Richard Branson Astrology, Natal Chart Money Report
Born: 18 Jul 1950, 07:00, Blackheath (London), UK. Zodiac Sign: Cancer

To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.
Richard Branson, best known as the founder of the Virgin Group, is an English Entrepeneur whose self-made $2.5 billion fortune includes two private islands. In 1999 he was knighted for his contribution to entrepreneurship. Branson is also known for his sporting achievements including the first crossing by hot-air balloon of the Atlantic (1987) and Pacific (1991).
Richard Branson comes from a middle class background, his father was a barrister and his mother a flight attendant. At school he struggled with dyslexia, dropped out at 16, and started out as a hippy entrepreneur. His first business venture was a youth-culture magazine and his next, a mail-order company called Virgin from which he was able to expand his business by adding a record shop in Oxford Street, London. With the success of the record shop, he built a recording studio called Virgin Records. The first artist on the Virgin Records label, Mike Oldfield, recorded his single "Tubular Bells" in 1973 which was a smash hit. Richard Branson expanded his business further and the Virgin Group now holds more than 200 companies including a space-tourism company, Virgin Galactic.
The following is Astrology Yard's interpretation of Richard Branson's natal chart, specifically from a finiancial prosperity perspective and sheds light on how he went from high school drop out to one of Britains highest profile billionaires.
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Financial Prosperity, Money Astrology Report

It has often been said that money does not bring happiness. It can ease some hardships, but on its own money does not make a person happy. Neither does money make a person feel rich. One person can feel wealthy with very little money, while another feels poor with a great deal. Money worries do not seem to subside when more is accumulated; in fact they often increase
In modern times more and more an indisputable link can been seen between integrity and finance. Money is not just a powerful symbol in culture but an important reality in everyday lives, as the Money, Finance and Business sections of daily newspapers attest. This report has highlighted some of the indicators in your Horoscope that point to your instinctual relationship with money. Sometimes the description might not match your experience or understanding, and sometimes contradictions can be read, but nonetheless the lessons are true. Reflecting upon the astrology will help you to become more aware of how money works in your life and how it is intimately bound up with your personal values. Money is not just a commodity, but is also a symbol of value and worth.
It is rare to meet someone who is indifferent to money. Money is a serious affair; it does matter. The word money finds its way into our modern language from the Latin word ‘moneta’ meaning mint. In the 3rd Century BCE the Romans established a mint at Juno Moneta's temple, which lasted for the next four centuries. The image of the goddess appeared on one side of the coin holding the scales in one hand and the cornucopia in the other, symbols of weighing up and balancing the abundance that the goddess provided. Ironically money has its taproot in a deeper wellspring.
Money plays an important role in your culture and society. It is also a psychological symbol and like all psychic complexes your relationship with it will be complex and complicated. As a psychic symbol, money is part of your fate; therefore becoming aware of your relationship with it helps you become more conscious of its patterns in your life. Gaining an understanding of money and its place in your life can greatly assist in helping you to accept your circumstances and live in an easier flow of life, and an easier relationship with money.
This report has been aimed at helping you understand what role money plays in your life, what you truly value and in helping you focus on your soul’s purpose.
Your Money Temperament

There are people who have money and there are people who are rich
French Fashion Designer
This section reflects on your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign (or Ascendant). The trinity of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant depict character and temperament. In this section each is considered separately, based on your Horoscope’s perspective on money. In the last section of this report all three are blended into an ancient formula known as the Part of Fortune.
In your Birth Chart the Sun depicts a driving force and is key to your identity and distinctiveness. This section does not interpret your Sun Sign in general terms, but is referring specifically to how it shapes your attitude to money and possessions. In a way the Sun is indicative of what you value, what emphasis you place on money and possessions and your ability to attract riches. Being “rich” means different things to different people; therefore this section outlines what you value, how you might feel rich. Money does not always equal a feeling of being rich. Perhaps you value freedom more than you value money? Maybe you feel rich when you are surrounded by friends and plain simple fare? On the other hand, perhaps security and money are most important.
Your Sun Sign can indicate an ability to attain great wealth; for instance your Sun in the Sign of Capricorn, Taurus or Aries could indicate great wealth. Each of these Zodiac Signs has different traits that attract wealth in different ways. If your Sun resides in one of the Angular Houses (mentioned below in this report) then you also have the ability to be wealthy. The idea is that the Sun shines its light either dimly or brightly on the wealth sectors of your Birth Chart. The placement of your Sun also shows you how you shine in the world. If you are shining brightly then you are likely to attract health, wealth and happiness. You glow and are rewarded. Your warmth, goodwill and confidence attract attention and you are able to attract riches.
The Moon can also be a strong driver when it comes to financial matters, especially psychologically and emotionally. Emotions and money are strongly linked. “Retail therapy” is commonly acknowledged as an antidote to a “down” day, yet managing emotions with material band-aids is rarely going to address the underlying forces. While an understanding of your own emotional nature is vital for self-acceptance it is not part of this report’s purpose. In this section the Money report outlines how your Moon and your emotions can influence your spending habits. When it comes to money your Moon can either help or hinder your ability to successfully handle money matters. Also what does money mean for you? What emotional need does it satisfy? Do you see money as a means of freedom, or does it provide security? Does money represent love? Do you feel more loved when someone shares their resources? These are the types of questions to ask and which your Moon will help you understand.
When reading this report take the best traits from both your Sun and Moon Signs and combine them to help you understand your value system and your emotional needs when it comes to money. This helps you learn how you can best approach your own attitude to money, your spending habits and how to invest. If your Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac Sign then you reinforce the message and you need to look to your Ascendant to see how to best move forward.
