. In his youth, he spent time playing football and cricket in the streets, which was the first sport to interest him. He has also expresses a love for dancing and fondness of music and his character is frequently described as laid-back and relaxed.
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Health and Wellbeing Report

Medical astrology is a complex branch of the astrologer's art. Many factors need to be taken into account when considering the overall health of the individual.
This report aims to give you a picture of some of the astrological indicators in the horoscope that correspond with your health and wellbeing.
The information in this report includes an assessment of your Natal Chart specifically focusing on health related matters. It includes a range of nutritional advice, stress management tips and therapy options. However, it is not intended that this report be used in place of a consultation with a qualified medical practitioner, nor persons qualified in complementary or alternative healing. It is vital to always seek out professional medical and nutritional advice where one's health is concerned.
This report aims to provide you with some useful tips about physical health matters and also about mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. This information is based on the author's own knowledge obtained over more than 30 years as an astrologer and healer as well as additional research she has undertaken. The main focus of this report is to point out the astrological indicators that can manifest as health problems, or imbalances, and to suggest possible causes and/or treatments that might be of benefit.
If a particular theme is mentioned more than once in several different sections, then it is worthy of special attention. Likewise, if there are contradictions between some sections, this doesn't necessarily mean that they cancel each other out; both are probably applicable at different times, or under different circumstances.
When reading this report, don't assume that all the health issues mentioned will actually manifest. This report includes an assessment of some of the most challenging aspects and planetary positions in your chart, and as a result it tends to focus on potential problems. It would be a mistake to assume that all the health issues mentioned in this report will actually be experienced. Be aware too, that our Natal Chart is not a static thing. It is a symbolic representation of our potential, which unfolds and develops as we journey through life. Our conscious actions and choices play a key role in health too.
Essential oils should not be swallowed. If used in a burner, they should be diluted with water. If used for massage they should be added to suitable carrier oil such as almond oil, before use. Do your own research before using essential oils. Certain oils are not recommended for some conditions and some can be harmful and/or toxic. There are a number of contra-indicators to be aware of when using herbal treatments too. Some oils and herbs can be harmful during pregnancy and individual people can be sensitive or allergic to particular substances.
Herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals can be helpful in restoring health, but be aware that some substances can be toxic if used in excess and can have a detrimental effect on health. Some people are allergic to certain herbs and some herbal remedies are contra-indicated during pregnancy. Seek professional advice from a naturopath or herablist before starting treatment.
The author takes no responsibility for any adverse reactions caused. The information in this report is offered as a guide to health. The author takes no responsibility for the specific use or application of information presented here, nor for any unwanted effects encountered. Do not attempt self-treatment for serious health conditions.
Your Basic Health Needs

The overall balance of Elements and Modes (also called qualities) is connected with our general attitudes and perspective and shows whether our values, point of view and style of expression are particularly focused towards certain tendencies of temperament, or whether there is some under-emphasis. The balance of Elements and qualities also relates to one's overall constitution. Where there is too much, or too little, of any Element or quality, there can be a corresponding imbalance that we need to address in order to bring about emotional, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing. Fire provides creativity, confidence and energy, Earth gives practical skills and the ability to deal with reality, Air is associated with social and communication skills, while Water provides the capacity for intimacy, emotional connection and nurturing.
Mode Cardinal is Moderate
Mode Fixed is Moderate
Mode Mutable is Moderate
The Modes in your chart are balanced. This means that you possess the capacity for self-determination, initiative and leadership (Cardinal), along with persistence and resilience (Fixed) while also remaining adaptable and open to change and new experiences (Mutable). You possess these three qualities in fairly equal measure, which is a sign that in your journey through life, you are able to call on these qualities when you need to. Having the Modes balanced also indicates that you are capable of attuning your inner self to your outer experiences. There are stages and cycles in life and you possess the necessary skills to manage and adapt.
Your Emotional Health
The Moon symbolises our capacity to give and receive nurturing. Our feelings, emotions and personal inner life all relate to the Moon, as does food and nutrition. Our emotional wellbeing often relates to inherited patterns of behaviour from our parents and/or defence mechanisms that we learnt in childhood. The Sign in which the Moon is located will describe the way in which our need for nurturing and emotional security is sought and met. As adults, we still have a child within us that continues to seek comfort and protection.
The Moon is in Pisces
Having sympathy and understanding for others provides you with a feeling of emotional health and wellbeing. You possess a deeply active imagination and a rich inner life. Expressing your feelings is something that you do quite naturally and comfortably, as you are in tune with your own sensitivity and personal needs, as well as the needs of others. But your peace loving and caring nature probably has great difficulty adjusting to some of the harsher aspects of life and being in stressful situations can make you want to escape into dreams and fantasy, or potentially alcohol or substance abuse. Having a peaceful place where you can find spiritual solace is very important, as is having a creative outlet for your highly developed imagination. You are a caring person and give selflessly to anyone and everyone who might appear to need help. Try not to fall into dependent relationships out of a misplaced sense of service, or a desperate desire to connect or belong. Try to establish firmer boundaries in your dealings with others.
Apart from the Sign of the Moon, lunar aspects describe our habits and moods. The moon travels quickly across the heavens and it is constantly forming aspects to the other planets and the Earth. The moon's aspects relate to these repeating patterns of behaviour that develop early in life. Our lunar aspects are familiar to us and comfortable; they are where we take refuge in times of stress and are therefore a key component of our wellbeing. Our emotional responses are seen in lunar aspects and so too are psychosomatic conditions, which are the body's reaction to emotional stress. The Moon symbolises the unconscious mind, where personal beliefs and emotional patterns are stored. Habits, phobias, fears and even physical problems that arise from stress can be eliminated using techniques such as hypnotherapy and behavioural therapies. Bad habits can be replaced by good habits that support health and wellbeing. Counselling and psychotherapy are also effective ways to heal emotional problems.
