Astrology Yard's Blog > Guest Blogging Guidlines

How would you like to be featured on Astrology Yard's Blog? We welcome hearing from people who have a message to share with Astrology Yard's global community who wish to discuss any topic close to their heart from lifestyle and spirituality to good website reviews and humor. We are always interested in astrology topics including books and software, the astrology of relationships {love, marriage and dating}, career, money, future predictions etc. Comments are also left with backlinks to blogs and sites that contain really valuable information.
Guest Blogging Guidelines
This is how to submit guest blog posts for consideration to Astrology Yard's blog.
- Write a unique peice on your chosen topic between 500 and 1000 words formatted in a word.doc file. You may include a maximum of four backlinks, also known as hyperlinks, with keywords embeded in the body of the text.
- Attach a copyright free topic related .JPG image.
- Included in the above, you may provide an optional mini-bio, preferably about 50 words, with a promotional headshot photo .JPG
- Email all of the above to with; 'proposed guest blogger' and the heading of your blog, in the subject line of the email. Thank you for understanding that due to the large volume of emails we receive, we may not respond to your email - sorry about that.
- Upon acceptance, please place a reciprocal link to our website - on your website or in a different article to the one you have submitted for consideration. Please discuss fine details of this with us beforehand.
- Then your article will be publish on Astrology Yard's blog. Please note, it may be lightly edited.