Astrological Portrait of British Rock Star, David Bowie
Born: 8 January 1947, 09:15am, Brixton, London, England. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

I’m not a pop star, I’m a blackstar.
Last Album: Black Star
Legendary rock star David Bowie, passed away on 10th January 16 at the age of 69 after an 18 month battle with cancer two days after he released album, Blackstar, on his birthday, where clearly he was saying goodbye. The album’s cover art, a solitary black star, seems to complete this symbolic journey from one world to another. His death was a work of art as was his life.
David Bowie, who was married to tall sleek Somalian model Iman, with his pale androgynous beauty and exotic image, was the quintessential product of his age. At the epicenter of the pop culture, the flower children and the summer of love. Born with an Aquarian Ascendant, and Uranus making a strong aspect to his Sun he was the maverick who wouldn't conform to the norms of society. He tried it all constantly evolving and reinventing himself.
There was another side to Bowie, as indicated in his chart, by his Moon Saturn conjunction in the Sixth house of Health. This part of him battled inner demons strung out on drugs, teethering on the edge of self-destruction fearing the insanity that took his half-brother and uncle. Only later in life did he master this Saturnian challenge to find a more balanced and healthy lifestyle but maybe the past just caught up with him.
At age eight, Bowie declared his intention to become "the greatest rock star in England". He changed his last name from Jones to Bowie in 1965. Having both Venus and Jupiter in his 9th House, the house of expanding our knowledge and horizons, his songs were often about groundbreaking and pioneering themes such as space travel including Space Oddity, Starman, Ziggy Stardust and Life On Mars.
David Bowies astrological portait below, can shed light on his genius, charisma and his intriguing and seductive personality.
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Life Goals

If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth.
The Sun
Just as the Sun is the centre of the earth's Solar System, so does the Sun play a vital role in your life on earth. Your life goals are linked to your Sun - its Zodiac Sign and its position in your chart. Contrary to popular belief, the Sun isn't the only planet to be considered in a person's chart, but it is an important component. The Sun gives you an indication of how you can shine in your life. You will feel truly alive when you're living the traits indicated by your Sun. Therefore it's likely that you will spend much of your life on a journey to self discovery, aiming to incorporate these traits into your life. Understanding the energy of your Sun is a good starting point to understanding yourself and your purpose in life.The Sun is in the 12th House
Your Sun is in the 12th House of your birth chart meaning that much of your life is spent working behind the scenes. This could mean taking a back seat in your job as the secretary rather than the boss, the stage manager rather than the actor or the editor rather than the published author. On the other hand you may work in the relative anonymity of a large institution such as a hospital or the armed services. Although you've the ability to succeed in your life, it is likely to involve some form of self-sacrifice. You've the ability to overcome any difficulties entirely through your own efforts, although you can benefit from other people's charity at great times of need. You seem to be constantly forced into situations where you've to tackle things on your own and may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the forces of the world. Seclusion is a prominent theme of your life, whether it is enforced or by choice. It may be that you actually enjoy long periods on your own, recharging your batteries through moments of quiet reflection. It's also possible that you could have some difficulty spending time on your own, as this forces you to contemplate painful memories, particularly those connected with your father. It's likely that you've missed out on an opportunity to have a close relationship with your father. This separation could have been because your father was forced through circumstances to leave the family home, or perhaps he was unwell, or simply the type of person who lacked the strength to face up to his parental duties. In some cases it's possible that your father could have died when you were a young child, leaving a sense of loss. Although you may find it difficult, moments of quiet reflection will ultimately prove to have a healing effect on any emotional pain. You may even discover a sense of being deeply connected with the psychic world.The Sun is in Capricorn
Your Sun is in the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn indicating that you're a serious and responsible individual with a strong awareness of the 'right way of doing things'. You've the ability to work steadily and honestly towards achieving your ambitions in life. Others grow to respect your reliable and steadfast personality, particularly as you grow older. In fact, the people in your life come to rely on your ability to be a remain calm and detached in times of crisis. Mostly, you enjoy this role, perhaps even unconsciously adopting a superior attitude to those less calm and sedate individuals. However, you would be wise not to let your responsibilities become burdensome at times. Let others take on some of the chores, allowing you to have some well-earned time off. This will be difficult as work plays a particularly important role in your life. You're ambitious, and enjoy working long hours to methodically and patiently achieve your objectives, as long as you consider the goal worthy of attention. You indeed have the ability to work through a mountain of work, and eventually get to the top, through patience and an ability to create structure. You enjoy having structure in your life, in the form of routines and schedules, perhaps even literally enjoying architecture and design of buildings. Depending on other aspects of your chart, you can become inflexible, lacking spontaneity.The Sun is Conjunct Mercury
The combination of the Sun and the planet Mercury in your chart can vary depending on other influences in your chart. The planet Mercury is considered by astrologers to represent the trickster. Ancient astrologers also measured the beneficial or damaging influences of Mercury in terms of how close this planet was to the Sun's beams. The closer the planet to the Sun the more detrimental. Positively this combination can mean that you're likely to succeed in life through your quick wit and business acumen. You're studious, learning new subjects with ease, and are particularly adept in the scientific and mathematical fields. On the other hand you can be too fond of seeking stimulation, with the cost of failing to complete a task. You're the proverbial "Jack or Jill of all trades, master/mistress of none".The Sun is Conjunct Mars
The Sun and the planet Mars come into contact in your chart meaning that you're hard working and energetic, able to tackle most of life's challenges with confidence and a positive attitude. A natural-born leader, you prefer taking the initiative, rather than sitting back and waiting for things to happen. You're courageous and like to take a few risks in life, particularly ones that satisfy your sense of adventure and provide an outlet for your boundless energy. Self-motivation comes easily and you find it difficult to accept the motto that "all good things come to those who wait". You prefer to tackle a project or problem head on rather than wait around for a solution. While confidence and initiative are positive traits, you do need to exercise some patience and caution. Knowing when to take risks and when to wait are both vital to a successful outcome in any project. As long as you find positive outlets for your enterprising nature, and don't act too impulsively you're likely to stride forth and succeed in achieving your life goals.The Sun is Quincunx Uranus