The Moon is Sesquisquare Mercury
You may find that life can be confusing at times. Sometimes there is so much going on that life can quickly get out of hand. In childhood you may have experienced a lot of change, for example perhaps you moved around from place to place a great deal, or experienced events that created a feeling of insecurity or uncertainty. You had to learn to adjust quickly to new circumstances and adapt. This can also mean that you are prone to sudden emotional fluctuations. Perhaps a family member behaved erratically and you experience similar mood swings. You have a vivid imagination and sometimes it can be difficult to reconcile this with day-to-day reality. A good outlet and therapy for you can be to express your ideas, thoughts, imagination and feelings in creative writing or journaling. If you experience insomnia or other sleep disturbances, the herb valerian can help you relax and sleep soundly.
The Moon is Conjunct Jupiter
Your early life established a belief within you that you could overcome any limitation or challenge. You formed strong views about the world and what your role in life was about and you developed leadership skills. You have a powerful belief in yourself and in your skills and ability, however this has the potential to become overblown. Your confidence may not truly reflect your capacity to manage. You are liable to bite off more than you can digest and are prone to be too confident and perhaps boastful. This tendency can also manifest in over-eating, or drinking too much alcohol both of which can damage your liver. Highly risky behaviour, over-exercising and other excesses can lead to accidents if you fail to take enough care and pay attention. These tendencies perhaps stem from childhood when you started acting out in order to get attention. Try to moderate your behaviour by setting limits and personal targets and goals that are not so massive. Use discipline to enhance your personal growth. Over time you will discover that 'more' is not necessarily better.
The Moon is Square Neptune
Events you witnessed as a child perhaps filled you with uncertainty or confusion. Perhaps one of your parents behaved in ways that were difficult for you to understand. They may have been ill, and you may have wanted to help them, but were unable to. Perhaps a family member engaged in substance abuse, or was mentally unstable, or suffered from emotional problems. As a result you are highly sensitive and intuitive. This sensitivity generally guides you well, but sometimes your radar can be off target, leading to more confusion on your part. Your sensitivity also makes you prone to chemical and food allergies. Avoid alcohol and exposure to chemicals as much as possible. Psychosomatic reactions are triggered by emotional stress. This can be an issue for you when you are uncertain of your feelings, or how to express them, leaving you with feelings of self doubt.
It is possible that you may be prone to depression and at times feel misunderstood. Try to believe more in yourself for you are a caring and generous soul. In trying to fit in and feel you belong, you are apt to give others the benefit of the doubt, and some people will take advantage of you. It is therefore important for you to establish a clear set of guiding principles, beliefs and boundaries that will build a stronger sense of self, based on healthy values that you know to be true. Learning about the unconscious mind and how it works will aid this process. Reiki, hypnotherapy and other forms of spiritual healing can be especially beneficial, but following the traditional healing model is also advised for this aspect. Mysterious symptoms involving the endocrine and lymphatic systems, or involving hormones and fluid metabolism can be difficult to diagnose, so insist on getting a second opinion if it is warranted. Ultimately, put your faith in your own capacity to heal.
Your Vitality And Wellbeing

The Sun plays a vital role in matters of health. The Sun governs physical stamina and vitality. We get Vitamin D directly from the Sun, and a lack of exposure to sunshine can lead to a host of illnesses including seasonal depression, especially for those who live in extreme latitudes.
The Sun Sign will often describe our manner of self-expression. It can also reveal information about our physical type and the kinds of ailments that can affect us, including parts of the body that are affected by stress and genetically inherited conditions.
The Sun Sign represents the essence of who we are. It is largely associated with our sense of identity. As we move through life and learn more about ourselves, we tend to become more like our Sun Sign.
Early in life, the Sun Sign is more likely to express itself as ego. Later in life, as we come to know ourselves, our self-expression becomes more developed. Jung's concept of the 'Self' is also associated with the Sun Sign, which begins to emerge as we develop and mature. As we move through life, we move away from purely ego expression, towards a more comprehensive style of self-expression.
Stress can manifest according to the Sign in which the Sun is placed and this can affect our wellbeing and health. For example, when our ego expression is thwarted, if we lack confidence, or are fearful about expressing ourselves.
As we get to know ourselves and develop more fully, we become more conscious and aware, so our Sun Sign shines ever more brightly.
The Sun is in Leo
You are an energetic, creative and confident person who is enthusiastic and optimistic about life. It is important that you have an outlet for your creativity. You have a strong sense of your personal identity and ego as well as a robust physical constitution. You do not often become sick, but you can push yourself too hard and think you are invincible. You might need to learn to lessen the pace of living, particularly as you get older, and especially if you think that you are immune to ageing. On the other hand, you can be prone to bouts of laziness, so try to moderate your physical activity and exercise. You are not invincible, so pay attention to your health and always seek medical advice when you are unwell.
When you feel stressed you may experience back problems, heart palpitations, circulation problems, chronic fatigue or cardiovascular problems. Fertility problems can also be an area of concern for you. Most of these problems can be reduced by minimising stress. Try to limit your intake of spicy foods, minimise alcohol consumption, and avoid too many late nights. In winter try to get extra vitamin D as you can be prone to seasonal depression. Aromatherapy oils and herbs that can aid circulation include: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Sage, Sandalwood and Tea Tree.
Although you are a natural leader, one of your lessons is to let others have the spotlight once in a while. You do not need to be constantly at the centre of things, though you may feel that you do. You are loyal and supportive of others as well as being a leader. As you mature and move through life, you will come to understand that you can shine and be rewarded without having to be at the centre of things. You are naturally creative and it is important for you to have an outlet for self-expression, this might be expressed as a strong desire to have children. Try not to force your offspring into activities that you think will be good for them, nor try to live their lives for them. You are naturally generous and loving. Your children will return your generosity with interest.
Your Vitality - The Life Force
The position of the Sun has a great deal to say about one's overall constitution, vitality and health. The House in which the Sun is placed corresponds directly with the time of day that you were born. Generally speaking, a person born during the day is thought to have a more powerful and dynamic solar energy and to be more extraverted and direct in their manner of self-expression, than someone born during the night, when more subtle night forces make for more introspection.