Your Ascendant is outlined as a beacon that points to your purpose in life. While money is an important component it is rarely the source of true happiness. Your Ascendant depicts how you can find purpose and meaning in your life. This helps you inject your material world with spiritual values. Health, wealth and happiness are all derived from living a worthy life. A meaningful life is one which incorporates spiritual values, not just monetary ones. True joy is often felt when you are living in sync with your soul’s purpose. This report focuses on money and its place in your Birth Chart and life, but true meaning also comes from living true to yourself. Your Ascendant is a primary signpost which guides you to a life of true worth.
The Sun is in Cancer
Money is not as important to you as emotional security. You value feeling safe, particularly the safety of your own home, family and close friends. You are a big softie! You value your loved ones so highly that you have difficulty saying “no”. You put their needs before your own and this clouds your judgement when it comes to money matters. Unless you learn to the art of self-preservation then you are likely to struggle financially. This, of course, depends on other influences in your birth chart. However, Cancerians value emotional experiences, loving bonds, family relationships and tend to leave the money making to others. Therefore you are more likely to be an employee rather than a boss. Self-employment is likely to feel too insecure for Cancerian crabs unless it is a home or family business. You are more likely to enjoy working in a small business rather than in a large corporation as you value the connections and the intimacy. You are a born home-maker and nurturer. This is what you cherish and what makes you so important to the people in your life. Your ideal work is when your heart is involved – a job that involves your loved ones, a family business, one that gives you freedom to pursue your very personal objectives or one that provides a basis for you to nurture others. The good news is that once you have made up your mind that money is a necessity and a powerful force for good, then you can squirrel away money for a rainy day. Slowly but surely you make up for lost time. You may have to keep your little hoard a secret, but that’s ok if it protects you and helps you look after your own financial interests for a while. You may also enjoy investing your time and money in your own home, and perhaps even the property market. After all who knows your loved ones may need shelter one day and you could provide it!
The Moon is in Virgo
What an economical person you are. Economy of words, actions and behaviour are your forte. You are also excellent at paying attention to details. You often, more often that you would like, find details that others have overlooked. You are intelligent, practical and prudent. All of these traits mean that you are very frugal and economical when it comes to the daily finances. Your utility bills are so modest that they could be held up as an example for more excessive members of society. The fact is that you value moderation in all things. This can be highly desirable when it comes to creating and adhering to a budget, but your very modesty can stand in the way of you attracting great sums of money. Of course you can earn a modest sum of money and are likely to be a highly valued employee. However, your cautious nature indicates that you are unlikely to take part in risky investments, small or big business or any financial scheme. While others experience the highs and lows of big ventures and big expenditure, you enjoy a frugal and exemplary budgetary plan. Ironically you may work for others helping them with their finances. It is not uncommon to find a Virgo bookkeeper, accountant or tax collector. You also make an excellent personal assistant, secretary or receptionist. Any task that requires efficiency is likely to see you excel. When it comes to your possessions you are also likely to be vigilant. Once you have made a purchase then you are likely to look after what is yours for a very long time. For this reason you may receive and value heirlooms. On the other hand once something has outlived its usefulness you are likely to pass it on. Unlike your Taurean cousin you are not a hoarder. The thing is most Virgos don’t value money and possessions. You do not share a passion for the material world, but rather for being of value to your community. You value intelligent application of skills, making a contribution to society and living a goodly life. Even if you are struggling financially, knowing you are following your higher priorities can usually make the struggle more bearable. Your idea of being rich is to know, within yourself, that you are leading a life true to your own very high ideals.
The Ascendant is in Leo
When you Ascendant is in the Zodiac Sign of Leo then you’re usually assured of your own purpose in life. You're charming, generous and ambitious, enjoying a sense of autonomy in all that you do. You're adept at organising your own life, and enjoy the independence. Your main lesson is the right use of power. You have a lot of charisma and other people listen to you. You need to make sure that there is substance behind the charisma so that you head in the right direction and lead others in a way that benefits them. You are well aware of your own worth, and can help others determine their sense of well-being. You are also well aware of the way that money can be used to validate self-worth. Money may equate power in many of society’s social and political circles, but is this the right use of money? You have a vital and sunny nature and can achieve much good in the world as long as you are not focussed only on your own will. Your purpose is to learn to use your strength of character and strong will power in a positive and powerful manner. This way you can benefit others emotionally, spiritually and materialistically. A loving and generous use of money will help you stay on the right path to personal fulfilment. If you find yourself caught up in power battles over money then think of how much it would cost you to walk away. Ultimately your goal is to use your creativity. A creative or artistic alternative may provide more joy than continuing to battle over materialistic matters. With your Leo Ascendant you could use this affirmation;
I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness, and self-love
Creating Money – Keys to Abundance
Your Relationship With Money

VenusMoney is usually attracted, not pursued.
American Entrepreneur
Intrinsic to Venus is beauty. During her perfectly symmetrical cycle she is brightly visible in morning and evening skies at different times. Her disappearance out of the western skies and resurrection in the east led the ancients to see her as a dual goddess of both heaven and earth. Venus is pleasure and beauty, both in body and in spirit.
In astrological tradition Venus symbolises what is attractive, pleasurable, beneficial and advantageous. Her heavenly and earthy aspects shine through her connection with the Zodiac Signs Libra and Taurus. In her earthy Taurean domain she embodies the values and resources of the material world representing what you find attractive as well as your ability to be attractive. Venus is the law of attraction placing value on what is worthwhile; therefore energetically attracting what is of substance. Being aligned with resources, treasures, fortunes and ornaments, Venus became associated with money as a commodity of exchange. On an economic level Venus symbolises money, as the unit of trade. Venus is relationship-orientated; hence money implies exchange and trade. Money invites us to forge a relationship with what we find attractive, pleasurable and worthy, not only materially, but psychologically and spiritually as well. Venus’s two sides make a whole; in her spirited and aesthetic side, she needs a soulful relationship with the material world. In this way she represents an inner sense of worth and value that yearns to be appreciated, honoured and respected. In psychological jargon this is your self-esteem, your inner worth, innate values and authentic merit. Venus symbolises the process of becoming worthy and deserving to feel abundant, pleasured and prosperous.
Being the goddess of sexuality and love, Venus also focuses on relating. Venus themes in relationship centre on shared values, feeling loved and appreciated, pleasure, affection and sensuality. Therefore, Venus’s archetypal pattern often gets entangled in issues of both love and money, as popular song lyrics often illustrate. Are diamonds really a girl’s best friend? Is it true that money can’t buy me love? Can money compensate or substitute for love? Venus’ rulership over money is multidimensional: on the material level it is cash and currency, stocks and bonds, funds, investments, assets, capital, diamonds and gold. On other levels it is your personal values and inner aesthetics. On a deeper soulful stratum it is in your self-acceptance and self-love where money’s taproot finds its sustenance.
Following is a reflection on the Zodiac Sign of your Venus in your Birth Chart including what you might be attracted to and what you attract to you. What are your money patterns, issues and strengths? Venus too symbolises your authentic attitudes to deeply-held personal values, internal worth, self-esteem and your capacity to love. Ironically it is this capacity to love and give freely that is the key to the lock on your money vault. Let’s consider your Venus sign as a metaphor for your personal law of attraction and your innate relationship and attitudes towards money and values.
Venus is in Gemini
Money is a great idea and could be much more stimulating than anything it might buy. Are you attracted to the notion of money rather than the real thing? You might be. Money could be more of a concept than something tangible; therefore you might be well-suited to the swings of the money market or figuring out the ‘how to’ of making money rather than the slog of actually earning it. Like the money markets that are constantly changing, so too are you in your attitudes and relationship to wealth.
Gemini is like those unpredictable spring winds when a north easterly will suddenly change direction. With Venus in Gemini your values may be as subject to change as the wind, metaphorically speaking. You can become captured, curious even mesmerised by new things and immediately feel that impulse to own them, especially if they are the latest, shiny, technological gadgets with lots of options. Your values are not fixed, but perhaps they need not be; in fact you can be quite unsettled at times about what you like and appreciate. Some might suggest that it’s fickle, but you need to experiment before you can make up your mind about what is worthwhile. No doubt you have lots of ideas about what is valuable, lots of schemes about how to make money even suggestion for others, but they may not have been road-tested yet. Therefore one of the things you need to value most is having the time and space to try things out and then make up your mind. When you are pressured you might revert to impulse spending and while that is momentarily satisfying, it may not bring enjoyment in the long run.
While money is of interest to you, it might be more of an oddity or curiosity rather than something real. Since you value space and movement you don’t want money and possessions to tie you down, rather you need it to help you be as flexible as possible. That’s why they invented mobile phones, so you could appreciate being in touch at a distance. It’s easier to express the way you feel in an email, by SMS or on the phone. You like that connection as you don’t want to be present all the time; similarly you don’t want to be focused on money all the time either, so it suits you to find alternate streams of cash flow. Therefore it might be worthwhile having a good talk to yourself about your attitude and orientation to money. Make up a story about it, read about other’s experiences of being rich, learn some tricks about how to value money. Satisfy your curiosity about it.
Variety is the key in both money and love. Light on your feet you need a wide-ranging portfolio for your money concerns and a lot of space in your relationships. You like trying out different restaurants, joining new courses and changing your routines. You love your CD’s and books; you value ideas and learning, mobility and change. When you value your love of communication and connection, your enjoyment of social access and diversity, as well as your exploration and diversification of ideas, then you feel rich and money flows. Valuing your need to speak up, appreciating your personal ideas, respecting your aptitude for change and attaching importance to your intellect are ways to help improve your sense of worth. In turn this shapes your worth in the marketplace.
And don’t forget your sense of humour when it comes to money. Your agility will help you adapt to the amount you have or have not and that is one of your great assets. You adapt, not because you have to, but because you can. You have a variety of avenues leading to your financial well-being and like Rome all the roads are leading there. Money is portable like you and you attract it when in transitions and change.
Your Personal Income

The art of living easily as to money is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means.
English Dramatist and Poet
Astrological tradition has always associated the 2nd House with money and the accumulation of assets. When astrologers are asked questions like ‘will I be rich?’ and ‘how will I make money?’ the 2nd House of the Horoscope is the first place to consult. Therefore it is an important consideration in this report.
The 2nd House suggests material riches and also innate resources that can be developed and valued. These are the resources of our personality such as our unique strengths, skills and talents which can be exchanged for income or other rewards. Wealth is multifaceted and not only about money; for some it may be health, peace, family, security. Having found the wellspring of our talent, wealth follows.
This section also describes what we invest with value or what we appreciate and like. This may or may not be money. Psychologically this is the sphere where self esteem and personal values are shaped by your early experiences. Self worth, the impact of family values, the substance and significance you place upon your efforts, income received or value returned are all important to varying degrees. What is pleasant? In our post-modern world what is pleasurable often requires money; but another form of pleasure is experienced through apprenticeship and mastery of our skills and talents, not necessarily through economic management.
Included in this report is a portrait of the Zodiac Sign on your 2nd House cusp and what astrologers call its Ruler. The description of your ruling planet in its House adds another key to unlocking your attitude to money and also whether or not you place importance on money or elsewhere. This ruler is unique in each horoscope.
As far as money is concerned what is most important is whether or not you have a planet in the 2nd House. These 2nd House planets reveal your earning style and suggest how you earn your living or your patterns and relationship to money and possessions. You can liken the planets in the 2nd House to the importance that you place on money, the role that it plays in your life and perhaps the complexes you have about money.
2nd House Cusp is in Virgo
The Earth Zodiac Sign Virgo is on the cusp of your 2nd House, revealing the qualities and procedures that naturally support your sense of self-esteem and personal worth. Over time the potent and fertile images once associated with the astrological Sign of Virgo have been abandoned; yet from our earliest records this constellation was associated with the richness of the harvest and the value of the land and ecosystem. Virgo was the harvest maiden and many prominent goddesses were identified with the constellation, which has a rich and complex mythology of fertility, cultivation and harvest. It is this rich fertile field that is the landscape of your 2nd House, the territory where resources, money and assets are revealed. Metaphorically your abundant resources need to be cultivated and tended before they can be disseminated. Like the agricultural maiden you might need to honour the process of time and be aware of the order of seasons to know when to reap and when to sow. Virgo appreciates continuity and coherence and this is a valuable concept for you, although one that may fit easily with your personality.
Virgo also suggests that your innate industriousness and analytical skills might be central to your relationship with money. You have an abundance of renewable resources that if tended carefully and respectfully can become profitable. You have a talent for recycling, renewing and making things better; using this image in your work helps is rewarding. The qualities that provide the most satisfaction in your working life may not always be compatible with your personality; therefore it is important to be mindful of which skills need to be brought into the workplace. While you have a vibrant personality and presence, it is your unassuming and focused nature that is rewarded. Ironically it is in the details, the small designs, the subtle links and what has been overlooked by others where you reap rewards.
Virgo on the 2nd House cusp suggests that you need to value your discriminating faculties, analytical skills, self- reliance, containment and orderliness. Ritual and routine are an essential component of helping you feel centred enough to be resourceful. What are the qualities that you feel need to be valued to provide you with a sense of personal security, self-esteem and reward? One of your great assets is your skill at detail and ability to focus your attention on the task. Whether this takes you into the business world, an artisan workshop, a medical clinic or a veterinarian surgery, you will be required to trade on your detailed and analytical skills when earning your living. Vocationally you are suited to making your living in the health and service industries but any area that provides you with the feeling of improving and developing will be satisfying to you. Whether that is working with animals, crafts or healing medicines you need to feel that you are improving a situation in order to feel valuable. Any of these areas are where investment pays off whether that is a monetary or emotional investment. You feel rich when there is rituality and respect in what you do.
Your insecurity and anxiety may affect your attitudes to money or your earning ability. In other words money is the living symbol that might capture your insecurities. When you start to ruminate about what you do not have or what you do not earn, rather than what you do have and what is possible, you undermine your greatest asset which is your unshakeable knowing that all things are cyclical. The time might not be right now, but it will soon. Like the goddesses that represent the fertile fields of Virgo, you have a range of resources that provide a secure living. Your pleasure is derived from being in tune and in sync with the natural cycles of life. And when you are, you have an abundant harvest. Virgo here reminds you that the harvest is seasonal and that there are cycles in your economic stability.
Since Virgo is on your 2nd House cusp, the opposite Zodiac Sign Pisces rules your 8th House. This House polarity in the horoscope symbolises the difference between mine and ours, or your attitudes and reactions to sharing resources with others. The 2nd House is your bank account, but the 8th is the joint account. With Virgo on the 2nd your relationship to money may be quite methodical and practical staying close to a budget and not over doing the spending. In intimate and business relationships you may find this handy, as you might find others you are involved with are more chaotic and disorganised in their financial concerns. However by entering into sharing your resources with others you find a more fluid and accepting relationship with money. In the confusion and chaos of sharing resources you learn to let it be. Resources are not only materialistic. With this combination value lies in your innate ability to manage your resources and trust that your close and intimate others will be part of your resources fullness even if you do not understand how.
Ruler of the 2nd House is Mercury
Mercury is in the 12th House
Mercury is the god of the marketplace, so he brings his bag of tricks to the money sphere of your life. Like the Magician in the Tarot, Mercury has a lot of skills at hand but sometimes he also uses sleight of hand, so there is always a cautionary note about clarity and discrimination in your communications about money and finance. Mercury is the god of communication but his communiqués are not always succinct or straightforward. That is up to you. So how best can you participate with Mercury as your ruler of commerce? When Mercury resides in the 12th House of your Horoscope you could be a dreamer about money. Some of your dreams could come true but your magical insights into resources may be difficult to ground in the real world. So why not look at both sides of the coin: inner and outer riches. You have an uncanny knowing about things which may not always be able to be used in the ‘real’ world. These are your inner riches. You are buoyed up by your dreams and ideals in the outer world. This makes you feel well-off. To be true to this placement we might suggest that money is not always a material energy but has an invisible quality that also brings prosperity. You won’t be able to prove it or explain it, but it is true. That is what you need to make you rich – a deep belief in yourself and your depth of perception. Wealth to you is what you imagine it to be. Therefore best to be imaginative and creative about money. That would be being practical for you.
Saturn is in the 2nd House
To ancient astrologers the planet Saturn defined the edge of the Solar System, the last visible god who wandered about the Sun. As such it became known as the boundary keeper, the limit to what can be seen or known and the authority that dealt out the consequences of inappropriate action. Placed in the sector of your resources and finances it is important that you have a conscious awareness of Saturn to support your innate attitudes towards self worth and value. This suggests that tradition, caution and security in how you approach the sphere of money and finances will be important.
Saturn was also connected to time and aging, as if time were the key to wisdom. In this sense it is important to be a long-term investor rather than a short term one. Saturn does not value what is transitory or impermanent, but finds worth in what builds up over time. As time goes by your assets will appreciate and grow. You derive a great satisfaction when your investments mature, your mortgage is paid off or your assets are sold after they have been of value and service to you. As you value time and its natural law of maturation, anything too fast or too sudden will not suit your investment style.
Similarly when it comes to making your living you will be cautious and hard working, as ethically you value what has been truly earned through effort and conscious application. Therefore your attitude towards material possessions will also be the same, valuing what is of good quality and well made, and mistrusting what is cheap and readily available. It is wise to build your financial portfolio over time, not rushing into anything or getting caught up in get rich quick schemes. Also it is prudent to recognise that you value employment where there is a strong structure, is well established and where you have room for advancement. As a symbol Saturn rules what is durable, long-lasting, hardened and able to be structured like lead or concrete; industries like building or agriculture and businesses that have long range goals, are traditional and well-established. With Saturn in the 2nd, these are images that will resonate with you.