The Sun is making a challenging aspect to the planet Uranus in your birth chart indicating that you're impulsive and determined to be an individual. This can be a positive influence, how at times you are your own worst enemy in that you want to do things your own way and will dig in your heels if anyone tries to stop you. You've the ability to be a unique and original leader, but you need to be wary of letting your impatient and excitable nature stand in the way of you achieving your life goals. If you're not careful you're easily embroiled in various dramas over perceived or, in some cases, real injustices. This could range from a minor conflict with a sales person or major battles with authorities. This tendency to clash with other people probably originates from your childhood relationship with your father or a father figure. It's likely that you were a willful child, who liked to have the freedom to learn through experience rather than through parental advice. Of course the extent of your rebellion depends on other influences in your chart. You may have clashed with a strong-minded male parental figure, either through head-on conflict or passive lack of co-operation. The loss, or absence, of a strong male during your childhood may have meant that you were given too much freedom and lacked appropriate parental guidance. It's also possible that in your mind you feel that you were not given enough freedom. Given your need for individual freedom, you may have felt trapped. Either way, as an adult, you struggle to curb a tendency to lash out whenever someone else or circumstances appear to stop you getting or doing what you want. This can result in a feeling of being isolated or separated from loved ones or society. However, as you mature you learn that it's more likely that your own willful nature is preventing you from achieving your goals in life. You learn to find the right mix of respecting your own original identity while respecting the needs of other people. Once you've achieved this balance then you're free to pursue your unique talents, and to succeed in reaching your goals. As you grow older you are free to find places and people that offer a sense of belonging. You are innovative, inventive, and inspirational. You rely on your own resources, and show initiative. Others come to appreciate your unique talents and you discover more and more opportunities to express your unique personality.Jupiter
The planet Jupiter also tells you about your goals in life, in particular the areas in which you are likely to succeed. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance and wisdom. Ancient astrologers believed that the planet Jupiter had a greatly beneficial effect on a person's life.Jupiter is in the 9th House
Jupiter is also in the 9th House of your chart signifying that international affairs hold a certain fascination, challenging your view of the world and giving endless food for thought. You're interested in international economics and politics, religions and cultures of other countries, archeological findings which uncover the ways of life of ancient civilisations, and awe-inspiring overseas natural wonders. Discoveries of other galaxies and universal phenomena also excite your mind. You like to travel overseas to experience first-hand the attractions of other countries, but you're also happy to study in a college or university. You are likely to attract good fortune on your travels. Religion and philosophy also appeal to your enquiring mind. You're full of plenty of philosophical and religious ideals of your own, but you also like to keep an open mind. You're a wise person, basically optimistic about the future of the world. It's even possible that you possess prophetic abilities.Jupiter is in Scorpio
You've the planet Jupiter in the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio in your birth chart indicating that your life seems to reflect the adage that "life is meant to be lived to the full". You tackle most projects with zest making the most of resources that come your way. You're industrious, ambitious and have strong will power. These attributes stand you in good stead for the ups and downs of your life, and there are plenty of these. Life can seem a bit of a battleground at the best of times, and birth and death play key roles in your life. You're proud and don't like to admit how deeply some of your life events have affected you. This is particularly true of the deaths of loved ones, which have set you on an intense search for the truth. This quest can lead to you to delve into the mysteries of life, in particular the occult world. It also brings you into contact with people from unusual walks of life, and some of your friends could be considered quite extraordinary. You form strong bonds with other people, particularly with your spouse, and are privy to private information. It's also possible that you've been entrusted with professional secrets. You're likely to benefit from enterprises undertaken with other people.Home

Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love he sought me, And on his shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me.
The King of love my Shepherd is 1868.
The Moon
Astrologers from different schools of thought allocate varying meanings to the Moon in a birth chart. Ancient astrologers say that the Moon changes its nature according to its phases, and merely passes on impressions from other planets rather than directly influencing a person's life. However, modern astrologers tell us that the Moon depicts a person's roots, our home and family. They say the Moon also shows our habitual nature or subconscious patterns of behaviour which stand in the way of achieving our life goals. While the Moon can show us our strengths, it can also depict our weaknesses which need to be overcome in order to be successful in life.The Moon is in the 6th House
The Moon is placed in the 6th House of your birth chart suggesting that health - intellectual, emotional or the physical component - is a major focus of your life. Other components of your birth chart may indicate whether intellectual, emotional and/or physical health is the focus. Whatever the focus your own health can be a constant source of pre-occupation forcing you to constantly adjust your daily commitments and to reassess your priorities in life. Sometimes it's other people's health that concerns you, particularly a woman close to your heart. It's possible that you suffered from ill health early in your life, or that you suffered emotional or intellectual setbacks in early childhood. Perhaps you're still bearing the brunt of childhood experiences. It's also possible that you've learnt a great deal about the relationship between the mind and the body. You may want to share your own discoveries about medical treatments and the healing process with other people, possibly through your work. Your health may disrupt your daily routine, or perhaps you've learnt to adapt your lifestyle. Either way your daily life is constantly undergoing change, routines being disrupted by unforeseen circumstances. Finding a way to serve your fellow humans may be more important, more so than shining in your own right. Therefore you're likely to choose an occupation whereby you can be of service to other people.The Moon is in Leo
With the Moon in the sign of Leo you love to be the centre of attention. It's not necessarily that you like to be on stage in front of lots of people, but that you like to take centre stage in the lives of your loved ones. You want to play, and know all the tricks of the trade when it comes to getting others to join you. This can make you delightful company, as long as you don't go too far in ignoring the needs of others in order to get the attention focussed on yourself. When life gets tough you like to play in order to lighten up the situation. Parties, festivals, picnics and other fun events are the food of life, as far as you're concerned. Mostly you're a happy-go-lucky soul; however, when upset you can roar like a lion. In most cases if anyone stands their ground amidst the roaring they soon see that you're really a pussy cat. You've a big heart and are also such a generous soul that most of your loved ones will forgive a little arrogance now and then. You respond well to praise, and are often prompt to praise others. In fact you're proud of your friends and family members, and often like to show them off to each other.The Moon is Conjunct Saturn
Much of your adult life has been spent trying to overcome the difficulties that you faced as a child in your home and family. Astrologically speaking this is because the planet Saturn is contacting the Moon in your birth chart. Ancient astrologers believed that the planet Saturn had a negative influence in a person's chart. In your case your early home life has been adversely affected. The extent of this effect depends largely on other influences in your chart. In some cases it can mean that your childhood home lacked spontaneity and warmth, but was well-organised and structured in a manner which helped you to feel supported and safe. However, it's more likely that circumstances in your family led to you feeling that home was a cold and unsupportive environment. This could have been one painful incident such as the loss of a family member, or it could have been the result of years of hardship. It's possible that one of your parents, perhaps your mother, was a strict and severe influence, unable to show you the affection that you felt you deserved. As a result it's likely that you're somewhat shy as an adult, lacking in self-confidence and sensitive to criticism. You may be emotionally reserved. Perhaps you decide to live in solitude rather than risk the lack of affection and warmth that you felt as a child. As you grow older, you're likely to become more confident in your personal relationships. You learn about personal relationships through life experience, and your loved ones also become more mature. As a result your relationships with other people become more stable and satisfying as you grow older. You also develop an inner self-confidence which helps you build firm foundations in your life and achieve your ambitions, as well as loving family relationships. You work solidly to build yourself a secure and firm footing, earning the respect of those around you. You can succeed in business and in your career, particularly through being noticed by your superiors. You may also benefit through investments in land and property.The Moon is Conjunct Pluto
The Moon and the planet Pluto are connected in your birth chart indicating that you're an intense and emotional person, prone to extreme highs and lows. You love drama and intensity, because these give you a sense of being deeply connected to your loved ones, and to the world. It's likely that your family and home life are periodically emotionally volcanic. This can be problematic if other members of your family don't desire the same level of intensity, particularly if they're seeking peace and quiet at home. If this is the case your needs are directly opposed to your loved ones', which may not concern you, but could result in dramatic changes in your personal life. This is also a problem because you've a deep sense of commitment to your personal relationships, and feel betrayed if others don't share this commitment. It's likely that your need for emotional intensity originates from an early childhood experience, probably linked with your mother or another strong woman figure. Your relationship with your mother is likely to be immersed with intense feelings, perhaps even stemming from a life-or-death situation. You may feel positively or negatively about your mother. Either way your feelings are likely to be strong. You're a resourceful person, and can rely on your own resources to solve most problems. You need to find a creative outlet for your intense nature, some thing that will totally absorb your attention. Perhaps you would enjoy property development, or renovating your house. You're a powerful person with leadership skills, and a need for a challenge.The Moon is Semisquare Uranus
The Moon and the planet Uranus are connected in your chart suggesting that your home life is unusual and changeable. It could be that you've difficulty settling down in one place, or that you live in extraordinary surroundings. In some way your family life is unusual. This isn't necessarily a negative experience, although it could be upsetting. Perhaps you, or a member of your family, have an unusual hobby which has taken over the household, or necessity requires that your family often changes residence. The erratic nature of your household probably stems from your childhood experiences. Perhaps your family was different from traditional families, or circumstances led to emotional upsets in the family home. It's possible that you suffered from a sense of insecurity as a child as a result of changing family life. Your mother, or an important mother figure, may have been an unusual or unstable influence in your early childhood. A continuing sense of a lack of security in your home and family may be a source of emotional distress, as you struggle to come to terms with conflicting emotions. However, you're a resourceful, inventive and independent person, and will eventually learn to blend your individual need for excitement and stimulation in the home environment with a need for comfort and security.Education And Communication

There is no such whetstone, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learning, as is praise.
The Schoolmaster, 1570
Our academic schooling and learning through life experience are linked to the planet Mercury. This planet stands for the intellect, common sense, cold reason, commerce and business. It tells us about our communication and learning habits and our modes of thinking.Mercury is in the 11th House
The planet Mercury in the 11th House of your chart signifies that your friends play an important role in your education. You've many acquaintances but can count your good friends on the fingers of one hand, as the saying goes. You enjoy being surrounded by stimulating people, particularly in a group of people with similar interests. Clubs and interest groups are a source of intellectual stimulation, but that's all. Unless you've other influences in your birth chart, you're unlikely to make lasting friends with more than a few chosen friends. Again, depending on the other aspects of your birth chart, your friends can either be of great benefit in your life or they can be somewhat unreliable. You may find yourself drawn to young people, because they provide you with a fresh outlook on life and give you plenty to think about. You're more likely to share your thoughts with other people rather than spend time pursuing your interests on your own. You would rather join a literary group and discuss the latest best sellers rather than read on your own. You also prefer to share a cup of tea and a chat with someone else rather than enjoy the peace of a drink in solitude. You like the stimulation of other people's company and you're quite able to chat superficially rather than delving into deep and meaningful conversations.Mercury is in Capricorn
The planet Mercury in the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn indicates that you're a wise and careful thinker, preferring to take your time to consider all possibilities before making decision. You are also likely to choose your words carefully before talking. You place importance on credibility and authority. Therefore you'll seek knowledge which carries some authority. You've an astute mind and enjoy studying a variety of subjects, approaching your topics in a serious fashion. For this reason you enjoy success in the academic world. It's also likely that others will appreciate your wisdom and counsel in many matters. While it's true that you have the ability to become an acknowledged expert in your field, it's also true that you can become a little rigid in your thinking. You approach new ideas with caution, preferring the tried and tested ways that have already been trod. However, with your practical nature you will soon see the advantages of anything new on offer.Mercury is Conjunct Mars
The planets Mercury and Mars are making contact in your chart indicating that you've a razor-sharp mind and tongue, which you're not afraid of using. You're quick to grasp new ideas, and enjoy studying any subject that challenges your mind. You may have a keen interest in sports and military pursuits. You've good intellectual powers, and are witty, enthusiastic and ingenious. You're a forthright and powerful speaker, perhaps not realising the extent of the effect that your words have on other people. Others may react adversely to your feisty way of communicating, particularly if you fail to curb your tendency to speak first and think later. In some way your communications with other people tend to involve conflict, a battle of words requiring strategic manoeuvres. On a positive note it's also possible that others appreciate your ability to speak your mind, particularly if you're fighting for a cause. You may become an advocate for individuals or groups of people, who are unable to stand up for themselves or who need a strong spokesperson. You're the right choice because you're perceptive, enjoy a thought-provoking discussion or argument, and are agile in most negotiations.Mercury is Square Neptune
The planets Mercury and Neptune are forming a difficult pattern in your chart suggesting that your mind is sometimes confused causing you to suffer setbacks and delays in your education and communication with other people. At times you're vague, lacking concentration and resolution. It's possible that you've spent many hours day-dreaming, lost in a world of thoughts and ideas which seem to have amounted to very little. This is partly because you lack the ability to make decisions, doubting your own abilities and relying too heavily on the influence of other people. It could also be a result of your lack of self-control. On a positive note other influences in your chart, or the development of self-discipline, can help you achieve your dreams. If this is the case then you're likely to express your thoughts in an artistic or creative manner. This could be through art, poetry, literature, story-telling, or music. It's possible that you possess genius in one of these fields. You're also likely to excel in medical or spiritual circles, where your heightened sensitivity to other people can be truly appreciated. You're more likely to follow an unconventional, rather than orthodox, path if you become involved in medicine. This is because you're attracted in psychic and spiritual phenomena. In fact you may possess psychic gifts. You may also enjoy reflective periods near the water, or with nature.Relationships

Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love isn't love which alters when it alteration finds.
Sonnet 116
The planet Venus tells about love and relationships. It reveals the type of relationship we value, and what we are seeking from our most intimate relationship, as well as how we like to show our love. It answers questions such as, are we attracted to strong, sensual and intense relationships? Or do we prefer some freedom and independence? This planet also depicts how we like to relate to our environment and other people, not just our primary partner, and how much importance we place on money and resources.Venus is in the 9th House
When the planet Venus is placed in the 9th House of your birth chart relationships are a source of spiritual and philosophical inspiration. It's important that your primary relationship be with a person who can meet you on the same intellectual level, or be a willing student of yours. Intellectual matters are not a strain, but are a source of great pleasure. Whereas some people are focussed on their daily lives, you prefer to be thinking about matters further afield. Therefore you enjoy activities that stretch your mind and help you escape from the mundane world. You enjoy travelling to other countries, meeting people and experiencing different cultures. Religions also hold an intellectual interest. Your travels abroad are likely to be successful. You're also hospitable and enjoy meeting people from other countries, who are more than happy to return your hospitality at a later date. You seem to spend so much time travelling to and from other countries that your friends are hardly surprised to hear that you're likely to marry a foreigner. In some cases you marry a person with spiritual, scientific, literary or artistic inclinations. These inclinations reflect your own interests. Academic study and lectures also hold a great appeal, again because they are intellectually satisfying. If you enjoy reading, then you're more likely to read a literary work or serious study, rather than a light novel. Depending on other influences in your chart, you're likely to form a good primary relationship and enjoy good fortune in life. In some cases though you could suffer through disappointment in not achieving your ideals.Venus is in Sagittarius
With Venus in the Sign of Sagittarius you've a happy-go-lucky approach to your relationships, and yearn to share adventure with your partner, whether it be simply sharing adventurous ideas or taking off on a journey to another part of the world. Your motivation is to learn more about the world through your main relationships. In some cases your partner could be your teacher, perhaps even someone from a foreign country. You do enjoy relating to foreigners, because they can teach you so much about yourself and life in general. If you can't continually be on the road, then you like to hear about other people's journeys. Your friends come from all walks of life and you're popular, so there are many friends. You're benevolent and loving in all of your relationships, ready to join in on others' adventures and experiencing genuine pleasure in their company. Your generous nature means that you often encourage others in their journey through life. Your intentions are loyal, although you do sometimes have trouble sticking to your promises because the grass can appear so much greener in other parts of the world.Venus is Trine The Moon
You enjoy comfortable relationships with other people because of the favourable combination of the Moon and Venus in your birth chart. A charming and prudent person, you enjoy the company of other people, and they respond favourably. You're likely to enjoy success in your primary relationship, choosing someone who feels comfortable and companionable. You're also likely to benefit from your relationships with women.Venus is Trine Saturn
The planets Venus and Saturn have combined in your chart indicating that you're seeking commitment and security in your primary relationship. Positively speaking this can be a rewarding, long-term relationship with someone trustworthy and reliable. You're faithful and loyal, a dependable, stable and dutiful partner. You value a long-lasting relationship, and are willing to take your time in establishing a permanent partnership. As a young adult you may favour a traditional marital relationship, complete with a formal ceremony and traditional wedding vows. This could change later in adulthood, when you're more likely to consider commitment in other forms. You're likely to achieve your objective of a worthwhile, long-term relationship after careful consideration and planning. On the other hand if you're not careful you may become involved with someone who tries to control your movements and behaviour. Depending on other influences in your chart you may be shy and inhibited in your personal relationships, and be fearful of standing up for your rights. One of your parents may have been too strict, eroding your confidence and ability to make your own way in the world. Consequently you fear expressing yourself, particularly in intimate relationships, and harbour feelings of being unattractive. While your personal relationships may prove difficult you've the ability to form good business partnerships. This is probably because business partners don't require intimacy or emotional vulnerability, which you find frightening. It's also possible that you're attracted to someone much older or perhaps your primary partner is also your business partner. The good news is that once you overcome your feelings of inadequacy you've the ability to form secure and long-lasting relationships based on firm foundations. As your confidence grows you may also enjoy organising social occasions.Venus is Semisquare Mars
The planets Venus and Mars are combining unfavourably in your chart indicating that you struggle to balance your own needs and the needs of your partners in relationships. You see-saw between wanting closeness and freedom. On the one hand you seek adventure on your own, on the other you want to be close to your partner. The ideal is a balance between the two. You're charming and assertive, passionate and alive, and admire these qualities in a potential intimate partner. You love to share your adventures with your partner, and it's likely that your relationship will inspire both your and your partner to explore new territory. However, you may become impatient with your partner, or aggressive and irritable when he or she fails to keep up with your activities. You can be equally impatient with yourself, but this isn't necessarily any comfort to your partner.Motivation

Dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude. To have begun is half the job: be bold and be sensible.
65- 68BC
Mars is the planet that tells us about our assertion and drive. It tells us what motivates us and what desires drive us most powerfully. Are we ambitious for professional power, or do we desire a meaningful relationship? Do we pursue our desires aggressively? Or do we sit back, lacking the confidence to achieve our ambitions? These are the types of questions answered by the qualities of the planet Mars in our chart.Mars is in the 12th House
With Mars placed in the 12th House of your birth chart at times you're uncertain of the future, with vague fears of danger or treachery. If you voice these fears, then others may feel that you are suffering from paranoia. However, it's true that you can suffer at the hands of secret enemies and that you would do well to avoid dangerous situations. This placement of the planet Mars in your birth chart does indicate that danger and treachery can feature in your life. It can also mean loss of reputation. However, these can be avoided. You need to live your life with the utmost integrity, avoiding all criminal elements of society. You also need to learn to follow your instincts, seeking seclusion when necessary and directing your energies into secret arts or meditation. You may also be called on to make sacrifices for other people at some stage during your life. This could mean directing your energies into looking after other people, in particular your spouse who could suffer from an illness.Mars is in Capricorn
The planet Mars in the Sign of Capricorn indicates that you're motivated by ambition. "A job worth doing is a job worth doing well" could be a good motto for your approach to both your personal and professional life. You have a serious side to your nature which seems to hold you back when you're young, but stands you in good stead as you grow older. You're cautious, slow to take risks, preferring the tried and true path trodden by others before you. It's not that you want to rely on other people. Quite the contrary. You're self-reliant and independent. It's simply that you're a serious person, who prefers to take things slowly and make sure that your responsibilities are carried out properly. You're a quiet achiever, reliable and trustworthy. You may not be as good as others at sounding your own trumpet, but you quietly achieve all that you set out to achieve, even if you do take a little longer than others. For this reason you're easily noted for promotion and leadership roles later in life as those in authority come to value your skills. It's also possible that you prefer working independently of other people, in which case you'll benefit through your business or professional associations. This is fortunate because you're eager to get ahead in life. The planet Mars is considered to be in a favourable position in the Sign of Capricorn and therefore it's likely that you achieve your ambitions, although perhaps later in life.Career And Ambitions

The road up and the road down are one and the same
The planet Saturn represents responsibility, boundaries and structure; structure that provides a positive framework within which we can build, or structure that limits our development and forces us to reassess our liabilities and assets. This planet is also linked with our ambitions, and how we approach the practical side of life. This planet often represents the professional side of our lives.Saturn is in the 6th House
The planet Saturn placed in the 6th House of your birth chart suggests that health is a major feature of your life, either because of your own or a loved one's sickness, or because you've decided to work in a health-related job, or perhaps both. It's likely that you've to watch your health closely, making sure that you've a proper diet, and a good balance of physical exercise, rest and work. You're prone to ill-health through no fault of your own, sometimes missing out on opportunities for work and recreation as a result. It's possible that you suffered sickness as a child, which meant that you missed out on school or opportunities to play with other children. You've learnt over the years to seek advice from professional medical practitioners, and to follow their orders. This applies to both orthodox and alternative medical practitioners. You may also be interested in working in a medical field. You've trouble working in a regular office environment. It's not that you don't like work, but rather that you seem to experience delays and frustrations in the workplace. You also have trouble getting the co-operation of co-workers.Saturn is in Leo
The planet Saturn in the Sign of Leo signifies that you take pride in your work, and have an ability to build personal authority. You've a strong will and are determined to succeed in your objectives, even if it means forgoing a few pleasures along the way. In fact you can be passionate about the projects in which you become involved. This positive attitude can benefit your ambitions, although at times you can display too much pride and arrogance and other people start to resent your attitude. This is particularly true if you're placed in a position of authority and let the power go to your head. Those working for you could resent your high-handed approach. The reason for these difficulties, astrologically speaking, is that the planet Saturn is considered to be in a detrimental position in the Sign of Leo. However, on the whole you're generous and can develop the ability to achieve your ambitions through thoughtfulness and by including the ideas and plans of other people. Your strong will-power and determination also help you overcome any obstacles strewn on your path.Saturn is Trine Venus
The planets Venus and Saturn are combining favourably in your chart indicating that you've an appreciation of the artistic side of life, perhaps even an ability to work in an artistic field. You've a good eye for beauty and structure, which may be reflected in your ability to create a beautiful home environment, or which could be reflected in your career choice. The arts, interior decorating, hairdressing, beauty therapy, architecture or creative design may appeal. Whatever your choice of career, it's likely to reflect your ability to successfully combine work and creativity.Saturn is Conjunct Pluto
The combination of the planets Saturn and Pluto in your chart suggests that you're an ambitious, insightful and powerful person. You're likely to make a powerful impact on your friends, family, colleagues and loved ones, both as a child and an adult. At times you might be surprised by the extent of other people's reactions to your presence and opinions. You may even surprise yourself by your own reactions to some circumstances. Authority is likely to be a continuing source of difficulty in your life, as you attempt to find the right balance between your own individual rights, and those of the community. Of course there are many instances when these two rights coincide, but you're more likely to find yourself involved in the clashes, perhaps as a mediator. It's possible that you could become involved in someone's power struggles, in which your role may or may not be central to the outcome. It's true that you've the ability to be a powerful leader, perhaps in the government or armed forces, or as an executive or politician. You can be a powerful leader, but first you must learn to use your unique insights for positive purposes. The 19th Century author John Stuart Mill said in his work On Liberty (1859) that: "Everyone who desires power, desires it most over those who are nearest to him, with whom his life is passed, with whom he has most concerns in common, and in whom any independence of his authority is oftenest likely to interfere with his individual preferences". Herein lies a key to your chart. You've the ability to succeed in your ambitions, but first you must learn how to deal with the balance of power in your life, respecting both your own and other people's rights to succeed.The Midheaven
The Midheaven is one of the important angles in a birth chart and is also known by astrologers as the MC or Medium Coeli. This angle tells us of our public life, our profession and social status. In other words how we are viewed by the public, how we want to be viewed by the public and what type of profession we are likely to choose. It's also important to note the house position of the ruling planet of your Midheaven for further information about your career as this can greatly influence the interpretation.The Midheaven is in Sagittarius
With a Midheaven in the Sign of Sagittarius and ruled by the planet Jupiter, you've an enthusiastic approach to your chosen profession, and are likely to achieve success. It's also likely that your career reflects your personal philosophy on life, driving you to achieve certain goals. Although you'll probably succeed in any career, you could be attracted to teaching, public relations, academia, travel consultancy, philosophy, or religion. You like to be noticed publicly, and you may travel or have foreign connections in your career. Examples of famous people with the same Midheaven include USA actor and film director Robert Redford, Communist philsopher Karl Marx, USA actress Whoopi Goldberg, and Australian actor Guy Pearce.Venus is Conjunct The Midheaven
You are a charming and soothing person, able to use your charm to help both yourself and other people on life's journey. You believe in co-operation, not competition, and therefore you are an asset in any profession that requires teamwork, personnel skills and diplomacy. You may excel in an artistic field, but this depends on other influences in your birth chart. You are likely to enjoy any work that pays well while enabling you to express your love of people. Relationships are important to you. You are likely to be benefit from your association with a woman, whether this is in your profession or in marriage. You need to avoid any career that involves conflict, as you are likely to be agitated when trouble arises in the workplace. You are likely to feel the need to escape to calmer work environs when trouble is afoot at work. While generally you land on your feet when it comes to seeking new jobs, you may also benefit from learning some self-soothing techniques, or indulging in an enjoyable pastime that helps alleviate any temporary work stress. While you can excel at any chosen profession you may be attracted to the arts, beauty, fashion, graphic design, leisure, hospitality, or public relations, to name a few.Creativity And Originality

The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him everywhere but never see him.
Correspondence 1857-64
The planet Uranus represents originality and unconventionality. This can be both the unusual and brilliant genius or the wilful rebel without a cause. This planet tells us the areas in which we break with convention, become innovative and experiment with new and exciting ways. In some circles of astrology Uranus represents the creative genius which comes directly via our soul or higher self.Uranus is in the 4th House
The planet Uranus is in the 4th House of your birth chart suggesting that you've a busy, unusual and unconventional home-life. As a child you may have experienced sudden changes in the home environment, or a general sense of being unsettled. It's even possible that you were estranged from your parents. As an adult you may seek unusual homes, or continue to experience restlessness. In some cases home is a positive experience during childhood - an original and unconventional environment in which everyone expresses their own creative urges. Either way it's possible that as an adult you've a preference for the open road, rather than a need to settle and put down roots. If you do settle in one place then it's likely to be a unique home, reflecting your individual nature. You may choose to live on your own, because you need a home and family environment which enables you to express your individuality, one from which you can come and go without restrictions. Property development and investment are also affected by this placement of the planet Uranus. You're likely to experience sudden gains and sudden losses through investment in property, and need to be wary of spending your old age in poverty as a result.Uranus is in Gemini
The planet Uranus was in the Sign of Gemini from 1942 - 1949. It's important to note that Uranus spends a long time in each Sign, and therefore the interpretation applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation you need to look at the house position of Uranus in your chart. Uranus in the Sign of Gemini indicates that you belong to a generation which becomes focussed on new forms of communication and the world's networks. This generation is responsible for original and inventive ideas which change the world's communication network. Your creativity soars when you're tackling these issues.Neptune
Neptune is the planet of creativity and spirituality. It represents both the bliss of spiritual attainment and the heights of creativity. This isn't personal spirituality and creativity which comes at the expense of others, but gifts which can benefit humanity. This planet also represents the confusion that can accompany the road to discovering when we are being selfish, as opposed to when we are generously thinking of how our gifts can benefit others.Neptune is in the 8th House
The planet Neptune placed in the 8th House of your chart means that you become knowledgeable through your own experiences, rather than relying on other people's advice. You benefit most when following your own intuition. This intuition tells you that you're likely to benefit more from pursuing the spiritual, rather than the material side of life, and you would be wise to follow these feelings. You're likely to suffer financial loss through personal and business partnerships, as a result of external circumstances, fraudulent activities or carelessness on behalf of your partner. Depending on other influences in your chart, you're also unlikely to gain through inheritance. On the other hand you're gifted in psychic and metaphysical matters, and may be keen to pursue this side of life. You may experience strange dreams, or dream-like states, which urge you to explore the deeper meaning of life.Neptune is in Libra
The planet Neptune was in the Sign of Libra from 1942 - 1957. It's important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each Sign, and therefore the interpretation applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation you need to look at the house position of Neptune in your chart. Neptune in the Sign of Libra indicates that you belong to a generation possessing the ability to view human relationships from a more spiritual overall viewpoint, rather than the rules and regulations of the previous (Virgo) generation. It's during this time that some confusion over right human relations may reign. People of this generation will aim to achieve a balance in human relationships. You'll also be concerned with justice.Neptune is Sextile Pluto
The planets Neptune and Pluto both move slowly through the zodiac, and therefore any connection between the two planets affects birth charts for a short period of time. You were born in such a time. This combination in your chart means that you're interested in opportunities to bring about fundamental change to human values. You are aware of injustices in society and, depending on other influences in your chart, may prefer to fight against them rather than sit back and accept the ills of society. Your creative urges may be linked to politics, or expressing your political views through the arts or spiritual or charitable organisations.Challenges In Life

The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual.
Self-Help 1859
The planet Pluto challenges us to transform our lives by clearing out our old habits to make way for the new, more rewarding ways of living. The process isn't necessarily an easy one, as most of us cling tenaciously to the comfort offered by habitual patterns, and are rather scared of new paths. Pluto shows us in which areas of our lives we need to grow, and to a certain extent whether we're likely to find the process of growing painful or joyful.Pluto is in the 7th House
The planet Pluto is in the 7th House of your birth chart indicating that marriage and business partnerships are a challenging force in your life. You need to approach these relationships with caution and integrity, otherwise you're prone to major upheavals. It's possible that your parents' relationship was somewhat traumatic, affecting you more deeply than you had previously believed. This may affect your ability to commit to a marriage. If you're not careful you may attract an abusive marriage partner, or someone who betrays you in marriage or business. On a more positive note, you prefer a challenge in marriage rather than the comfort of a predictable partner. If you and your partner are aware of potential problems, and are able to keep the communication lines open, then you learn a great deal through your most intimate relationships. This experience of deep transformation through relationships can be most rewarding.Pluto is in Leo
The planet Pluto was in the Sign of Leo from 1939 - 1957. It's important to note that Pluto takes about 248 years to make a complete cycle, spending 12 - 32 years in each Sign, and therefore the interpretation applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation you need to look at the house position of Pluto in your chart. Pluto in the Sign of Leo suggests that you belong to a generation of people concerned with the lack of or acquiring of power. People of this generation have the ability to use power both positively and negatively. World power and leadership are also important issues for these people.Purpose And Joy

He who binds to himself a joy Doth the winged life destroy But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in Eternity's sunrise
MS Note-book
A sense of purpose can help us overcome the most onerous difficulties in our lives, by taking the focus away from our failings and problems, and shining the light on our strengths and talents. By concentrating on our purpose we can distract ourselves from our troubles, and maintain the forward momentum of our lives. A sense of purpose can also lead to feelings of happiness and joy. Ancient astrologers believed that a person could either identify with their human body and human life, or could focus on a spiritual life. A rewarding spiritual life can help ease human pain and suffering, and inject joy into every day life. A sense of purpose can assist the process of transferring our identification from our human selves to the spiritual sides of our nature, and one of the greatest gifts of astrology is to help us determine our purpose.
The North Node
The North Node and South Node form an axis in astrology, which is said to represent one's destiny or spiritual quest in life. This axis is also linked with our purpose. The North Node points to a key lesson in our lives. It represents new experiences towards which we must aim during this life. We have already learnt the skills of its opposite point, the South Node, in the past. Now we must grow and stretch ourselves through the North Node.The North Node is in the 4th House
Your North Node is in the 4th House and your South Node is in the 10th House of your birth chart indicating a quest for inner self-worth. You need to overcome your need for public display and focus on your responsibilities and relationships at home.The North Node is in Gemini
Your nodal axis has the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in the Sign of Sagittarius denoting that you're destined to learn to see life from other people's point of view and to become adept in the art of communication. You've a tendency to be restless and scatty. You need to develop focus and the ability to communicate your ideas in a way that helps the many people in your life.The North Node is Trine Neptune
You're on a spiritual quest, and your destiny is linked with expressing your artistic and creative talents. This is indicated by the association of the North Node and the planet Neptune. Your challenge is to discover your highest potential, which may be expressed through spiritual or artistic groups.The North Node is Sextile Pluto
You're on a quest to use your insights and personal experience to help others. This is because of the association of the North Node and the planet Pluto in your birth chart. You may encounter traumas during your lifetime, which will ultimately help to develop your resourceful nature.The South Node is Trine The Moon
The South Node and the Moon are combining to suggest that you're particularly aware of the importance of emotions, and are being encouraged to use your knowledge in a constructive way. However, there is a tendency for you to become stuck in negative emotional patterns of relating to other people. In other words you have difficulty expressing your emotions, and this may lead to periods of self-imposed isolation and needless worry about the future. This also creates obstacles for you achieving your purpose in life. Your challenge is to forge ahead with your life without relying too heavily on your emotions, and yet remaining responsive to other people.The South Node is Trine Saturn
The combination of the South Node and Saturn is a difficult one, indicating that you face restrictions in your current life and struggle to express yourself. At times you may feel that the world is a hard place, particularly the demands of daily life. It's possible that you've inherited some emotional or physical problems from your father, or his side of the family, which restrict your ability to achieve your goals. These problems can be overcome, but it's only through hard work and shouldering your responsibilities that you're likely to achieve your purpose.The South Node is Sextile Neptune
You've a tendency to daydream and live in a fantasy world, possibly even escaping into the world of drugs and depression. This is because of the association of the South Node and the planet Neptune in your chart. Your quest in this life is to put your creative talents to positive use.The South Node is Trine Pluto
You've a tendency to become embroiled in the dramas and crises of life, whether they be real ones or in your imagination. This is because of the association of the South Node and the planet Pluto in your birth chart. It's true that you're familiar with the darker side of life: matters such as jealousy, malice, under-handed deals, abusive behaviour, criminal elements and depravation. Your challenge is to rise above the negativity, whether it's your own or other people's, and to use your insights and resources for the good of others. For instance you could prove skilled in the area of crisis counselling.The Ascendant
The Ascendant, or Rising Sign as it's sometimes called, is a key to discovering our purpose. Ancient astrologers believed that the Ascendant depicted our primary motivation as individuals. Some believed that it was one of the links to discovering what makes a person happy. When we're accomplishing our primary motivation then we're happy. The more modern Esoteric astrologers believe that this sensitive chart point reveals our soul's purpose. When we're carrying out our soul's purpose then we're joyful. They believe that acceptance of our purpose, or fate, can help us achieve success and satisfaction, and that meditation on the qualities of the Ascendant can help us focus on our life's purpose.The Ascendant is in Aquarius
The Sign of Aquarius is considered "masculine" by Ancient astrologers suggesting that you're more likely to actively seek your purpose in life, taking the initiative rather than waiting until circumstances are comfortable. Aquarius is also a Fixed Sign denoting fixity of purpose, resolution, self-reliance and independence.You're gregarious and unconventional, original and objective. You're independent, and yet your purpose and fate are strongly linked with your friends and associates, and groups of people. Your associates can either help or hinder you achieve your purpose, depending on how quickly you learn to assert yourself. You're usually a good judge of character, but need to learn to trust your instincts. If you're not careful you can be easily distracted from your purpose by your friends and social engagements. Once you've learned to trust your own intuition, and to blend this with your highly-intelligent nature, then you can channel your resources into your true purpose. It's unlikely that you'll be interested in pursuing a demanding intimate relationship, preferring the single lifestyle. If other influences in your chart indicate that a relationship is important, then you're likely to seek one that gives you plenty of freedom to pursue your goals. Your purpose may be linked with humanitarian causes, or with metaphysical groups or pursuits. It's also possible that you're interested in scientific ideals.
In Esoteric astrology the Sign of Aquarius is linked with service to humanity, meaning that your purpose is to improve the conditions of humanity, through your own individual efforts. This could range from working as a cleaner, to working for an environmental or political group, to becoming a political leader. The onus is on you to find an avenue through which to serve the world. Your purpose is connected to humbly directing your services for the benefit of others.

He who binds to himself a joy Doth the winged life destroy But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in Eternity's sunrise
MS Note-book
The Birth Planets of David
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() |
moon | 03°59 | ![]() |
LEO | 6 | F |
![]() |
sun | 17°15 | ![]() |
CAPRICORN | 12 | F |
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mercury | 08°12 | ![]() |
CAPRICORN | 11 | F |
![]() |
venus | 02°09 | ![]() |
![]() |
mars | 16°44 | ![]() |
CAPRICORN | 12 | F |
![]() |
jupiter | 21°37 | ![]() |
SCORPIO | 9 | F |
![]() |
saturn | 06°51 | ![]() |
LEO | 6 | R |
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uranus | 18°40 | ![]() |
GEMINI | 4 | R |
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neptune | 10°48 | ![]() |
LIBRA | 8 | F |
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pluto | 12°44 | ![]() |
LEO | 7 | R |
![]() |
chiron | 06°51 | ![]() |
SCORPIO | 8 | F |
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northnode | 11°18 | ![]() |
GEMINI | 4 | R |
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southnode | 11°18 | ![]() |
![]() |
ascendant | 09°10 | ![]() |
AQUARIUS | 1 | R |
![]() |
midheaven | 07°27 | ![]() |
The Birth Aspects of David
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() |
moon | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
venus |
![]() |
moon | ![]() |
saturn |
![]() |
moon | ![]() |
SEMISQUARE | ![]() |
uranus |
![]() |
moon | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
chiron |
![]() |
moon | ![]() |
OPPOSITION | ![]() |
ascendant |
![]() |
moon | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
midheaven |
![]() |
sun | ![]() |
mercury |
![]() |
sun | ![]() |
SEMISQUARE | ![]() |
venus |
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sun | ![]() |
mars |
![]() |
sun | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
neptune |
![]() |
mercury | ![]() |
SEMISQUARE | ![]() |
jupiter |
![]() |
mercury | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
neptune |
![]() |
mercury | ![]() |
SEXTILE | ![]() |
chiron |
![]() |
venus | ![]() |
SEMISQUARE | ![]() |
mars |
![]() |
venus | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
saturn |
![]() |
venus | ![]() |
midheaven |
![]() |
mars | ![]() |
mercury |
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mars | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
neptune |
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saturn | ![]() |
pluto |
![]() |
saturn | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
chiron |
![]() |
saturn | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
southnode |
![]() |
saturn | ![]() |
OPPOSITION | ![]() |
ascendant |
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saturn | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
midheaven |
![]() |
uranus | ![]() |
QUINCUNX | ![]() |
sun |
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uranus | ![]() |
northnode |
![]() |
uranus | ![]() |
OPPOSITION | ![]() |
southnode |
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neptune | ![]() |
SEXTILE | ![]() |
pluto |
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neptune | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
northnode |
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neptune | ![]() |
SEXTILE | ![]() |
southnode |
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neptune | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
ascendant |
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neptune | ![]() |
SEXTILE | ![]() |
midheaven |
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pluto | ![]() |
moon |
![]() |
pluto | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
chiron |
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pluto | ![]() |
SEXTILE | ![]() |
northnode |
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pluto | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
southnode |
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pluto | ![]() |
OPPOSITION | ![]() |
ascendant |
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pluto | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
midheaven |
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chiron | ![]() |
SQUARE | ![]() |
ascendant |
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northnode | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
ascendant |
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northnode | ![]() |
OPPOSITION | ![]() |
midheaven |
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southnode | ![]() |
TRINE | ![]() |
moon |
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southnode | ![]() |
SEXTILE | ![]() |
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midheaven |
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SEXTILE | ![]() |
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