The Sun is in the 6th House
You are a very hard worker and like to do everything to the best of your ability. Your self-identity is largely determined by your work or job. However, you could be prone to digestive complaints or assimilation disorders, metabolic problems, or burnout, especially if you feel unhappy in your occupation, or daily routine. Also make sure you watch what you eat, as you may be sensitive to particular foods. Most importantly, find an enjoyable job and change your routine once in a while, which will have an enormously positive effect on your wellbeing.
Your attitude has a large bearing on your overall health and happiness. You often worry about your health and have a tendency towards hypochondria. As you learn to go with the flow of life and discover more about yourself, you will find that you can stop trying to be perfect and just enjoy living. This will improve your general outlook and health. You were born just after sunset, when the Sun's rays are beginning to retreat at dusk, signifying that you are highly analytical and trying to make sense of your experiences. For this reason, you need to spend time alone on a regular basis, but don't isolate yourself too much from others. You set very high standards for yourself and like to be self-sufficient, but you can be overly focused on attaining perfection, which you never reach. Try not to put yourself under so much pressure. Learn to laugh more and make time to relax away from work. Try yoga, golf, Tai Chi or bushwalking.
Managing the Physical Demands of Living
When challenging relationships are formed between the Sun and other planets, this can relate to internal and external stress factors that can lead to health problems, if ways are not found to balance their energies. The Sun is a vital component of life and vitality. These aspects can be potent indicators of one's overall health and wellbeing.
Magnesium, Iodine, Vitamin A and Vitamin D are ruled by the Sun. A deficiency or incorrect assimilation of any of these minerals and vitamins can be the cause of health problems when there are difficult aspects involving the Sun.
Also consider those vitamins and minerals that are associated with the planet involved in the challenging aspect with the Sun, for this too may provide clues as to potential deficiencies, that when brought into balance, can aid healing.
These challenging aspects involving the Sun can also symbolise aspects of our internal psychology that we need to integrate, so that they flow with more ease and work for us, rather than fighting with them, for we are really only fighting with ourselves.
The Moon is Quincunx The Sun
A deficiency of Vitamin B2 and/or Potassium, or deficiencies of magnesium, iodine, or Vitamins A or D are possible with this aspect. There can be an imbalance between your vitality, energy and enthusiasm on the one hand, and your inner capacity to cope with all that is going on in your external environment. Therefore, it is important that you get proper nutrition into your body. You may need much more, or far less sleep than the average person, or you may experience sleep disturbances. A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow at night can help you relax and unwind. Valerian is a wonderful herbal supplement that is most helpful for insomnia.
You may find it difficult to express yourself creatively while at the same time honouring your feelings and emotions, or you may feel torn between your family commitments and your professional life, which can be difficult to manage at times. It is important to deal with this stress by adopting regular relaxation or other techniques, which will help you to cope and feel more at ease. Your challenge is to find a way to balance your daily, conscious activities with your personal, inner and unconscious life. Both inner and outer experiences are important.
Venus is Semisquare The Sun
Sugar metabolism can be compromised when too much sugar and refined carbohydrates are consumed, therefore to avoid potential diabetes or pancreatic disorders, hypoglycaemia and other problems, the intake of sugar and processed food should be kept to a minimum. You may have a sweet tooth and you could be intolerant to wheat. Thyroid conditions, kidney problems, eating disorders, weight gain/loss, and issues involving poor self-esteem can develop as a result of stress build-up. A lack of B3 can result in skin problems such as dermatitis and even mental disturbances. Many of these conditions can be corrected by eating nutritious food, forging positive and supportive relationships and honouring your own values. The mineral copper and Vitamin E can be of enormous benefit to your system. You are most likely highly creative or artistic and should try to engage in these activities on a regular basis. In addition, try to ensure that your diet includes plenty of vitamins, especially B and E.
Mars is Sesquisquare The Sun
You are a highly dynamic person and tend to expend a great deal of energy in all you do. You are probably quite driven and very active. You may take risks and enjoy experiencing adrenaline highs that come with adventure. Accidents are possible, including possible broken bones and head injuries, particularly if you are given to be too hasty or impatient.
It is vital to ensure you have enough stores of physical energy to call upon. Iron, Cobalt, Chlorine, Folic Acid, Molybdenum, Selenium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Fatty Acids and Vitamin B12 are associated with energy and vitality. If your energy wanes it is important to investigate any potential deficiency of these minerals and vitamins. Magnesium and Iodine and Vitamin D are also vital. You sometimes tend to overdo things and push yourself to the absolute limit. As a result you are open to a range of potential problems such as cardiovascular ailments, high blood pressure, inflammatory conditions, acid-alkaline imbalance, headaches, migraines and fevers, or blood disorders such as anaemia, from too little iron. Vitamin and mineral supplements can assist, but also try to eat the correct foods and don't go overboard with alcohol.
Because you are dynamic and driven, you can also be explosive at times and anger can be the root cause of some of these conditions. Anger management can go a long way towards a return to health. Calming, soothing and relaxing activities are probably something you don't have time for, but they are necessary and vital to your overall wellbeing.
Stress can manifest in other ways too. Adrenal exhaustion, sexual problems, and chronic fatigue can occur. But all these conditions are more likely if you ignore symptoms and continue to overdo things when you should rest and recuperate.
Saturn is Square The Sun
You take your responsibilities very seriously. Because of this tendency, you tend to worry and this can result in a range of stress related problems including bouts of depression. Try to laugh more and just enjoy living without worry or fear. Balance your responsibilities and capacity for hard work by scheduling time for your personal life and needs.
Your bones, teeth and joints can feel the effects of stress. Calcium, Fluorine, PABA, Sulphur, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin P are important to include in your diet. Arthritis or poor calcium assimilation and skin conditions such as psoriasis can develop. Fear can play an important role in health too. You may experience certain phobias or fears that can block spontaneous expression, and which can impact on your health. Broken bones, and conditions such as osteoporosis are also possible. Regular chiropractic care and exercise may be of particular help to you. Slow metabolism or problems with the spleen or gall bladder are another area that can be affected. Vitamin D and calcium work together, so try to ensure you get enough of sunshine. Singing is an activity that can have enormous benefit to your soul.
Your Health Factors

The Ascendant is one of the most important factors to consider in determining one's overall health. The Sign on the Ascendant governs the physical body and one's immediate environment. It represents the interface between spirit and matter. The Ascendant often describes our physical appearance and the way we interact with others. The Sign that is Rising at your time of birth is usually quite obvious; often more so than the Sun Sign. The concept of the "persona" is thought to be associated with the Ascendant. This is the "mask" we wear, or the face that we show to the world and therefore the Ascendant Sign corresponds to characteristics that are immediately apparent. The Sign on the Ascendant also describes areas of the body where we might feel the effects of any stress that we encounter in our interaction with the world around us. The Ascendant will often describe those health conditions that manifest as a result of short-term stress. This area of the horoscope corresponds with acute health conditions and the stress we encounter when we are trying to fit in, or trying to put our best side forward, especially when we feel we must hide our true nature.
The Ascendant is in Aquarius
Your energy levels may fluctuate a great deal and you can be prone to mood swings, including bouts of depression. At times you can be overly anxious and so relaxation techniques such as meditation, or Tai Chi can help you relax. Conditions that can manifest with an Aquarius Ascendant include: blood disorders, oedema, heart disease, varicose veins, rheumatism, nervous disorders, epilepsy, depression, circulation issues, or fluid retention that leads to swelling of the ankles.
At the core of these problems can be an underlying apprehension, or fearful approach to living. You may try to fit into situations where you do not really feel comfortable and in trying to be something that you are not, you subject your nervous system to a great deal of unnecessary stress. It may take you a while to get to know your true identity and find your special niche. You are a unique individual and your approach to the world means you need to stand apart from the mainstream.
Sometimes you can be apprehensive about the future, and at other times too focused on what might happen next and have trouble adjusting to the here and now.
Eventually you will learn more about yourself and be content to embrace your uniqueness. Your personal confidence will grow as you mature and you will recognise that it is okay to be yourself. You are a sensitive person and you are somewhat highly strung. As you develop confidence in yourself you will feel more comfortable interacting with others and the wider world and you will begin to feel less scattered.
Even so, an inner sense of nervousness may never quite leave you and as a result you may experience some peculiar ailments that are unusual, or rare. Try to get more in touch with your feelings and try to express yourself without fear. Find a creative outlet. Schedule regular time for relaxation and activities that ground you, such as gardening or walking.
Aromatherapy oils and herbs that can assist with problems common to Aquarius rising include: Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Marjoram, Orange, Cypress and Lemon.
Your Strengths and Sensitivities
The 1st House of your Horoscope and the Ascendant are associated astrologically with the physical body. The Ascendant is the place of interface between the physical and spiritual realms.
The Ascendant also describes your immediate environment and general physical type. Planets in the 1st House and in particular those that are in conjunction with the Ascendant, are considered to be very strong. These planets tell us something more about our physical appearance, vitality and manner of expression.
Any planets that make a conjunction to the Ascendant are especially powerful. These planets and any that are located in the 1st House should be taken into consideration when assessing your physical attributes and health.
Planets located here represent energies that are generally operating very consciously and their qualities are usually quite apparent to others too.
These planets will modify the expression of the Ascendant Sign, and in some cases may seem to contradict it, but taken together you will probably strongly identify with both the Ascendant Sign and any planets in the 1st House.
The Moon is in the 1st House
You are a sensitive and highly aware individual. This sensitivity also applies to certain foods, chemicals and/or drugs and it is important that you find a way to protect yourself from taking on the psychic content of others, which can actually make you unwell. Expressing your feelings is important for you and doing so will help you maintain optimum health. On the other hand, bottling up your emotions will likely make you sick. If you can't get things off your chest directly, then try writing them down, you will soon feel better. You might be prone to psychosomatic illnesses, which are more likely when you are feeling emotionally out of sorts and cannot pinpoint the exact reason for any feelings of unease. Wearing moonstone can help to balance your hormonal levels.
Your intuition and imagination are highly developed, so it is important you heed your instincts, especially during times of stress. Rest when you feel the need to. From time to time you may need to withdraw from the world in order to recuperate. You may find that you are a gifted healer and might be particularly helpful with children, or in healing those with mood disorders or psychological problems.
You may reach for food when you feel upset, in an attempt to fill yourself up emotionally. As a result you can be prone to weight-gain caused by oedema, or simply eating too much. Try to eat sensibly. Include fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Drink plenty of water and don't eat too much salt. Apple cider vinegar is a good source of potassium and can greatly assist when there is too much sodium in your system. It is also an appetite suppressant. Ensure you get enough B-group vitamins, which will assist your physical system to process emotional and psychic content.
Jupiter is in the 1st House
You love life and see it as an adventure. You are usually optimistic, have a positive attitude and enjoy living life to the full. You may be prone to over indulgence in all manner things, including food and drink. Many people with Jupiter placed here, are big-boned, very tall or have a large-framed body and can gain weight easily. Watch your sugar and fat intake and check that you have no metabolic problems that might lead to obesity or diabetes. Try to eat sensibly. Try smaller portions if you are trying to lose weight and don't go overboard with indulgent activities. Sometimes you lack self-discipline.
You are usually confident, outgoing and extravert in your manner of expression but on occasion you can be lazy and over-confident, thinking that nothing can ever go wrong. You will probably have your fair share of good luck and opportunities. Make them work for you and try not to waste your good fortune. Include plenty of B-group vitamins in your diet, especially B6. Supplements of the minerals Manganese and Zinc can also be beneficial to your system. Liver cleansing now and then can be of tremendous benefit to your system; try dandelion tea.
Inner Needs and Outer Experiences - Finding Balance
When certain planets and the Ascendant are at odds with one another, we can experience inner tension and challenges that can feel as if we are being pulled in two directions at once. The Ascendant is that part of us that interfaces with our immediate environment, so when planets are in hard aspect to the Ascendant, we can encounter challenges as we try to express ourselves in the wider world. We can also experience issues that arise because there are differences between what we want to express and what we think is expected of us. Stress can build up over time if there is no outlet for self-expression, so these aspects can be potent indicators of one's overall health and wellbeing. As we learn to work with some of these challenges, they can actually help us to grow and to lead more purposeful lives.
The Sun is Opposite The Ascendant
Your energy and vitality are strong and you strive to do your best. In all your activities and in your creative and self-expression you enjoy competition, in its many forms. In exercise and sport you also like to challenge yourself to do better. You strive for the highest standards in many areas of life and are usually confident that you can overcome any illnesses or setbacks that you encounter, but sometimes you can over-estimate your capacity to cope. Cardiovascular illnesses, circulation or back problems can develop if you push yourself too far, without taking into account the actual circumstances in which you find yourself. You have a powerful constitution, but stress can take its toll on your health if you think you are invincible and if you ignore limitations or practical considerations. Although you are very strong, you are not super-human. You may need to develop more perspective and find a healthy balance between activity and rest. Wearing Tiger-Eye crystal can assist you to express your passions in practical and sustaining ways. Magnesium and iodine, vitamin A and D are ruled by the Sun, so it is important you have enough of these minerals and vitamins to maintain optimum health.
Venus is Sesquisquare The Ascendant
You strive to develop close intimate relationships. Despite any setbacks you encounter in your dealings with people, you are still determined to find and establish supportive ties. You will make every effort to work at your personal relationships. However, as your values are important to you, you may be unwilling to compromise those priorities and values that are closest to your heart, just so a relationship can work. Once you establish your priorities, you stick to them, and you can sometimes be judgemental of those who see things differently. You may need to recognise your inner worth and that others' values have equal merit.
When things get out of balance in your personal life you can experience a range of conditions such as possible sugar problems, thyroid conditions, kidney problems, potential Vitamin E deficiency, eating disorders, weight gain/loss, or issues involving self-esteem. A lack of B3 can result in skin problems such as dermatitis and even mental disturbances. Ensure you get plenty of Vitamin B and E in your diet, which will assist during times of stress. You are probably highly creative and may possess artistic skills. Using these talents on a regular basis will be healing to your soul and fulfilling in other ways as well.
Finding a way to express yourself in accordance with your true values, while at the same time maintaining supportive and harmonious relationships, is one of your main challenges. Wearing Rose Quartz can assist in enhancing feelings of unconditional love, both giving and receiving.
Mars is Semisquare The Ascendant
You are a fighter. You will stand up for your rights and for injustice and can be a powerful advocate for getting issues heard. Your competitive nature means you are capable of putting a great deal of energy into issues and causes that are close to your heart. This is a positive way to express your inner passions and you will discover it is also more worthwhile than simply focusing on expressing your ego, competing to attain personal goals, or having your own desires met. You generally have a great deal of energy and passion that fuels your body and mind, but try to ensure that you do not overdo things. Get plenty of vitamins and minerals, especially B12 and Iron and also try to make time to relax.
Taking things too far can result in cardiovascular ailments, high blood pressure, inflammatory conditions, problems with the adrenal glands, headaches, migraines and fevers. Anger can be the root cause of these problems. Anger management can go a long way towards a return to health. You may have sudden outbursts from time to time. Although these are usually short lived, they can have a dramatic impact on your relationships and your life in general. Swallowing your anger won't work either because repressed hostility can also lead to disease. Channel your energy and any feelings of frustration into sport, exercise, or make efforts to affect positive changes in the world around you.
Dispositor of The Ascendant (Uranus) is Square Jupiter
It is important for you to have a sense of purpose and to follow your visions. You are capable of doing this, because you tend to express yourself with confidence. It does not appear to others that you have any worries or concerns. You are generally relaxed in your style of expression and you may be viewed as an authority in your field. Perhaps things are too easy. Problems can result if you do not have a clear vision of what your life should be. Your early experiences may have taught you that to be successful you must appear successful, and this is usually a winning formula, but part of you needs to have an underlying belief or purpose to feel whole. If you do not have a sense of purpose or meaning, you can drift through life.
Until you find your mission in life, you can be quite restless and may have a tendency to over-indulge in food, alcohol or drugs. Alcoholism is possible with this aspect and liver problems can result. High cholesterol and heart conditions can also take hold. Weight gain and metabolic problems such as diabetes are also possible. Supplements of Vitamin B6 and Zinc can be beneficial for you.
Don't waste your positive energy and opportunities on self-indulgent behaviour; use it to make the world a better place. This is a much more productive, worthwhile and healthy option. Keep searching for your mission and purpose and try to make practical use of your many skills and talents.
Saturn is Square The Ascendant
It is important that you have a goal or ambition in life and are able to express yourself by working towards attaining achievement. If you are thwarted in attaining your ambitions you can become discouraged, depressed, frustrated or angry. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again", is a good motto for you to follow. Sometimes you give up through lack of confidence and sometimes you spend too much time and energy doing what you think is expected of you.
Once you have hit upon a plan, start to work towards it in a methodical way and you will eventually achieve lasting results. Feelings of depression, frustration or anger are best channelled into helping others, or taking time out to consider fresh alternatives. You can sometimes be too focused on getting where you want to be in your professional life and can overlook your personal life and other needs. You take your responsibilities too seriously at times and worry too much. Spend more time just relaxing and enjoying yourself. Try to get enough sunshine, Vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin C.
Bones, teeth and joints can be under stress with Saturn here. Arthritis, skin conditions and problems such as osteoporosis are possible. Chiropractic care may be helpful. These conditions can be a signal that you need to work through some fears you may have. Phobias or fears can block spontaneous expression, which can impact on your health. You may need to learn that laughter and fun are just as important as your responsibilities.
Dispositor of The Ascendant (Uranus) is Opposite Chiron
You are a sensitive and caring soul who can easily be wounded. You may be subjected to an illness or psychological wound that could have a profound impact on you physically and/or emotionally. As you move through life you will come to realise that you possess a unique gift for healing, indeed a profession in the healing area would ideally suit your temperament. You are wise beyond your years. Listen to and honour your inner self. You may find that you are put into situations that are painful and through this suffering you will become a more caring and giving individual. You will come to understand that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions are intertwined and of equal importance. You will experience profound healing and can make a valuable contribution by teaching others the lessons you learn. You may feel alone in your suffering, but you are capable of providing a beacon of hope that helps to inspire others in similar situations.
Dispositor of The Ascendant is Uranus
Being able to express yourself creatively is one of your most pressing needs. Finding an outlet for your particular talents is important for your sense of wellbeing, however you may find it difficult to find a vehicle or method to facilitate this expression. It is important that you honour your unique individuality and express yourself without fear. You are perhaps a rather eccentric person who may be misunderstood, or you may have trouble fitting in. Your interests, for example, could be unusual and your manner of expression can be difficult for people to understand. You tend to manage well on your own and your unique individuality is something of which you are proud, but you still need to find a way to interact with the wider world.
Stress can deplete your body of vitamins and minerals and can also result in a variety of nervous disorders. Conditions such as epilepsy, circulation problems, anxiety, or mental illnesses are possible. You could also experience some rare or unusual health conditions. At times you may feel isolated or misunderstood, and this can lead to feelings of depression.
It is important for you to express your individuality and creativity perhaps by developing more interaction with like-minded people. While it is necessary for you to recognise your uniqueness and to find your special niche in life, it is also important not to isolate yourself too much from others.
Learning yoga or Tai Chi could be highly beneficial for you, as these practises facilitate and enhance the natural flow of energy within your body and externally in your environment.
Health Challenges

The 6th House yields important information about one's health. The 6th House is also the House of work and daily activities, which indicates the connection that exists between all these aspects of life. The 6th House is also associated with our habits. To stay healthy it is important to eat sensibly, to establish good habits and to manage daily stress.
Planets connected to the 6th House often symbolise, or describe various parts of the body that we need to monitor for the effects of long-term stress.
Unlike the Ascendant and planets in the 1st House, which usually describe more acute physical conditions, the 6th House tends to correspond with more chronic health problems that can build up over time.
Our regular day-to-day activities, our habits, and our occupation are all connected with this House, the House of health. It can be difficult to change our habits and routines, but it is possible. By making conscious decisions that bring about better health, we can use the 6th House energies to establish healthy habits.
Ruler of the 6th House is The Moon
It is important for you to eat well. Your eating habits and diet have a particular impact on your overall health. When under stress you might tend to reach for food, or you may develop specific food allergies.
You are a caring person who understands the feelings and emotions of others, but you need to honour your own feelings too. It is important that you feel good about your work situation, as stress in the workplace can take a toll. You might prefer to take on the role of homemaker, or caregiver, or to work from home, rather than have a regular job in the wider world. Whatever your daily routine, activities or occupation, honour your feelings and your intuition and learn to nurture yourself, as well as others.
Failing to honour your feelings in this way, can lead to a range of psychosomatic reactions including stomach upsets and problems with the digestive system. Prolonged stress and bad habits can also lead to problems with breasts, lymph circulation, or fluid metabolism. Hormonal imbalances and emotional disorders such as depression can also result.
You sometimes tend to hold your emotions inside you and may feel uncomfortable about sharing your feelings, but finding a comfortable way to express your emotions will lift a weight from your heart. Ensure you get plenty of potassium and B-Group vitamins in your diet, especially during times of stress.
Mercury is in the 6th House
You are often on the go and probably lead a busy life. You are capable and efficient, but at times you can be under more stress than you think, for you are no slouch. You work hard and probably don't mind taking on a variety of tasks, which you perform well. From time to time, try to get in touch with and express your feelings too. Now and again take a break and slow down the pace, especially when you are not feeling well. Ensure you get plenty of B-Group vitamins in your diet.
Stress can manifest as respiratory problems, such as asthma, or allergies. You may be prone to digestive problems and/or viral infections, especially when you let yourself run down. Parts of your body that are potentially vulnerable to the cumulative effects of stress are: lungs, arms, shoulders, larynx, sinuses, urethra and the small intestine, as well as the nervous system. You can be prone to chronic shoulder, arm or wrist problems too, including 'frozen shoulder' from long hours spent in front of the computer.
Try not to eat on the run. Stop what you are doing and sit down to meals, eating slowly. Include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet.
Limiting the Impact of Chronic Stress
The 6th House is the House of health and also of work. When planets form challenging aspects to this House they can symbolise day-to-day obstacles and/or frustrations that we encounter which cause stress reactions that can impact on our health. Planets in hard aspect to the 6th House are often those that we find frustrating in some way. These aspects are often associated with health matters, especially chronic conditions and they also remind us how important it is to manage day-to-day stress.
However, your own chart does not have any planets that fall into this category. Therefore you will need to refer to the other sections of this report to find advice which is relevant to your chart.
Physical Energy and Exercise
Iron, Cobalt, Chlorine, Folic Acid, Molybdenum, Selenium, Phosphorus, and Sodium, along with Fatty Acids and Vitamin B12 are associated with Mars. Mars is a primary masculine or yang archetype, associated with our physical energy and vitality. Mars also governs the adrenal glands, the sexual response, the blood and the muscles. So the position of Mars describes our physical energy, competitiveness and our passions. The usual action of Mars is direct, spontaneous and forceful.
Mars is also the planet associated with our ego. The location of Mars tells us how we go about getting what we want, or how we turn our desires into reality. Mars also represents how we handle ourselves when our desires are thwarted.
Used positively, Mars is associated with expressing our personal desires in spontaneous and creative ways and expressing our creative energy in ways that fulfil our desires. If too intense in its expression, Mars can be destructive, overly focused on ego, angry, hostile or aggressive. When under active, Mars can operate in a passive-aggressive fashion, or can result in a lack of drive and energy.
Mars is in Capricorn
Your energy is released in a measured way. You are likely to go in for activities and exercises that require stamina and endurance. For example: rock climbing, bushwalking, golf, gardening, yoga or weight training. Your energy is often directed into your professional life and consequently you might find it difficult to make time for exercise, on the other hand, once you commit yourself to a routine, and make the time, you are usually very disciplined and can adopt a regular exercise schedule with relative ease. You may even end up working in a profession related to sport or athletics.
You are a hard worker and are prepared to put your energy into whatever you undertake and work towards the desired result over a long period of time. Possible health problems from this Mars position include inflammation of joints, arthritis, and chronic knee problems.
You have a strong desire to attain professional success and you have the where with all, to make your desires into realities. You recognise that others, especially those in a position of authority, can assist you to make your way in the world, but you are prepared to rely on your own efforts too. This is a winning combination. You tend to be a planner and are very pragmatic. When you encounter obstacles, you just work harder. Sometimes you can be overly focused on material success or professional status. Make an equal effort where your health in concerned.
Mars is in the 11th House
You are adventurous and will try just about anything once. Your energy can sometimes fluctuate a great deal and you can be accident-prone if you have a tendency to rush. Activities suited to your energy style include: cycling, water-sports, sailing, kayaking and windsurfing and you will probably also enjoy team sports and working out in the gym. You will enjoy being involved in exercises or activities that involve new technology or unusual activities might also appeal. In health matters, Mars here can indicate circulation problems, shin, calf and ankle injuries and rare inflammatory conditions.
You are open to experimentation. You like to be involved in a variety of interests and activities to see what they are like. Anything new interests you. If a friend suggests something, you are first in line to give it a go. This also includes schemes and business ideas, some of which may not be that workable. You would benefit from some practical advice. When you do not get what you want, you just move on to the next project. Sometimes you can be overly fixated on a particular activity and at other times you can be a bit scattered. Your physical actions can be a bit erratic and jerky sometimes. Learning Tai Chi or yoga will help your energy to flow more rhythmically.
Healing Solutions

Astrologically, Chiron is the archetype most associated with healing. In myth, Chiron was a wise centaur and a teacher of the healing arts. His wisdom comes from experience. Wounded accidentally by Hercules, Chiron's story is also symbolic of our own journey towards wholeness and healing. Chiron was a healer and teacher and also physician, prophet and musician. Named for this mythological healer, the small planet Chiron was discovered in 1977, heralding the arrival into consciousness of many new aspects of complementary medicine and alternative healing techniques, just as the mythological Chiron was adept in these natural arts and sciences. The position of Chiron in our Birth Chart reveals information about where we might get in touch with our inner healer. Chiron symbolises our wounds and painful experiences and it is also the agent via which we can return to full health and reclaim our sense of wellbeing. The location of Chiron reveals clues about how we experience wounding and how we can find healing, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Chiron is in Gemini
Part of your experience could include a deep wounding that in some way relates to your intellectual capacity. Perhaps you experienced some sort of learning disability, or maybe you missed some schooling due to ill health, so part of you feels unsure of your intellectual ability and hence you strive to attain more information and knowledge. At some point you might feel you are intellectually inadequate, which can lead you to over-compensate by cramming your head full of information, facts and data.
At the same time you may feel a sense of stress that can stem from information overload, travel and mobility issues, or generally doing too much, which then leads problems such as recurring shoulder tension, colds, flu, asthma, bronchitis, chest and sinus conditions.
Learning new information can also be quite stressful for you and because it is painful, you might try to avoid it. Returning to study throughout life may be challenging for you, but it will also be highly rewarding and healing, and show you how to embrace your full potential. Teaching, writing or speaking could play a large role in your life. You are both student and teacher.
Make time to express your feelings, emotions and needs too. You will learn that communication comes in many forms, not just in words, facts and ideas. Healing begins when you stop trying to do ten things at once and keep an open mind.
Chiron is in the 4th House
The wounds you experience in childhood may affect you in a profound way. Stress sources for you are often related to family, parents, and your emotional development. Emotional healing could become a priority for you. At some point you are likely to be involved in a process of deep-seated healing that in some way is connected with home, family, domestic matters and emotional security. Where do I belong? Where is home? What constitutes a family? These are some of the questions that lie deep within you. You are a sensitive soul who will probably develop a rich inner life.
You may become interested in investigating old patterns and family relationships, and in the process you will learn a great deal about yourself. You will discover how the past has contributed to your present and you will begin to express your feelings in new ways, which will prove to be highly cathartic.
You are highly imaginative, but at times you can feel insecure. At times of stress you need to retreat from the world. It is possible you will experience some conflicting emotions, from the heights of euphoria to the depths of sadness. Your moods can fluctuate quite rapidly. Physical concerns with digestion, stomach, the breast area, fluid metabolism, or food issues can be part of your journey, and can signal the need for emotional healing.
Delving into the past, or into your own unconscious patterns using tools such as psychotherapy, will bring deep emotional healing. You may feel the need to go through this process before you can fully embrace your future. Let yourself experience this without fear. Know you are safe.
Healing options that can be additionally beneficial for you include nutrition, diet changes, counselling, family therapy, hydrotherapy, dream work, meditation, hypnotherapy, or aromatherapy. In your life, try to strike a balance between giving and receiving.
Healing Inherited Patterns
Chiron is the archetypal 'wounded healer' and his position in the horoscope reveals information about our journey towards wholeness and wellbeing. When other planets combine with Chiron, our healing journey takes on added significance. Specific wounds that we carry with us can also provide clues as to how we can find inner wisdom and ultimate healing.
Jupiter is Square Chiron
You may find it difficult to find something in which to believe, and yet a big part of you seeks to have meaning and purpose in life, for it inspires you. You are a visionary and may be called on to teach or lead others towards health and wisdom, once you find it yourself. At some point you may encounter a profound spiritual experience that has a tremendous impact on you. Spiritual healing, Reiki and faith healing, these are the kinds of experiences you may encounter and which can assist in your journey towards wholeness.
It is important that you develop meaning and a sense of purpose for this will guide you towards wisdom and wellbeing. Although you may become disillusioned by some teachings, it is important for your spiritual wellbeing to open yourself to explore a variety of philosophies and spiritual concepts. This may involve exploring different cultural and religious teachings. Potentially you are a person who can bring this knowledge to others once you have found your own inner wisdom.
Uranus is Opposite Chiron
Owing to the slow movement of the outer planets, it is important to note that these aspects can be present for a great many people and are therefore more often associated with cultural, or social conditions rather than personal ones.
Social isolation has become an issue for many people, consistent with the fact that aspects between these planets are common. Chiron and Uranus were on opposing sides of the Earth for a long period of time. Just about everyone born between 1950 and 1990 have Chiron and Uranus in opposition.
This aspect symbolises that many traditions have largely been overthrown and we have embraced new technologies and new freedoms. But at the same time those things that we once relied upon are no longer there, and this has led to a host of social problems.
The pace at which life is lived is more rapid than ever before and this can lead to its own brand of stress. Feelings of isolation are more common experiences, which can lead to depression and other mental illnesses.
Linking up with like-minded people can help us realise that we are not alone in this suffering.
Pluto is Sesquisquare Chiron
Owing to the slow movement of the outer planets, it is important to note that these aspects can be present for a great many people and are therefore more often associated with cultural, or social conditions, rather than personal ones.
Today we are becoming more aware that humanity as a whole is at a crossroads. This aspect signifies issues pertaining to the ultimate survival of life on earth and healing of collective psychological issues that are shared by all.
Aspects between these planets are common. Chiron and Pluto were on opposite sides of the Earth during much of the 1960s when this deeper awareness first came into consciousness. For those touched by this awareness, healing the planet and related big picture issues, can become a major imperative and mission in life, especially if other personal planets are also in aspect to Chiron and Pluto.
Key Parts Of The Body

Each degree of the zodiac corresponds with a specific part of the body. The location of each planet in the Birth Chart will therefore represent certain physical areas. This section lists all the anatomical degrees of your Natal planets as well as the degree of the Ascendant and 6th House cusp.
Unfortunately, the exact meaning of a few of the terms in the anatomical degrees remains unclear, even after consultation by the translator, Jane Ridder-Patrick, with German medical colleagues. However, from the zodiacal area concerned, it is relatively simple to give a fairly reliable approximation. Although he did include them along with his own work, Reinhold Ebertin was of the opinion that these degree areas are not as reliable as those he himself used.
The 'azimene degrees' are also included in this list. These degrees, which are sometimes called degrees lame and deficient, come from William Lilly's Christian Astrology written in the 17th Century. Lilly says that blindness, deafness, lameness or any other crippling disability or deformity, can be explained by the person having the Ascendant, the Ascendant ruler, the Moon or the most important planet, in either the Natal Chart or the Decumbiture Chart (a chart for the onset of an illness), in any of the Azimene Degrees (weak or lame degrees).
Please note that some of these degree areas are gender specific, and will therefore not necessarily apply to you. It is important to also keep in mind that you probably won't have health problems with all of these physical areas, nor necessarily with any of them, but if you do have a health issue that relates to any of these degree areas, you may need to investigate the nature of this particular planet further, for specific healing.
The Moon is located at the 27th degree of Pisces
Part of Body: Phalanges of right foot
The Sun is located at the 29th degree of Leo
Part of Body: Atrioventricular septum
Mercury is located at the 15th degree of Leo
Part of Body: Right atrium
Venus is located at the 15th degree of Libra
Part of Body: Right inguinal lymph nodes
Mars is located at the 13th degree of Capricorn
Part of Body: Left knee joint
Jupiter is located at the 21st degree of Pisces
Part of Body: Left fibula muscle
Saturn is located at the 4th degree of Sagittarius
Part of Body: Femur
Uranus is located at the 19th degree of Sagittarius
Part of Body: Left femur
Neptune is located at the 4th degree of Capricorn
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg
Pluto is located at the 5th degree of Scorpio
Part of Body: Testicles, left side of uterus
Chiron is located at the 21st degree of Gemini
Part of Body: Arm muscles
The North Node is located at the 23rd degree of Aries
Part of Body: Muscles of mastication
The Ascendant is located at the 29th degree of Aquarius
Part of Body: Left tibia
The Midheaven is located at the 7th degree of Sagittarius
Part of Body: Right superior femoral artery (Azimene)
The 6th house cusp is located at the 28th degree of Cancer
Part of Body: Cartilage of ribs

Eileen Nauman, The American Book of Nutrition & Medical Astrology, Astro Computing Services, San Diego, USA, 1982
Judith White and Karen Day, Aromatherapy for Scentual Awareness, Nascon & Sons Pty Ltd, Brighton Le Sands, NSW, 1992
The Anatomical Degree Areas
Reproduced with permission from Jane Ridder-Patrick
The bulk of the information on the degree areas comes from the work of Elsbeth and Reinhold Ebertin which appeared in Anatomische Entsprechunen der Tierkreisgrade, and is reproduced by kind permission of the Hermann Bauer Verlag. The translation is by Jane Ridder-Patrick.
A Handbook of Medical Astrology by Jane Ridder-Patrick, 2nd Edition published by CrabApple Press, February 2006, gives a comprehensive overview of the subject.
The Birth Planets of Usain Bolt
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 26°41 | ![]() | PISCES | 1 | F |
![]() | sun | 28°35 | ![]() | LEO | 6 | F |
![]() | mercury | 14°21 | ![]() | LEO | 6 | F |
![]() | venus | 14°33 | ![]() | LIBRA | 8 | F |
![]() | mars | 12°03 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 11 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 20°22 | ![]() | PISCES | 1 | R |
![]() | saturn | 03°14 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 9 | F |
![]() | uranus | 18°22 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 10 | R |
![]() | neptune | 03°11 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 11 | R |
![]() | pluto | 04°56 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 8 | F |
![]() | chiron | 20°31 | ![]() | GEMINI | 4 | F |
![]() | northnode | 22°05 | ![]() | ARIES | 2 | R |
![]() | southnode | 22°05 | ![]() | LIBRA | 8 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 28°37 | ![]() | AQUARIUS | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 06°41 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Usain Bolt
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | sun | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | moon |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | venus |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | mars |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | sun | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | sun | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | sun | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | moon |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | venus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | mars |
![]() | venus | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mars | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | moon |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | venus |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | venus |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | mars |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |