Cameron Diaz Astrology, Birth Chart & Birthday Horoscope Reading
Born: 30 Aug 2015 12:28, San Diago, California. Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Growing up, I was the plain one. I had no style. I was the tough kid with the comb in the back pocket and the feathered hair.
Cameron Michelle Diaz is an American actress and former model, who rose to prominence during the 1990s and is one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood. She began her career as a fashion model at age 16, and at 21, was cast as the leading actress in; "The Mask" having had no previous acting experience, which launched her as a sex symbol. Her other iconic movies roles include; "My Best Friend's Wedding", the "Charlie's Angels" films and voicing the character Princess Fiona in the Shrek series. Diaz has revealed publicly she has Attention deficit hyperactivity disorderwhich prevents her from directing movies.
Diaz has an older sister, Chimene. Her father was Cuban of Spain descent who worked for the California oil company as a field gauger, and her mother an import-export agent of English, Scots-Irish, and German ancestry.
Diaz has had a number of long-term relationships including with singer/actor Justin Timberlake. On 5th January 15, she married musician Benji Madden after a seven month courtship. She had previously refered to marriage as a "dying institution" that doesn't "suit our world any longer".
The following is Astrology Yard's interpretation of Cameron Diaz's birthday horoscope also known as a solar return chart.
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Solar Return Chart, Birthday Horoscope Report

Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again
Many people are familiar with their own astrological sign because Sun sign astrology is popular in today's culture. Taking this one step further extends the understanding of astrology from the Sun sign to other planets and aspects of astrology that interplay at the moment of birth. A chart is produced that astrologers can interpret. What you may not know is that astrologers can also calculate a chart for each of your birthdays, and these charts can predict the patterns that you might experience in the forthcoming year. This is because each year the Sun does a full revolution of the zodiac. Therefore each year the Sun returns to the exact position of your birth chart Sun. Wherever you are in the world we can calculate this birthday chart. This chart is called a Solar Return; hence the saying "many happy returns". This chart represents the opportunities and challenges of the forthcoming year. It should also be read in conjunction with your birth chart to fully understand the lessons and opportunities available to you in any given year.
When using these Solar Return interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences. As a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection of your chart, as it is likely that you do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in your life. Usually an astrologer will synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and meaningful interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.
Please also be aware of the fact that each person possesses both positive and negative influences in the chart, and therefore in their lives. The challenge is to accept and overcome the negative influences, so that we can successfully focus on manifesting the positive traits or qualities. This report outlines both influences, and therefore helps us to rise to the challenges during any given year. Any advice given is meant to be an aid the individual in taking responsibility for his or her own life. Ultimately the decision rests with each individual.
This Year's Major Theme

The AscendantAnd in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years
US 16th President
The Ascendant indicates your primary focus of the year. It shows your main direction and how you are likely to go about achieving your goals. The Ascendant indicates whether you are more likely to be self-motivated, or whether you are more likely to rely on other people during this year.
The Ascendant is in Scorpio
Your birthday chart Ascendant is in a feminine Water sign indicating that this year during which you are more introspective. As a result you are more likely to be focussed on your feelings, rather than your intellect. In astrological terms the three Water signs are considered fertile. Therefore you may be considering whether or not to bear to a child, or perhaps to give birth to a new project. Nevertheless if you do seek a new project or professional advancement then you are more likely to cooperate in a team, rather than step forward as a leader. Your creative process is also likely to be a gradual process as you give birth to ideas, reflecting on different options, and letting these ideas gently transform into actuality. Even if this is not your usual modus operandi, this year you are content to go slow and perhaps even take a back seat. You may be more focussed on the needs of others rather than yourself. Emotions may run high during the course of this year depending on other aspects of your astrology. Your journey is to learn to follow your intuition, taking into consideration other people's views, but not submerging your own desires too severely. If you focus too much on other people's approval then you could lose your way. You are better advised to be thoughtful and caring, but also to value your own feelings and needs.
The intense sign of Scorpio urges you to discover your own emotional truth. Logic, both your own and other people's, is unlikely to feature largely during this year. You are sharply aware of the role that emotions play in people's interactions and decisions, and are keen to discover the emotional truth. Other people may only be partly aware of the insights that you are gaining, both into your own subconscious motivations and theirs. However, you are ready to pounce, changing the course of your own life, and perhaps profoundly affecting the lives of others. Truths that have been buried in the past are likely to surface during this year. Perhaps you trusted loved ones only to discover that all was not as it seemed. It is not too late to honestly appraise emotional situations and put them right, however; you may have to be willing to step into murky waters before real healing and cleansing can take place. Although this is an intense year, it is a very enlightening one. You are shining a light on the darker corners of your past and present, so that you can gain greater understanding, forgive yourself and others, and walk on with a much lighter load.
The Sun
The Sun is very important when interpreting a Solar Return chart given that the chart is based on the Sun. It indicates the major theme of the year depicting the area in which you would really like to shine. Parts of your life that have been seemingly unimportant in previous years can become very important once the Sun shines its light in a particular house of a Solar Return chart.
The Sun is in the 10th House
This year you reap what you have sown in recent times. If you have acted with integrity, compassion and patience then you are likely to undergo an exciting change of direction during this year. You are reassessing your life direction in the light of recent discoveries. As a result you may change jobs, receive a promotion, alter your career path or begin a course of study that ultimately influences your life direction. You may also start your own business, enjoying the benefits of self-employment and management. The more that you have built a good reputation in previous years the more that you are likely to reap rewards during this year. If you have shirked responsibilities either to yourself or others in previous years then you are likely to spend your year re-building your reputation. Either way you can benefit from the effort channelled into public service, career growth and community involvement.
Another important life decision facing you this year may be the future of your marital status. If you are single, then you may be considering the important step of marriage. You are likely to spend quite a bit of time preparing for your new stage of life. Alternatively if you are already married you are likely to enjoy a more public role with your spouse. Perhaps your work demands that your spouse plays a more prominent role in your career, or perhaps you enjoy involving your spouse in your career decisions. Either way you are likely to call on your spouse for support and guidance in any major life changing decision. If your partner fails to support you then you are likely to seriously reconsider the structure of your marriage in the next year. On a more positive note you are also likely to enjoy a close and happy marriage in the next year should your spouse prove co-operative.The Sun is Opposite Neptune
When the Sun and the planet Neptune are influencing each other in your birthday chart then you can be sure that they are also appearing in other forms of your yearly astrology events. This emphasizes the affect, and some would say the lesson, that the dreamy Neptune has on your life right now. Quite simply the message is: “it is time to follow your dreams”. You are seeking more magic in your life, whether this is through a romantic liaison, artistic inspiration, spiritual enlightenment or remote and beautiful holiday. If you are already a dreamy type of person, then you are likely to be even more soft and creative this year. You need to make sure that your sensitivities and fears don't hold you back. If you are usually more ambitious, practical and analytical then you are likely to notice the softening effect of this mystical planet. At first you may feel a little lost, lacking your usual clarity. If you continue to push then you may become tired and unwell. Illness may force you to slow down and contemplate. It is important to note that this planet can have a powerful camouflaging affect and that all personality types are well advised to avoid drugs, alcohol, religious sects and unscrupulous business deals. This is not an auspicious time to be making sound financial decisions. You are better advised to follow your dreams in a way that does not burn bridges. Let yourself fall in love by all means, enjoy the romance and the sweetness, but don't make a commitment until you have passed through this phase. Explore spiritual practices, delight in your newfound metaphysical discoveries but maintain your commitment to yourself, family and finances until you have integrated your lessons into daily life. Likewise you may use this time to explore your artistic talents, seeking beauty in the arts, but now may not be the time to give up your day job. As your dreams unfold you can gradually integrate the lessons in a useful manner. The idea is to slow down, contemplate and incorporate your imaginings into your life. There is no need to fear the changes that are occurring in your sense of self. Perhaps you need to spend some time in a cocoon, but you can be assured that you are like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. Ultimately this is an enchanting process. Take your time and don't force the process. Someone once said, “the greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.”
This Year's Personal Matters

The MoonThe greatest comfort of my old age, and that which gives me the highest satisfaction, is the pleasing remembrance of the many benefits and friendly offices I have done to others
The Moon is also an important indicator in a Solar Return chart. Generally speaking the Moon shows which areas of your life are likely to undergo change during the year. More specifically the Moon shows your personal needs. Your individual needs and urges are likely to trigger changes in your life during the course of the year.
The Moon is in the 4th House
It is time to look at the emotional needs of yourself and your family. Perhaps there have been changes in recent times and you need to reassess your feelings about particular family members. On the other hand changes in other areas of your life may be prompting you to look at your own feelings regarding home and family. Where is home? Who is your family? Where do you belong? Are there any cracks in these relationships that need fixing? These are questions that surface during this year. This is not an intellectual process. You cannot apply logic. Loved ones may seem irrational. Your own feelings may seem irrational but you need to face them. The more that you suppress your feelings regarding your home and family the more that you are likely to feel those feelings erupting in strange and mysterious ways. It is important to remember to ask for support, but also to care for your loved ones. If changes need to be made then the process of change is vital. The end result is not important right now; it is how you address your inner most needs, and those of your loved ones. The process that you implement right now is likely to have ramifications in the future. So it is important that you reflect on the feelings that are surfacing, and take considered action. So contemplate what you need to help you feel safe and secure in your home. Communicate these needs to loved ones. Heal past hurt feelings so that the next year can be truly rewarding. It is time to give birth to a new sense of belonging. Open your heart and embrace those closest to you and seek their support. Tell them how you feel and ask for their loving response. It is time for you to reach out to your loved ones, to create channels of communication that are warm and loving. This is deeply rewarding for both you and your family.
As a result of the feelings that are surfacing and the changes that are happening deep within you, you may make changes in your household. You may welcome a new child, or an adult child may leave the nest. If you are single you may marry and share your home with your spouse. You may redecorate, move furniture, undertake major renovations or move to a different house. It is also possible that, as the foundations of your life shift, you contemplate a new career, perhaps one that involves working from home. Nevertheless it is through your private life that you are seeking more emotional sustenance.
The Moon is in Pisces
The element of Water indicates that this is a rich emotional year for you. This is the ideal time to reach out to loved ones, share their trials and tribulations and reveal your own true feelings. It is a privilege to share the pains and joys of the lives of loved ones, even if at times you feel a little overwhelmed. This is a time to go with the flow in personal matters. Let your imagination flow. Your sensitivity and warmth are key factors right now.
During this year your sensitivity is likely to be finely tuned, even if you are not usually a sensitive person. This is most likely to influence your feelings, but you could also be physically sensitive to your environment. You may be extra touchy, easily upset. Perhaps one chapter in your life is coming to a close before another begins, or it may just be that your emotions are running high. You are more imaginative and intuitive and this can be put to good use if you work in a caring, creative or artistic field. You may be inspired to look after the sick and need, the aged or downtrodden members of society. You may also be inspired to write, sing, paint, dance, act or some other such pursuit. Feelings of romance and love can play a role in your private life this year. Right now your feelings are perhaps softened by a relationship with a woman, either directly or indirectly. It is also the ideal time to take up a spiritual pastime, or delve into activities that increase your sense of emotional well being. This is also an ideal time to seek the advice of a medical practitioner or counsellor if you are feeling a little under the weather emotionally or physically. Right now you may feel vulnerable and reclusive but you are also able to trust your instincts for healing and wholeness. If you need some time out then ask others for understanding and support. If you need a little tender loving care, then make sure that you receive it. Be gentle in your thoughts and actions both for yourself and for your loved ones. You may not be highly organized, or pay much attention to detail, but listen to your intuition and things are likely to flow and work out in everyone's best interests.
The Moon is Trine The Ascendant
This is a year of emotional truths. This means that you are now ready to listen to your heart and accommodate your feelings. In the past you may have felt compelled to adhere to a certain course of action, or to put other people's needs before your own. This year circumstances change or you reach a point, whereby you now alter your personal life in ways that are more appealing and supportive. Your loved ones are more likely to support your needs this year. Hence you may spend more time with your loved ones and in your company rather than focussed on career matters. Work is likely to take second place to your personal life, or you change your working environment to one that is more comfortable for you. You may change your home, making it more comfortable for you and your family. You may even move to a more comfortable home. Your physical appearance may alter, as you change your diet, take up a fun exercise program, or indulge in some emotional therapy. Whatever your circumstances, the time is ripe for you to explore your personal needs and enjoy more satisfaction and fulfilment in your personal life.
The planet Venus sheds light on the personal areas of love and finance in the forthcoming year. This planet of love tells you whether or not personal relationships are likely to be prominent during the year. If you are single then are you likely to attract a significant relationship? If you are married is this a year of romance and fun, or perhaps one in which you tackle a few changes.
Venus is in the 9th House
This is a year when your passions are highlighted. This is not sexual passion, or ardour for another person, but rather the zeal that drives you to achieve your own dreams. As a result this can be a year in which you reach a crossroads, or perhaps a fork in the road and you question which path to take on your life's journey. If you are happy with your current choices then you are likely to continue with some adjustments and enhancements here and there. However, if you are despondent about aspects of your life then now is your opportunity to veer off on a different course. Whatever your circumstances it is time to take note of the signposts. These can be subtle, internal signals such as your own conduct unbecoming or external sources that trigger opportunities to learn and change. Signals from within can indicate whether you are striving to achieve social success, or whether you are truly following your own heart's desires. For instance you may begin to observe your own actions, only to discover that you have a habit of sometimes stating silly and offensive remarks at inopportune moments. This year you can assess your own actions with love, not judgment. Take note of the moments. Is there a common thread? Do they all occur in the company of a particular person? Does this person have a loving and supportive role, or a critical one in your life? Do you blurt out the wrong things at work, potentially jeopardizing the respect of your workmates and superiors? Are your actions therefore an indicator that you don't really want to be in this particular line of work? It is time for you to decipher the code that is the signal of your true self, rather than listen to social obligations. The more that you can tune into symbolic language, and focus on your dreams the more that you are likely to benefit as doors open on new opportunities. As part of this process you may also enjoy reassessing your values and beliefs, and adopting a broader more inclusive value system. You can benefit from socializing with people from other cultures, travelling for work or pleasure, and starting or ending a study course.
Venus is in Leo
The planet of love is in a Fire sign this year indicating that you are more adventurous in love and money matters this year. Generally speaking you are more willing to take risks when it comes to love and money. You are likely to venture outside of your usual social circle. Even if you usually enjoy security, you are prepared to venture out of your comfort zone seeking companionship, and perhaps even social influence. If you are single and looking for a lover, then you are likely to be attracted to outgoing, artistic or adventurous types. If you are attached, then your partnership is likely to feature more prominently in your life this year. You may be tempted to “show-off” your beloved a little more, or to pursue more social activities with your partner. You may even enjoy more creative pursuits, or a little social climbing and pomp and circumstance. This can be a fun time during which you enjoy the company of other people no matter what your social circumstances.
Venus is Conjunct Mars
Right now you and your partner are simpatico. You can work as a team, supporting each other and achieving your goals. No matter what happens this year, you feel that you have someone on your side, and vice versa. This is true whether or not you are in a committed partnership, however; it is particularly true if you are married. Other aspects of your annual chart indicate whether or not this is an easy-going or challenging year, but either way you feel ready to take on the challenges. This is particularly true when it comes to money matters. You are able to work to provide for your needs, knowing that you are working side by side with your significant other. You are confident that if you take financial risks then your partner is ready, willing and able to support you. This has a flow-on affect, further boosting your own confidence and your belief in your partnership. As a result you may take a risk with your partner this year. On a personal note you may strike out on an adventure holiday with your loved one this year, or take on another physical challenge that delights you, or travel to a foreign land. Your sex life is likely to be enjoyable, as you rediscover your passion for your own goals, and share them with a beloved partner. If you are single then you are likely to strike out on your own, trusting in your own ability to support yourself. You may meet a potential partner, or perhaps form a friendship with someone who helps boost your confidence.
This Year's Challenges

MarsIf we could be twice young and twice old we could correct all our mistakes.
The planet Mars tells you about your assertion and drive for the year. It depicts what motivates you in the current year, and what desires drive you most powerfully. Are you ambitious for professional power, or do you desire a meaningful relationship? Are you likely to be highly motivated, or perhaps ready to sit back and cruise for a while? These are the types of questions answered by the qualities of the planet Mars in your birthday chart.
Mars is in the 9th House
It is time to have the courage of your own convictions and follow your true path. If you have any obstacles then now is the time to overcome them. Your first step may be to ascertain the truth. What beliefs have endured since your childhood? What did you once feel strongly about and no longer have the urge to pursue? Do your current beliefs still hold true? One dictionary definition of 'belief' is “something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.” This year it is most likely to be your religious or philosophical beliefs that come under the microscope. An event or a prominent person may be challenging values that you have always held true, or encouraging you to expand your view of the world. For instance, if you have always held traditional religious beliefs, you may be provoked to become less fundamental and more liberal. On the other hand your faith may be tested or you may dream of testing your own faith. For instance if you have always wanted to go on a religious pilgrimage, this is your year to set off. This is your year to embrace your spiritual values, and if necessary to break with conventions and live true to yourself. If any belief holds you back then circumstances are likely to defy you to change your beliefs and follow your true path. Your urge for adventure is strong and so you are advised to follow your instincts, rather than try to suppress your urges. There is a voice of truth within you that is ready for action. So plan that trip to faraway places, apply for that academic course that has always beckoned, audition for that role that you have always yearned for, or train for the sport that has inspired you. If you get a chance listen to the song "I Have a Dream" by the famous Swedish pop group ABBA. It starts, “I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see. I believe in angels. When I know the time is right for me Ill cross the stream - I have a dream.”
Mars is Quincunx Pluto
There is a tendency to become frustrated and angry when life doesn't turn out exactly as we would like it to, particularly if someone or something has upset us. However, often we can see the gift in the change of direction much later. This is your year for changes, some that you have strived for and some that are thrust on you. How you react is up to you. Circumstances may require that you carry on in adverse circumstances, however, you are likely to be experiencing strong feelings, and perhaps even previously suppressed feelings are surfacing this year. Your challenge is to explore this psychological phenomenon in safe and appropriate environments. For this reason you could benefit by directing your pent-up energy into an intense project or hobby, such as starring in a dramatic theatrical production, or competing in motor sports. You may seek advice from a trained professional, and you would be well advised to avoid dangerous situations, dark alleys and violent men. Fortunately you are likely to be full of energy right now, ready to tackle the big issues, the changes that have occurred and any large projects. You may not realise just how driven you are, so try to moderate any obsessive tendencies, and face any life and death issues as calmly as possible. You are likely to be great in an emergency right now, and a great comfort to others with serious problems. It is time to reflect on the changes that are occurring in your life right now, gain insights into your own reactions and to act in meaningful ways that transform your own life, and possibly others. Through facing the more serious side of life, you are able to tackle solemn matters with integrity.
The planet Uranus is one of disclosure. It reveals the areas that you need to change during the course of your birthday year. If you are the type of person who anticipates and embraces new experiences then you are likely to delight in the challenges, and instigate a few of your own in the area highlighted by this unpredictable planet. If you tend to prevaricate, preferring the comfort on known situations, then you are likely to be in for a few surprises. This erratic planet does not recognise safety and security. Its task is to help you to grow beyond your limitations. You can either accept or resist the challenge and see what happens as a result.
Uranus is in the 5th House
How flexible are you? Can you adapt to your surroundings in a creative manner, supporting others in their artistic endeavours? Do you help out with other people's children? Are you a creative parent? This is your year to be more of a free spirit. As such you may need to make changes when it comes to creativity and dealing with children. If you are already artistic, freely expressing yourself through your works then you are likely to have sudden and unexpected opportunities to work in a different way. You can try new ideas, express yourself more truly through your work and perhaps work more independently than you have before. If you have secret dreams to take up an artistic hobby, or play or create computer games, or express yourself in any creative project then this is your year to “come-out”. If you make excuses then you are likely to have those excuses stripped away. Even if your responsibilities demand that you have little spare time, you can still start a class, or put aside a little time for your own creative expression. You can speculate this year and enjoy the process, however; gambling is to be avoided. Children also feature largely this year, either your children or someone else's. Your relationship to children is likely to change dramatically. This could be the year during which a child starts school and hence frees up some of your time to start a creative project. On the other hand a child could be born, or you could start a relationship with someone who already has children from a previous marriage. If this is the case then children are likely to have a disruptive influence, as you attempt to create an environment in which everyone has the right to express him or herself. This is your year to re-evaluate what it means to have fun, to remain flexible and open to new creative opportunities and to rekindle a passion for imaginary, romantic and artistic realms.
Peace can be deceptive. True peace comes when life is balanced, when you are living true to yourself and are sincerely happy with your life choices. You respect other people and assert your own needs and wishes, and live your life with integrity. Sometimes it appears that your life is peaceful, but you are really just sweeping things under the proverbial carpet, keeping the peace by swallowing your own needs or biding your time until events or people force you to make the necessary changes. You can be assured that the powerful planet Pluto will shine a bright light in one or more areas of your birthday chart and you will see your own process very clearly. If you are living your life true to yourself then you are likely to reap benefits from this planet of transformation. However, if you have been dodging the truth then events or people are likely to change.
Pluto is in the 2nd House
Money is a challenge this year. On a positive note you could attract a windfall and face the challenge of how to manage your newfound wealth. However, it is more likely that you are required to learn how to manage your existing finances differently. The planet Pluto has an uncanny ability to strip self-deceit and force us to face the truth. You are being challenged to see the truth about the ways in which you handle your finances. Are you good with money? Do you know how to make the most of your income? Are you on a regular salary or self-employed? If so how can you better manage your finances? Are you hopeless with financial planning, constantly spending as much if not more than you earn? Are you in debt? Whatever your monetary management skills, you are being challenged to re-evaluate. If you are in arrears then this is the year to reduce your debt. You would also be well advised to ensure that your taxes and any other financial matters are all up to date. You may need to seek the help of an accountant or financial advisor. If you seek the advice of a financial advisor then you need to make sure that you trust this person implicitly. You have the potential to invest in areas that are lucrative, but this is not the year to be risking large amounts of money in unworthy or dodgy schemes. It is time to ensure that you are solid in your own personal value system, that your morals are intact, that your self-worth is strong and as a result that you enjoy greater abundance.
Matters of power are also likely to be prominent right now. What does this mean? One dictionary describes “power” as, “the ability or official capacity to exercise control; authority - a person, group, or nation having great influence or control over others - forcefulness; effectiveness.” It is time for you to gain a greater understanding of these matters in relation to your personal value systems and the way in which you handle money.
This Year's Lessons

MercuryOur birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time
German Writer
The planet Mercury helps you plan your year ahead. The Messenger of the Gods in a Solar Return chart indicates whether or not you are encouraged to forge ahead with your plans, or perhaps better advised to wait another year before moving ahead. This is particularly true for any area of your life connected with communications, study, business and transport.
Mercury is in the 11th House
This is a busy social year, perhaps not so much on a personal level, but more so because you are pursuing a particular hobby, project or cause. Networking plays a key role. You are able to put your own emotional needs to one side while you carefully consider your own interests and role in social groups, clubs, associations, and causes. You are reassessing your social commitments. If you have been laid back, spending a lot of time at home in front of the television, or at the local pub, then this year you are likely to get bored. Your lesson is to find a hobby that sparks your interest, or a cause to which you can commit. As a result you may join a club, start classes, or take up a new hobby. If you are already an active person, then your commitments may change. You enjoy being part of a group or team. Perhaps your work situation alters, requiring you to now become a member of a team, changing your role in the group or thrusting you into a group leadership role. As your interests, role at work and commitments change, so do your friendships. Your lesson is to remain adaptable, trusting that the cards are being reshuffled but the deck is still intact.
Mercury is in Libra
The ideas are flowing fast this year with your annual Mercury in a social Air sign. Gatherings of all kinds are likely to provide plenty of stimulation this year. You may take a real interest in other people's news, learning much about your friends, family, colleagues and also the world at large. While the creative ideas flow, you may have difficulty concentrating on one task at a time. Your challenge is to avoid being distracted by social events, and people who just love to chat. Of course if you are happy to socialize, network and achieve very little else intellectually this year then you can cheerfully do so. However, if other aspects of your life demand results then you need to make sure that you apply yourself to the tasks at hand. If you have given your word then you need to follow through with action. Otherwise your reputation may suffer as others become weary of broken promises. Don't try to talk your way out of trouble, or lash out with a sharp tongue. Ask for help and delegate where possible. This year you can enjoy improved communications in most areas of your life, and may even delight in the stimulation of juggling many activities. You are mentally sharp and inventive. As a result creative projects and business decisions may come easily to you.
The planet Jupiter tells you about the opportunities and benefits that arise during the course of the year. Good news, new prospects and a sense of well being are associated with this beneficial planet.
Jupiter is in the 10th House
This is your year for being in the right place at the right time when it comes to career and marriage. Follow your intuition and you are likely to find lady luck keeps turning up opportunities for you to achieve your career goals, and advance your marital status. If you are single then you could meet a person who turns your life upside down, in the nicest possible way. This is a “heart beating”, “must marry this person” type of feeling on a first meeting. If you are married then you are likely to experience a renewed sense of hope, faith and love in your marriage. Together you can conquer the world. You may travel together, or share a life-changing experience. If you are living a solitary life, then you are also likely to travel this year through some connection with your work, or perhaps to witness a loved one's wedding ceremony. Whether you are single or married, your career is likely to advance in leaps and bounds, as long as you have laid the groundwork. This is a “reap what you sow” year. If you have made foolish decisions in the past then you may have to make up ground this year. You are publicly recognised for previous achievements. The same is also true, on rare occasions, if you have been too grandiose. Your reputation is prominent, whether it is good or not so good. You can do it, and you are also aware of the valuable lessons that you have learnt. Travel, study, promotions, teaching, and golden opportunities are all possibilities in your career arena. It is up to you to make the most of the luck that comes your way rather than squander opportunities that may not come around again so quickly.
Timing is an important aspect of life. People often comment on being in the right place at the right time. The planet Saturn can support us when it comes to timing. Is the time right to take up a new venture, or would we be better advised to shoulder our current responsibilities for a little longer? These are the types of questions that the nature of the planet Saturn can reveal when reading a Solar Return chart.
Saturn is in the 1st House
A frivolous year this is not! However it is a momentous one. Something or someone is asking, or perhaps demanding, serious consideration and effort. On the positive side of the ledger you are about to take a crucial step towards achieving or completing a life-long ambition. If you are taking an initial step, then a considerable commitment is required and you are seriously taking into account the pros and cons. If you are reaching a completion point then imagine that you are a mountain climber, then envisage that you have carried out numerous preparations, travelled to the base, manoeuvred most of the climb and now you have reached the final stage of the journey, perhaps the hardest part, but certainly the most rewarding if you reach the pinnacle. All of the traits required for completing a mountain climb, are also vital for you this year - patience, diligence, persistence and endurance. You might not be having much fun, but you are certainly likely to reap the rewards that come from achieving your goals. Other aspects of your birthday chart are likely to indicate in which area of your life your ambitions lie. Your major lesson this year is to ensure that you are happy with your choices. If you are satisfied that your life is heading in the right direction, then you are likely to be content to take on extra responsibility and work this year. Even when your workload is onerous you are at ease, knowing that you are accomplishing your objectives. However, if you are unhappy with your life direction then you may have periods of feeling despondent, tired and ill. If this is the case, then you may benefit from seeking the advice of an expert. No matter what your situation you need to heed any signs of physical, mental or emotional strain and take corrective measures. You may need to put your own needs second to someone else's this year, but you don't have to completely martyr yourself. Your own health needs to be in good order, so that you can carry out your responsibilities.
Saturn is Semisquare Pluto
Your powers of observation and application are impressive this year, but you may have difficulty persuading others to your point of view. You are able to see what needs to be done and carry it out, step by step, but gaining the co-operation of those around you may be fraught with some challenges. Security is one of your prime motivators, and you are likely to feel threatened if others are not reliable, or not supporting you in an appropriate manner. Therefore this is a year in which you are keen to make plans and take action, but you are also likely to challenge the status quo. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut then this is your year for breaking free. You may have worked towards and achieved a life that suited you in many ways in the past, but now the time has come to dismantle aspects and take a different direction. Right now you can see matters clearly and are prepared to make the decisions, and follow up with appropriate endeavour to move forward. This is true even if some of the decisions have challenging consequences. Right now you are prepared to experience short term discomfort for long term gain, although you may feel a little unstable at times. You seek assistance from other people, but if they are needlessly holding you back then you are likely to rebel. Others aspects of your birthday chart reveal the specific areas in which you are likely to accomplish your objectives. However, you are particularly likely to shine in any leadership roles, or any position held in an organizations or business venture. Your executive abilities are sharp, and you know when to seek expert advice, and when to follow your own powers of perception. It is all in the timing. Now is the right time to grow and learn, and change, build and accomplish. The warning is to make sure that you make the most of your opportunities rather than have regrets later on.
This Year's Journey

NeptuneSow a thought, and you reap an act
Sow an act, and you reap a habit
Sow a habit, and you reap a character
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.Modern Author
The planet Neptune represents all that is ethereal in our world, and challenges us to develop qualities such as faith, hope and love even in the face of adversity. Under the influence of Neptune we can soar to great inspirational heights, however; if we are not careful then we can also sink into despair and disillusionment. The test is to look beyond the superficial and find meaning in our lives. The planet Neptune in our annual chart can indicate where to look.
Neptune is in the 4th House
This could be the period when you spend a year by the sea. You may feel the need to escape because right now the foundations of your life may seem a bit unsure. This could be as a result of moving house, or because your domestic situation has changed. For whatever reasons your housing situation is unclear and you are not sure where you belong. You may feel that your home is no longer a haven, or it is possible that you are not living in your usual abode for reasons of your own, or as a result of external events. It is possible that you feel a little lost, wondering if you will ever find your way back home, either literally or emotionally within yourself. You need to find a place where you belong, both physically and emotionally. Perhaps family members have let you down, or possibly they are providing you with a safe haven while you gather your resources. Whatever your circumstances your challenge is to have faith in your ability to provide a roof over your own head, as well as to feel comfortable in your own skin. Try to see the positive side to this confusion. Right now you may be subtly aware of what is wrong in your domestic arrangements, and this can shed light on what you would like to be right. You have the opportunity to imagine what your ideal living arrangements could be. Do you want to live alone, meditating on a mount? Or would you prefer to be surrounded by family or in a commune of friends? Would living by the ocean or in the mountains serve your purpose? The possibilities are endless. You don't have to be concerned with practical matters right now. You simply need to trust that you are heading in the right direction. Try to explore rather than resist this strange elusive feeling. Join a ramblers club, or volunteer to work with the homeless. As a result of your meanderings into different areas of interest you may develop an affinity and compassion for those who are without homes or families. These kind and loving thoughts may mysteriously open up opportunities for you to work in agencies for adoption, the homeless and refugees. The idea is to trust in God's plan, that there is a purpose to this time, and that you are safe as long as you dwell in spiritual realms. You can also try to tune into the subtle energies that emanate from the earth. Try to be responsive to the sights, sounds and scents that surround you. Can you see the beauty in the buildings, nature or people around you? If you really dislike your surroundings then perhaps you could decorate in soft shades, or employ an artist to paint a mural or perhaps invest in a musical instrument or some other such inspirational and soothing art form. You have a chance right now to test your sensitivity and belief in the elemental side of your surroundings, such as fairies and other such elfin creatures that are said to inhabit the earth. If all else fails spend a day in a beautiful cathedral, breathe in the scent of polish and incense, gaze at the stain glass windows and sing praise for anything that is worthy in your life, and all that is good in you. If you prefer to avoid religious buildings, then find an inspirational spot in nature and meditate on your home in the human race.
The North Node
The Nodes highlight the areas of your year that are destined to occur no matter what you do. When you look back on your life you can see moments when the coincidences just seemed too uncanny - a chance meeting, a phone call out of the blue or an instant of being in the right place at the right time. The Nodes can give hints of which areas of your life are attracting the Fates attention right now.
The North Node is in the 10th House
Does your career choice truly satisfy you? If so then this year you are destined to be propelled along the path to career success. This is not necessarily in the form of public accolades and awards, but rather in a series of synchronistic steps that increase your expertise, satisfaction and sense of purpose. Destiny plays its hand in putting you in the right place at the right time so that you can be most effective in your chosen profession. This year your professional contacts, particularly authority figures, can lend you a helping hand. If you are dissatisfied with your profession then the Fates may play a hand in you changing direction. This is your opportunity to ensure that you are on the right professional track and therefore enjoying the journey. Although you are riding a career wave, this is not a year that involves personal ego. Rather you are being asked to selflessly commit your expertise to a higher purpose.
The North Node is Semisquare Venus
You have a date with destiny when it comes to love. “The path to true love is not smooth” or so the saying goes. This is true for you right now. You need to let go of an old love, or a significant female influence, in order to pave the way for a new one to truly blossom. This does not necessarily mean that your current love is going to end, but rather than you need to really open your heart for love. If you have been holding on to someone else in your heart, someone from the past then you are destined to lay this love to rest, and move on. If your current love is not your heart's desire then you may need to say goodbye. The point is that the time for excuses is over. In this way you have a date with destiny. You need to be ready to meet someone new, or to truly open your heart to your current love. Once you are ready then the obstacles magically disappear and you may meet a special someone, or you may marry your current love. If you are already married, then perhaps you renew your vows or seal your profound love with a special ceremony, holiday or celebration.

Sow a thought, and you reap an act
Sow an act, and you reap a habit
Sow a habit, and you reap a character
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.Modern Author
The Birth Planets of Cameron
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 21°47 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | F |
![]() | sun | 07°06 | ![]() | VIRGO | 10 | F |
![]() | mercury | 03°45 | ![]() | LIBRA | 11 | F |
![]() | venus | 15°14 | ![]() | LEO | 9 | R |
![]() | mars | 14°01 | ![]() | LEO | 9 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 04°11 | ![]() | VIRGO | 10 | F |
![]() | saturn | 28°56 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | F |
![]() | uranus | 20°01 | ![]() | ARIES | 5 | R |
![]() | neptune | 08°26 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | R |
![]() | pluto | 13°07 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 2 | R |
![]() | chiron | 19°47 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | R |
![]() | northnode | 01°04 | ![]() | LIBRA | 10 | R |
![]() | southnode | 01°04 | ![]() | ARIES | 4 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 22°10 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 00°37 | ![]() | VIRGO | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Cameron
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | sun | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | venus | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mars |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | mars | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | midheaven |
Solar Return Planets of Cameron
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 21°46 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | F |
![]() | sun | 07°06 | ![]() | VIRGO | 10 | F |
![]() | mercury | 03°45 | ![]() | LIBRA | 11 | F |
![]() | venus | 15°14 | ![]() | LEO | 9 | R |
![]() | mars | 14°01 | ![]() | LEO | 9 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 04°11 | ![]() | VIRGO | 10 | F |
![]() | saturn | 28°56 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | F |
![]() | uranus | 20°01 | ![]() | ARIES | 5 | R |
![]() | neptune | 08°26 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | R |
![]() | pluto | 13°07 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 2 | R |
![]() | chiron | 19°47 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | R |
![]() | northnode | 01°04 | ![]() | LIBRA | 10 | R |
![]() | southnode | 01°04 | ![]() | ARIES | 4 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 23°35 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 01°43 | ![]() | VIRGO | 9 | R |
Solar Return Aspects of Cameron
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | sun | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | venus | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mars |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | mars | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | midheaven |