With the planet of consequence in your financial sector it is best you follow the letter of the law. Creative accounting, tax dodges and money laundering are not for you; if they are then you have an above average chance of being caught out and fined. Therefore it is important that when rules apply, you follow. Destiny has bound you to the economic system and it is in respecting the system that you find your wealth. This does not mean that you cannot be creative, but Saturnian creativity is in being well prepared and trained in your area of expertise.
It is wise to take your own advice and heed your own judgement when it comes to financial matters as you need to learn to be an authority in this realm. While you may seek approval and feedback in your handling of money matters, investments and savings, it might not be there. The reason is that you need to find your own way. Even though you would prefer that you were mentored, fate has placed the responsibility for financial success in your own hands. This might make you feel anxious about money, even alone in it all, but authentically you have what it takes to find the successful economic route.
Saturn can be highly self-critical. This may have begun in your family of origin when there might have been strict policies and austere attitudes about feelings of worth. You may have internalised a sense of feeling disapproved of which aggravates your struggle to create a healthy sense of self-esteem. You may have been highly criticised for your values when you were younger or chastised for what you liked. And today you may still be rebelling against these standards by participating with a negative version of your worth. Saturn in the 2nd suggests a road to recovery. That is recovering the authenticity and authority of your own worth and value.
While you are susceptible to listening to experts and specialists in economic management, these authorities may not be right for you. Yes you might feel alone in sorting out your financial portfolio but this is necessary for you to be able to differentiate between what is right for you. Projecting expertise in this area onto others is loaded, as their agendas for financial gain may not suit you. Time to reassess; no sense perpetuating negative feelings about what you are worth. You need to take stock of your resources. Take a personal inventory and you will find a wide array of valuable resources that support you which need to be valued, including organisational skills and professionalism, self discipline, competency, being highly responsible, trust worthy, dedicated and respectful. Sound management of your resources makes it likely that you will earn your income in an executive or managerial capacity. Like the mountain goat you are adept at starting at the bottom of the mountain and slowly climbing to the summit of your success. However the key to this is maintaining your integrity, self-respect and valuing the process of time.
In an insecure world, one in which money ‘experts’ and economic advisors don’t really know what is going to happen, it is nice to know that you have a long-term financial plan and that your hard work and constancy towards this plan will pay off. At the end of the day you are your own best financial planner.
Sharing Your Income

Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex, you thought of nothing else if you didn t have it and thought of other things if you did.
American novelist and social critic
While the 8th House is the House of sharing, astrologers call this the House of STD: sex, taxes and death. Another version of the key initials STD and this house is “sexually transmitted debt”. The 8th House seems to be where love and trust get entangled with money. When the seal of trust is broken the joint finances are too! So it is important to look at this area of the Horoscope to consider how you best deal with money when others are involved. This could mean your family of origin, your intimate partner or business partner, even your bank and financial advisor. The 8th House is opposite the 2nd House and therefore forms the natural polarity between what is mine and what is ours. The 2nd House could be thought of as your personal worth, your cash flow on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. The 8th House then could be considered your overall worth, the dam or the reservoir of your full value. Its mystique is in the depth of its values.
The ancient astrologers’ view of the 8th House was mainly about death and questions concerning loss especially gains from loss, such as inheritances or debts. Death and debts are still linked together in our words such as mortgage and amortise. While the modern usage of amortise is a gradual payment of debt, in earlier usage it was withholding property after death. While mort refers to death, amor refers to love. This is the mysterious 8th House amalgam between death, debt and love. A more contemporary outlook scrutinises the 8th House for the link between intimacy and prosperity as well the capacity for sharing resources. In an emotional sense the 8th House is about comfort with intimacy and this becomes a barometer of your ability to share money with those you love.
As the House of inheritance, it is the territory where you claim your familial legacy either psychologically, emotionally or financially. Unearthing your ancestral inheritance may not be as straightforward as you would wish, but the astrological nature of your 8th House will help you to reflect on your familial past and the attitudes towards money and love that you have inherited. The 8th House has also been traditionally associated with the landscape of the underworld. This of course is metaphoric of the unseen inheritances and legacies from the past; hence we might imaginatively think of the 8th House as where we could communicate with the dead. This sphere is where we encounter some skeletons in the family closet that might help reclaim our legacy. It is wise to remember that in antiquity the underworld was the source of buried treasure. Regent of the underworld was Pluto, the god of riches; hence the 8th House is also an area in the horoscope of hidden wealth.
Hidden in this house might also be family issues and legacies about money, wills and desires. Lurking in the familial past may be motifs such as emotional manipulation through money, debt, disputes regarding inheritances, the loss of family money or a deep-seated attitude towards financial control. What was the attitude towards debt or borrowing money that you inherited? What were the familial attitudes towards sharing resources? The 8th House is the place where the two sides of the family merge into one. Psychologically the 8th House reveals the capacity for or the lack of familial intimacy and closeness; therefore, planets here will not only describe the family inheritance, but secret alliances and taboos in the family. Interred in the 8th House are the familial gains and losses which are passed down through the generations. These gains and losses might be financial as in monetary bequests and inheritances or a familial story of debt. In many cases the gains and losses are emotionally based. The Zodiac Sign on the cusp of the 8th House is the gateway to this intimate area and as such is important in considering how you access this part of yourself. Ultimately the question is how much do you trust yourself to make the right decision in love and money?
As a barometer of closeness, the 8th House refers to the degree of parental intimacy that was experienced growing up. You observe your parents’ trust of one another with money and resources. How were they able to share what they had with one another on and what were the primal patterns that you first felt in terms of sharing emotionally and lovingly? Arguments about money are often never really about money but the sense of feeling unloved, unacknowledged or unmet. The template of how you might share your personal resources with others you love is set down early in the atmosphere of the family and affects your feelings of financial trust in adult life. The attachment, emotional security and parental issues of your early life, yet not resolved, will be prone to being re-experienced in an adult way through intimate relationships. You also ‘marry’ into or relate to your partner’s psychological, emotional and financial composition. The will and testament of those who have passed exert their influence on the emotional well-being of those in the present and issues concerning legacies, will, inheritance, shared resources and family trusts are all part of this terrain. Wills of the 8th House also refer to the will of those who have past and still exert emotional and financial control.
The 8th House is a house of mystery and mastery in being true to your deepest self while participating in the world. It depicts how the currents that flow within the financial world, the economic cycles and seasons influence the money market and you. In the 8th House you can see your ability to tune into subtle energies, and to act with integrity and utilise them for your own and others better good. From the perspective of money the 8th House will help you reflect on your buried treasures, your capacity to share and enjoy the pleasures of life with others, your legacies and inheritances as well as the patterns that either keep you indebted to others or able to be resourceful in relationship. Much of the 8th House is a mystery, a secret even unto yourself but this report helps you try to understand what this compelling place means for you.
8th House Cusp is in Pisces
Watery Pisces is on the cusp of your 8th House; this Sign points out that boundaries and structures might be important when approaching the area of shared finances since Pisces is synonymous with boundlessness and enmeshment. Perhaps on one level this might speak to infinite possibilities when emerged with others in the financial sphere; however since there are limits and ends to other’s resources, it is wise to be aware of these. Since Virgo is on the 2nd house cusp you may have already developed an innate instinct for ordering your finances, applying budgetary measures and setting monetary targets. However, what happens when you fall in love or enter into a business arrangement: are you as capable of managing the shared pool of resources.
You may already be a fairly self-reliant individual and in terms of relationship you might also be independent and separate. However, when you become emotionally engaged, this might change and you may be susceptible to sacrificing what may be deeply important to you in the longing for union. This is an important point to consider when financial interests mesh with others; how discriminating have you been? While your partners may have also presented as fairly independent and original individuals, in terms of their financial acumen they may be quite chaotic. Therefore its best to be discerning and thorough in any financial dealings with others, especially intimate others. But when you have developed that sense of security and trust with someone then there are many creative and endless ways to profit from the relationship.
You have not arrived at a deep and intimate relationship without a past. Depending on where you are in your life experience, this history may already include complicated feelings of being taken advantage by an intimate other or close friend. How has this affected your ability to trust? Certainly what you bring to a close relationship is your compassion, intuition and kind-heartedness and this will not change. But what can change is how you consciously decide who is worthy of this exchange. With the right partner, either emotionally or professionally, you are able to wave a magic wand over the area of finances to make some of your dreams comes true, metaphorically speaking. You need to have that sense of emotional equality and trust to be able to insure that you can give your self to the relationship.
In terms of your family’s financial history there may have been chaos and disorder when it came to wills and inheritances. Therefore it is important for you to be aware of your own legacy and will. For someone who feels the need to be ordered in your business world, destiny brings others into your life, including family, who may be monetarily muddled or financially chaotic. Therefore entering into a close agreement or contract could enmesh you in their financial problems. It is this that you may need to steer clear of or at least be aware of how to best proceed. And you are able to do this through a conscious attempt to have boundaries and agreements. When it comes to financial engagements with others, it is important to have an analytical and systematic approach to the world of finance.
When you are secured through appropriate boundaries then you can bring a high degree of creativity and imagination to the world of finances, especially in partnerships. You can see possibilities and potential in projects that together are able to amass capital. One of your best investments is in your imagination and creativity. You are deeply fulfilled when you are able to share your creativity and spirituality with another; it is this deep sense of connection that will also support you.
Therefore the secret to monetary success that lies in this sector is to invest with others in your creativity and imagination as long as you have insured that your partners authentically are able to be equal, trustworthy and accountable.
Ruler of the 8th House is Jupiter
Jupiter is in the 8th House
Jupiter is generally considered to be a beneficial planet casting positive rays in the areas that it affects, in this case your 8th House of other people’s resources. Therefore Jupiter is a mitigating factor when it comes to your investments and ability to attract riches. While you have an ability to utilise other people’s resources and manifest the wealth that you desire, you are also beckoned to stand on your own two feet when it comes to finances. You are able to achieve your financial goals, and benefit from your investments as long as you approach your finances sensibly. Deals and offers that look “too good to be true” probably are. At some stage in your life you may be tempted to spend your savings on an adventure, exploring foreign lands, a new career, or a spiritual quest. Your ability to recover financial from this search for meaning depends on other factors in your birth chart. This placement of the planet Jupiter can also indicate a generous nature. You need to make sure that you are not giving more than you are receiving. Your luck is generally good but a lack of caution could also lead to growing debts. However generally speaking Jupiter is good at handing out money and so you are in luck when it comes to sharing in joint ventures. Bank loans, lottery winnings, joint partnership incomes, inheritances or any form of other people’s money is likely to be a source of wealth. You are able to attract great wealth through efforts other than your own. The only thing like to stop you is your own lack of self-belief. So if you are not enjoying prosperity, you need to look at other influences in your Birth Chart for the answers. This is a lucky placement of Jupiter when it comes to enjoying the riches of life. If you have ever dreamed of inheriting a long-lost relative’s money or property then this is a possibility for you. If you want to start your own business and approach the bank for a loan then you are likely to succeed. In fact you are likely to succeed in business when others have failed, as long as you have done your homework. So worldly success is yours, and your quest is also to have a sound understanding of the role that money plays in the cycles of life. You can enjoy all of the riches of life, count your blessings and share your bounty with others.
Jupiter is in the 8th House
Happily the planet Jupiter is a winning one. So when it comes to accumulating wealth you are a winner. You are supported in your life’s journey when you have the fortunate planet Jupiter influencing your 8th House. This is not to say that you won’t have your hardships, but on the whole the Angels are watching over you. You grow up in a supportive environment and this continues throughout your life. The Angels send the right people at the right time, the best teachers when you are ready to learn, loved ones who can support you emotionally and financially, business associates of integrity etc. You get the picture. When it comes to sharing your resources with others you are blessed. You need only be careful not to squander your good fortune and those around you are also truly blessed. During the course of your life you are likely to make the transition from student to teacher, colleague to mentor, traveller to travel guide and so on. This transition is essential for your emotional, mental and financial sense of well being. You are here for a reason and you are being given the resources to discover your purpose and share your resources with others.
Your major challenge is not making money but keeping it. As long as you show some restraint when it comes to money matters then good fortune befalls you. For instance you may occasionally back a winning horse at the race track, or take out a winning lottery ticket but if you regularly spend your money on betting then you are likely to lose. Sound investments can bring big rewards, but constantly taking risks without stabilising your fortunes can result in losses. Jupiter in the 8th House of your chart signifies that life really starts to become prosperous and rewarding when you join your resources with someone else, either through marriage or through a business partnership. Your spouse brings riches into your life, expanding your opportunities for achieving your goals. This can be true for investments, inheritances, and business enterprises because you stand to benefit from other people's resources, either directly or by working in a large corporation or working with other people's resources. The extent of the benefits depends on other influences in your chart. You're not necessarily focussed on gaining monetary rewards, but are well aware of the fact that money can expand your opportunities for travel, study and improving your mind. You're not interested in superficial subjects, but prefer to delve into deep and meaningful ones. You are likely to enjoy life most when on a quest for knowledge shared with other people. As you develop the metaphysical side of your own nature you begin to see the hidden truth and beauty in the world and in people. This is what brings you true riches.
Jupiter is in the 8th House
Jupiter is Opposite The Moon
You are supported in your life’s journey when you have the fortunate planet Jupiter influencing your 8th House. This is not to say that you won’t have your hardships, but on the whole the Angels are watching over you. You grow up in a supportive environment and this continues throughout your life. The Angels send the right people at the right time, the best teachers when you are ready to learn, loved ones who can support you emotionally and financially, business associates of integrity etc You get the picture. When it comes to sharing your resources with others you are blessed. You need only be careful not to squander your good fortune and those around you are also truly blessed. During the course of your life you are likely to make the transition from student to teacher, colleague to mentor, traveller to travel guide and so on. This transition is essential for your emotional, mental and financial sense of well being. You are here for a reason and you are being given the resources to discover your purpose and share your resources with others.
Jupiter is in the 8th House
Jupiter is Trine Uranus
In your case the erratic and dynamic planet Uranus is influencing your resources indicating that you are likely to undergo sudden and surprising changes of fortune. These can be sudden influxes such as winnings, inheritances, gifts and grants. However, it can also mean you’re your investments can go belly up in uncertain markets. For this reason you need to be more cautious than most when it comes to investing your earnings. However, with this combination you are unlikely to heed such warnings. Perhaps you really don’t care. It is possible that you are more interested in life’s rich experiences rather than material matters. May be you enjoy the chaos and discord that surrounds your financial affairs. Ultimately you are likely to feel liberated from mundane money matters, and free to pursue your true passions.
Your Fortune

The Part of FortuneI have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.
Poet and Painter
Fortune has come to mean money and wealth; yet in the ancient world it referred to chance or luck. Both are interconnected. In your Horoscope you will have a “Part of Fortune” an astrological point which suggests some clues about your quality and share of fortune be that chance or capital. One of astrology’s first authorities Ptolemy suggested that the Part of Fortune was primary to the circumstances that regulate the ‘fortune of wealth’.
The Part of Fortune is constructed from the three highly significant positions of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant that were discussed in the first section. In this section all three are merging to create an astrological image connected to our personal fortune. This report uses the formula dependent on whether you are born at night or if you were born during the day when the Sun was above the horizon. The Part of Fortune is an amalgam of body, soul and spirit. The Ascendant represents the physical environment and your levels of vitality, it is a primary gauge for well-being both in terms of health and wealth. Your Sun represents vital force, the spirit of health and heart, while your Moon symbolises the emotional and soulful aspects of being secure in the world. Since the alchemy of all three create the Part of Fortune, it came to be seen as an image of well being, connection, security and being well-placed in the world. This was considered to be prosperity; an ability to be supported by the world and access its abundant resources.
The Part of Fortune is also known as the Lot of Fortune. In ancient Greece, the concept for fate suggested a lot, a portion or what we were allotted in the lottery of life. The Greek word for fate was ‘moira’ and the Moirai were the three weavers of fate; those who measured, allocated and cut the threads of one’s life. With this lot, the ancient astrologers recognised that the tapestry created by weaving the three threads of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant together would be fortunate. To the Romans, Fortuna was chance and she spun the Wheel of Fortune. This wheel reminds us not only of the wheel of the zodiac, but the natural cycles and rhythms of life. Fortune is not static but cyclical by nature; hence the Part of Fortune becomes a powerful symbol in your chart that points to your lot on the wheel of fortune. In a contemporary way the placement of the Part of Fortune is where you honour and petition the goddess of chance and acknowledge your share of fortune.
As an ancient symbol in a contemporary context its placement in the Horoscope measures prosperity or where you align with the seed potential of your fortune. Its sign position will help you amplify innate qualities that are destined at times to be prosperous, while its house position will locate the setting to focus on to increase your chances in the lottery of life.
The Part of Fortune is in Virgo
With your Part of Fortune in Virgo, prosperity is intertwined with health. Over 2000 years ago Roman poet Virgil said that ‘the greatest wealth is health’ and this is still true today for you. Well-being is not always a given, but when you feel centred and healthy, you feel prosperous. Therefore to insure a fortunate destiny it is best to be conscious of health and watchful of your daily routines to optimise a nourishing lifestyle. In a busy, demanding technological world it is often difficult to find a tension-free zone that offers respite from stress. Therefore one of your best investments is in health, whether that be your own personal fitness or the well-being of your environment. With the Part of Fortune in health conscious Virgo, you profit from finding healthier alternatives to living. Jane Fonda with her Part of Fortune in Virgo was enormously successful with her workout videos woman could do in their own homes.
Sometimes mindfulness directed towards the simplicity of domestic tasks can be a mantra for stabilizing the spirit and improving growth opportunities. In the completion of simple tasks you might find a sense of fulfilment and well being; however, it is not the enjoyment of the task that brings fulfilment, but its ritualistic nature that is of value. Being at ease in the present moment is of great value. Fortune comes effortlessly when your lifestyle supports the simple virtues of life. Virgo also points to qualities that promote efficiency and analysis. Therefore it is best to be as attentive as possible to the turning of the Wheel of Fortune since paying special attention to maintaining a healthy attitude to your financial and economic situation is a great service to yourself and others who you love. Being discriminate about your financial service providers, perfecting the practice of money management and being meticulous about what you invest in are the rituals that enhance your lot in life. Your assets and resources also need regular health checks and by scheduling these and being careful with financial matters, the Wheel of Fortune is more inclined to land on a winning combination. It is through your ability to be focused, industrious and mindful that you find your lot of fortune. Mercury rules your lot and with his guidance, sleight of hand and cunning perception your door marked fortune can open up at any time.
The Part of Fortune is in the 2nd House
The Part of Fortune place in the 2nd House of your Birth Chart is fortunate indeed. In simple terms this means that money and good fortune are strongly linked in your life. You are rich. You have many possibilities for financial growth and expansion. You are fortunate with money; therefore it is important to understand that the fundamental spirit of this house aligns money with values. An important question is ‘what do I attach importance to?’ On a material level you do very well appraising what is of value, finding a bargain, negotiating the best deal, improving the net worth of your assets and estimating costs of projects. On a psychological level money is the reflection of your self esteem and your estimate of worth. To secure your fortune be aware of what it is that you value and appreciate, what it is you like and how you can best support your sense of worth. In a way you are what you possess; therefore it is best to find out who you are and what you treasure before you spend your money. You have a great head start being lucky with money, but by respecting your self-worth, your fortune increases.
The 2nd House is also known as a House of substance. Money is important as a way of securing your future and satisfying your need for comfort and safety. When you invest in what you value and appreciate those you love, you find that your net worth increases. When you bring that sense of worth and value into the heart of your life, you are blessed with fortune. No doubt money is gained from your personal endeavours, but the secret of success seems to be that as you improve your sense of self worth and value your contributions, the Wheel of Fortune turns in your favour.

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago
American Business Magnate
Once upon a time, monks entering religious service were required to take a vow of poverty. Even though the Church was far from impoverished, this vow was designed to turn the initiate’s gaze away from the acquisition of possessions to participation in a communal and spiritual life. Christian teaching suggested it was easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than a moneyed man to get into heaven. From this religious viewpoint it was believed that money corrupts and detracts from salvation. Infatuation with riches was considered diametrically opposed to the religious impulse. In the Christian era, the marketplace and the church were seen to be at odds with one another. These beliefs seem to be a long time ago. Or are they?
As mentioned the root of money takes us back to the Roman goddess Juno Moneta, who has helped us reflect on our relationship with money. As the protector of funds Moneta came to be associated with Juno through the following legend. When the Roman army was faltering, out of resources and demoralized, they prayed to Juno for guidance. The goddess advised them that if their cause was just and they fought for what they believed in, then money would be forthcoming. With a reinvigorated spirit the soldiers continued their battle and money and resources arrived from Rome. From this point forward money was minted in the temple of Juno Moneta as a reminder that when there was genuine need and realistic values, then money would follow. From the earliest times money has been associated with the divine, a symbol of the goddess’ fortune.
Moneta was also the Latin name for Mnemosyne, the goddess of Memory and the mother of the Muses. Moneta was also said to remind us, at times warn us, of our relationship with money. Therefore Moneta re-minds us that money is not just a literal matter but connected to the emotional and soulful realm of human experience, the sphere where astrology can be so revealing. Embedded in your Horoscope is an instinctual approach to your values and money. Understanding your own astrological relationship to money can help you be more aware of personal values and your unique approach to money matters. In turn this then helps you learn how to make the most of the money you earn and maximise your prosperity.
The Birth Planets of Richard Branson
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 01°36 | ![]() | VIRGO | 1 | F |
![]() | sun | 25°02 | ![]() | CANCER | 12 | F |
![]() | mercury | 03°07 | ![]() | LEO | 12 | F |
![]() | venus | 24°37 | ![]() | GEMINI | 11 | F |
![]() | mars | 16°40 | ![]() | LIBRA | 3 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 06°43 | ![]() | PISCES | 8 | R |
![]() | saturn | 15°49 | ![]() | VIRGO | 2 | F |
![]() | uranus | 06°25 | ![]() | CANCER | 11 | F |
![]() | neptune | 14°42 | ![]() | LIBRA | 3 | F |
![]() | pluto | 17°06 | ![]() | LEO | 1 | F |
![]() | chiron | 16°20 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 5 | R |
![]() | northnode | 00°21 | ![]() | ARIES | 9 | R |
![]() | southnode | 00°21 | ![]() | LIBRA | 3 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 14°12 | ![]() | LEO | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 26°54 | ![]() | ARIES | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Richard Branson
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | mars |
![]() | moon | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | moon | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | sun | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | sun |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mars | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | venus |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | venus |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |