Jessica Ennis Astrology, Birth Chart Career and Work Vocation Report
Born: 28 Jan 1986, Sheffield, UK. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

I wasn't the kind of kid who would get A's without even trying. I had to work to get good grades, but I was very organised about it because I always wanted to do well at everything I did. I'm very competitive.
Jessica Ennis-Hill, née Ennis, is a British track and field athlete, specialising in 100 metre hurdles and multi-event disciplines. She was gold medalist for the heptathlon in the 2012 Olympics in London, UK and in the 2015 World Championships in Beijing, China.
Jessica is the eldest of Vinnie Ennis and Alison Powell's two daugthers, her younger sister's name is Carmel. Her father, originally from Jamaica, is a self-employed painter and decorator and her mother, born in Derbyshire is a social worker. Jessica was a natural who took to athletics immediately from a young age. Her parents introduced her to athletics by taking her to an event at Sheffield's Don Valley Stadium during the 1996 school summer holidays where she met Toni Minichiello who was to become her coach.
Jessica studied psychology at the University of Sheffield and graduating in 2007 with a 2:2 and revealed if she had not become a professional athlete, she would have loved to have been a sports psychologist. She says;
I was really interested in Psychology from A-Levels, that's where I first started studying it. You can use it in every part of your life and just understand the human mind a bit more.
The following is Astrology Yard's interpretation of Jessica Ennis's natal chart, specifially focusing on her career, work and vocation.
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Vocation Astrology Report

In the midst of our busy lives, worn out by the endless repetition of meaningless tasks, it is difficult to appreciate Kahlil Gibran's poetic image of work as a soul-making sphere. In a technological environment work and soul seem worlds apart. The outer rewards of career - prestige, status, vacations, salary packages, job security - conceal the urge to express soul through our vocation. When we are no longer anchored by values and images that remind us of a meaningful life, emptiness permeates the working atmosphere, contributing to an epidemic of dissatisfaction, depression and insecurity in the workplace. This report is aimed at helping you reflect on your vocation or calling. It is not meant as a quick fix, but rather as an aid to self-understanding and awareness which in turn helps your vocational choices.
Vocation is from the Latin vocare, to call, and in early English this referred to a spiritual calling. In modern terminology we can conceive of vocation as the calling to one's authentic role in the world. As an aspect of the individuation process, our vocational path is not predetermined but forged through the interrelationship of our inner self with the outer world over time. Carl Jung suggested it was vocation, which induced an individual to follow his own soul and become conscious. He suggested vocation was 'an irrational factor that destines a man to emancipate himself from the herd and from its well-worn paths. True personality is always a vocation'. To follow the voice which summons one on their authentic path demands that the individual be spirited enough to forge their own way in the world. As Jung reminds us, 'Creative life always stands outside convention’. Vocation demands we risk being unique.
When you were a child what was your answer when adults inevitably asked 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' As children we are uninhibited in our career choices, not yet influenced by cultural standards and values that judge professions. Still unaware of what work entails, the answer springs from our imagination. How we shape these soulful images of who we may be in the world is our vocation and a large part of the individuation process. These impressions are already inherent in us and often accessible to us through the imagination, and certainly through images in the horoscope. However one of the main obstacles in our vocational search is literality. Mistaking an internal image for a concrete career perpetuates the myth that vocation is something existing outside of us, already established in the world for us to find, not something that unfolds over the course of our lives. The illusion that the right career path, a creative job or our own business will dissolve our job dissatisfaction hinders the discovery that vocation is already present in us.
A complexity of external factors influences our career choices: familial awareness, educational opportunities, financial resources, parental support, and encouragement. Role models whom we admire as children, experiences that capture our imagination and the breadth of exposure to the world around us impress us. Another major influence on career choice is parental expectations. Whether it is overt or not, we are subjectively influenced by the unconscious expectations of the parents, the ancestors, and the culture. This pressure contributes to moulding our careers whether we yield or rebel to it. Yet instinctively we are drawn to certain courses, beliefs, and theories, experiences that are all part of the process of helping our careers unfold. Ultimately the vocation is like a large tapestry woven with the threads of all of our life experience and choices, not a well-trodden career path with guaranteed superannuation.
Unfortunately, vocations do not come with job descriptions, opportunities for promotion or a guaranteed income. No doubt work and career are an aspect of vocation, but we often confuse the longing for self-fulfillment with a literal job. Vocation, like individuation, is a job, it is a task; it is the 'opus' of one's life. Therefore the task of vocation continuously unfolds throughout our lifetime and its success depends on our ability to courageously follow its call. Vocation is an aspect of our fate, a force deep inside that pushes itself to be expressed in the world, therefore is intimately bound up with the course of our lives. Yet because work is how we 'make a living' we often identify work as something we do rather than something we are. Because some professions can bestow such prestige and status we may be drawn to a profession because of what it can offer materially, not creatively. Some careers offer the financial rewards that provide a wealthy lifestyle; however, at a critical point in our lives it becomes evident that career bonuses are never enough if vocational urges are still unmet.
A vocational analysis utilizing astrology is very beneficial in revealing an individual's calling. The astrological horoscope does not supply literal details, but it does offer suggestions as to the features necessary to make the vocational journey fulfilling. Vocation may also be found in hobbies, volunteer work, and courses of study, not always presenting in the form of a career. This report will help you to reflect on the qualities of your character that create an empowering effect on shaping a meaningful vocation. Using your horoscope as the personal guide this report will offer suggestions to help you consider a fulfilling vocation. As you read about the vocational images from your own horoscope you will find that many repeat similar themes, reminding you to be alert to these patterns. In other cases you will find that there may be contradictions. Human nature is full of paradoxes and it is of equal importance to have an insight into the nature of our own ambiguities and inconsistencies. This report will introduce you to the archetypal forces that underpin your personal search for a fulfilling vocation.
Vocation And Destiny

The Lunar NodesVocation is the spine of life
In the Hindu tradition the Nodal axis is symbolised by a dragon. The North Node is the dragon's head; the South Node is the dragon's tail. This archetypal image is an aspect of many culture's myths. In western mythologies it is the hero who comes across the dragon at some point in their journey and must battle this monster to gain the sacred treasure. This encounter is a psychological story depicting our battle against the forces that keep us from following our own path. Astrologically, it is along the nodal axis where we encounter this dragon and experience the incentive to confront our own destiny.
In considering this axis we can envisage the North Node or Dragon's Head as the calling to be heroic, to develop an identity in the world, or in other words, to follow our vocation. The North Node points to what can be developed through valuing and cultivating innate faculties. The South Node, known as the Dragon's Tail, is the container of talents, skills and aptitudes gleaned from the past, lying untapped and undifferentiated. Without recognition or consciousness they remain stagnant, unable to be directed advantageously. Hence a heroic act needs to dislodge and distribute this energy so it can be of service. In circulating this energy the potentiality of the North Node is heightened. Each time this energy is liberated, destiny is petitioned and vocation is more conscious; therefore the South Node is a vital key to unlocking the treasure chest of vocational talent.
Another way we could think about the North Node is that it is an invitation to participate and cooperate in the life journey. The North Node is where effort must be exerted. This is an opportunity to learn what needs to be developed and made conscious. For vocational purposes we could view the North Node as a symbol of what demands to be anchored and directed in the world. Unlike the South Node it is not instinctive and therefore needs to be recognised before it can be applied. In striving to realise the potentiality of the North Node, satisfaction and meaning will be derived.
The South Node in the opposite sign suggests an innate quality that needs to be disseminated and used freely in pursuit of a vocation. It is providence, a gift of inherited qualities from the past that can be used as resources for the future. The South Node suggests that well developed residues need to be dispersed and shared or they may threaten to entrap you. It symbolises what must be utilised in the conscious attempt to fulfill one's destiny. The South Node acts as a dissemination point for what becomes conscious at the North Node. In a way the South Node brings to mind the need to contribute this energy to the familial and social realms, the world at large. Since this energy is instinctual it is not necessarily always consciously directed or purposefully used.
The Lunar Nodes are important to consider in a vocational analysis since this polarity in the horoscope represents an axis of destiny. The issues involved in the nodal axis seek conscious expression and reconciliation, which are often sought through vocation. The nodal axis is intimately connected to the individual's path in life and therefore the nature of this polarity is often drawn into the pursuit of a fulfilling career. The sign position of the Nodes reveals an essential aspect of the individual's destiny. The polarity of signs embraced by the North and South Nodes describe important qualities necessary to both develop and disseminate in the vocation.
The house position of the Nodes will illustrate the environmental factors that help to shape and influence an individual's destiny. The North Node's house position directs us to be aware of an important arena of our lives. It is important to consciously participate in the area of life described by the house position of the North Node. This is an area where both the inner and outer worlds collude to lead us into an encounter with our destiny. It is a part of life that beckons and invites us into its experiences. Since the North Node is often the place where we momentarily may experience the transcendent and spiritual aspect of the self, its house position maps the place where these experiences happen. The North Node does not have a cumulative effect; in other words experiences at this place are not sequential, but more arbitrary, and may seem to happen out of the ordinary. The random nature of the North Node is more to do with its subjective nature and entanglement with the spiritual world. Hence the house position of the North Node may suggest the setting where the encounter with the spiritual self occurs. The South Node is in the opposite house and may describe a familiar place, an area of safety, and a comfort zone which supplies an anchor. However it is also a place where we can become rigid, caught in the safety zone of our complacency. Therefore it suggests an area we must leave to develop and explore our life's pathway. Another metaphor we could use to define the nodal axis is that the North Node is the destination, the station where the path is headed, while the South Node is like the departure point, the station where we embark. The Nodal axis is like a track with the well-worn grooves of the path near the South Node.
Combining both factors of sign and house establish a more individual profile of the essence needing to be to recognised and developed to actualise an individual's potential pathway. Planets aspecting the Nodal axis will also demand attention especially if conjunct either pole of the axis. Planets that square the nodal axis suggest the need to incorporate this energy into the vocation. Therefore these planetary placements in reference to the nodal axis will also be analysed. Following is the description of the lunar nodes in your natal horoscope to help you reflect on your own vocational pathway.
The North Node is in Taurus
You were born with the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio, which suggests that you have an innate ability to draw on the resources of others and utilise them for a beneficial outcome. Resources are important to you and the feeling that you can rely on your own assets and reserves is essential. While you might feel drawn to emotionally and financially depend on others it is important to build your own capital and security. Qualities that are important to develop on your vocational course are loyalty, trustworthiness and reliability, as these will help you feel content and successful, not only in what you do, but who you are as a person. Your vocational invitation is to develop your self worth and value through your vocation and come to intimately know how resourceful you are.
Vocationally there is a need to be occupied with what is crucial and important; to be able to feel you can get to the core of your tasks, and to uncover and expose what needs to be changed. You have inherited a knack of being able to manage crisis, repair and renovate what has become ill or damaged, and rebuild and transform what is out dated. You could also be adept at enabling others to delve deeply into themselves to uncover negative patterns from the past, being astute at healing and therapeutic situations. Now these innate skills need to be focused and one of the best ways is a 'hands-on' approach.
You need to be able to trust those you work with and for and therefore you might hold yourself back for fear of being misjudged or misunderstood. When you team up with others you can be highly successful; however your path of destiny suggests to first build up your own strength and security before you share your resources with others. Once you have accumulated your own resources and assets you will be better equipped to be met on that intense and intimate level you desire, then the horizon of possibilities with another is endless. While you have a deep understanding of the emotional needs and desires of others to realise your maximum potential you need to let others find their own emotional and financial support systems. Vocationally you seek to be secure and the dragon you battle is the regressive urge to let others do this for you. Developing patience, substance and a core of integrity, helps enormously in your feeling successful. Your wealth lies in the depth of soul and intimacy that you are able to provide others.
The North Node is in the 7th House
In your horoscope you have the North Node in the 7th House and the South Node in the first. In the horoscope this is the axis of self and other, the delicate balance between being focused exclusively on others as opposed to yourself. Therefore this tug-of-war between you and others is an embedded feature of your vocation. Your chart suggests that you are more inclined to follow your own desires rather than compromise, yet the task in this life is to feel fulfilled and complete in your relationships, be they intimate or business partnerships.
To feel that you are an independent soul, free of the need to be involved with others becomes an unhappy deception, as this is based on a false sense of security forged out of a defensive sense of independence. Naturally you do have a strong spirit and a well developed independent streak, but your task now is to place effort and conscious will into relationships. Interestingly your time invested in others will be rewarded with realizations into yourself. The pathway in front of you suggests that the focus on others will bring out more of your own authentic self. Independence, freedom and adventure are innately aspects of your character and therefore you will not be able to lose what you own, unless of course you do not value it. Through relating and the interchange with others you discover the missing link to your sense of selfhood. Therefore in your vocational quest your partners, associates, colleagues and workmates play a significant role. You love a contest and the challenge now is to master relationship. Even when facing your adversaries, your challenge is to find the middle ground through developing reconciliatory strategies. Therefore vocationally you are well suited to managerial and leadership roles, as you have an innate sense of being able to take risks and confront difficulties. Effort is needed to remain focused on others; however, when this is accomplished the mix of entrepreneurial skill and personal interaction contributes to you becoming a leader in your field of endeavour. Interpersonal relationships are the key to your expression of individuality and through your associations you are able to make an impact on the wider community.
The Sun is Square The North Node
In your horoscope the Sun forms a right angle to the Nodal Axis. Traditionally this is often a harsh aspect; however, in aspect to the Nodal Axis this planet takes on a unique function in terms of your vocation. A time-honoured way of thinking about this aspect was that the planet was at the bending, a moment in the cycle when something was about to change track. Therefore in terms of the course of your destiny the Sun calls to be consciously integrated and acknowledged in the pathway of your career. This presents trials in your vocational quest.
The challenge for you is to continuously be aware of your need for recognition. As a young person this could be fuelled by a lack of parental applause or encouragement exacerbating the need to be seen. Destiny's challenge is how you handle acknowledgement. Ultimately it is your own creative fulfillment and ability where you seek to be acknowledged; therefore the most effective way to guarantee this is to respect your own talent and foster your own creativity. Along the course of your career you might feel overlooked or unacknowledged but this is your spur to achievement. Ultimately it is difficult to find your own way if you are only mirroring what others want; therefore, you need to venture away from the spotlight to find true meaning. It is at these times of private recognition of yourself as a unique talent that the vocational pathway widens. Integrating your creativity and strong identity into your career are the challenges; however it is also important to not let the adoration or adulation of others lead you off course.
Mercury is Square The North Node
In your horoscope Mercury squares the Nodal Axis. Usually this is often a demanding aspect; however, in relationship to the Nodal Axis Mercury takes on a unique function in terms of your vocation. One way to think about this aspect is that it occurs at a bending, a moment in the cycle when something is about to change course. As the magician, Mercury is encountered at the bend in the road. Therefore in terms of the course of your destiny Mercury calls you to be on alert. In other words Mercury presents you with a challenge, as the nature of this planet needs to be interwoven into your vocational path.
Mythically Mercury is met at crossroads, on thresholds and in transitional zones. He is a gatekeeper and a border guard. His presence is felt in airport lounges and bus terminals where activity is in between leaving and arriving, suggesting that he challenges you with this activity on your journey. Therefore his challenge in your life vocationally is to recognise the necessity of movement and travel in your career. Your path is not constant and your mercurial challenge is to navigate many different byways that will pass through varied jobs. You may be asked to juggle many different tasks or roles, manage diverse groups of individuals or projects, be a go between or regularly travel for your employment. All these may confront your natural direction or what you feel comfortable doing; however they are necessary to incorporate in order for you to feel fulfilled. Be aware of the shifts and changes on your vocational pathway as a deeper aspect of yourself will always challenge you to reach farther afield from your natural comfort zone. You may sometimes feel duped, even cheated, yet ultimately you will look back and recognise that the course that was set in motion at this crossroads led you to a more fulfilling occupation. This aspect suggests that the trickster element is an essential aspect of your vocational destiny and at important junctions along your vocational path you will be challenged to go in the direction you had never imagined possible. At the same time be aware of tricking yourself into taking the wrong path. Double check, be reflective and ask questions to help ascertain if this is really the right track to be on.
Pluto is Conjunct The South Node
With the combination of Pluto on your South Node you may feel as if you are standing over a deep and cavernous cavity filled with material you are not quite sure of. In actual fact you probably know what this substance is, but may be fearful of its consequences if you were to draw on its resource. You have inherited a powerful ability to delve into the depths of matters and it is important that you consciously use this ability to help shape your vocation. Pluto is judgement, and calls on you to review and release the past so you can move forward. It is crucial that you learn to trust yourself and be honest with your motives, for once you are sincere and straightforward about your intention, nothing can really stand in your way. The pull to the past is very strong and while you keep yourself unidentified or fixed to feelings in the past, you may be unable to move into your vocation.
The archetype of Pluto is integral to feeling satisfaction in your vocation. This suggests you need to be intensely committed to what you do, challenged to look underneath the surface of things and dedicated to finding the truth. You need to be able to bring your passion and your dedication to what you do and sense that your contribution will make the difference. Because you innately carry this intensity and commitment to truth, others who motives are not so honest or open will experience you as either threatening or intimidating. Because you are clear about your motives you may also feel the envy of others in your working environment. There is nothing you can do to change this except to remain true to your integrity and recognise your nature instinctively pulls shadows, untruths and secrets to the fore. Not identifying personally with your power helps you disseminate it for the advantage of all and clears the way for you to find your path. No doubt that path will utilise your perceptive, healing, therapeutic and transformational faculties in some way.
Vocation And Direction

The Ascendant and Angular PlanetsMany are called, few are chosen: many have talent, few have the character that can realise the talent. Character is the mystery, and it is individual.
From the moment of your first breath, your fate was sealed. The Fates that spun the thread also measured its length and then cut the cord to free the spirit. The patterns woven at birth by the Fates were embedded in the soul and it is these soulful designs that have become the template for your human journey. Your genesis is a map for your life. This map is the horoscope, a vibrant multi-layered design of character, potentialities and persuasions.
This moment of birth has defined your orientation to life through four directions known as the angles of the horoscope. Like a compass pointing you along the right path, each one of the four angles plays a major role in defining the direction of your life. Direction and vocation are entwined as along the angles we find the course of our lives.
Your four angles form two planes of experience. The first plane of experience is your individual and personal orientation to the world detailing your personality, your outlook on life and your natural inclination towards partnership. This is the angle of the ascendant, the degree of the zodiac rising at the moment of your birth. This helps describe your motivation to life and therefore what personal traits you can bring to your vocation. The polar position on this plane is known as the descendant, the degree of the zodiac setting on the horizon when the Fates cut the cord. Here the astrologer reads the patterns and potentialities of merging your personality with a soul mate. In a vocational analysis this is also important to read in terms of co-operation with others.
The second plane of experience is an inherited view of the world, shaped by ancestry and familial lines. Along this polarity of angles you experience the impact of your family or origin on your direction as well as the expectations and influences placed upon you. Embedded in this plane of experience are familial patterns and fate shaping your direction and vocation. The angle of the IC reveals the atmospheric conditions of your early familial experiences while the opposite angle suggests your destiny in the world, strongly influenced by parental and societal expectations.
Therefore to familiarise yourself with these influences will add to your understanding of vocation. The ascendant marks the birth point and is metaphoric of your natural disposition and outer image. This describes your natural outreach and personality traits that are spontaneous; in fact this is the person we first meet, the face turned out towards the world. However in the natural wheel of the horoscope the sign on the ascendant is at odds with the signs that rule the cusps of the houses that describe vocation. Therefore as a more integrated self begins to emerge we often experience what we do in the world to be in conflict with whom we feel we are. This is a human challenge to learn to adapt your personality to your vocation. Following is a description of the signs on this axis. Reflect on how these qualities might need to be utilised and adapted to your vocation. If you have a planet that was rising or setting at your birth then this energy needs to be acknowledged as a powerful guide and influence on your vocational path.
Each angular planet could be seen as a guiding force, a daimon or soul force seeking expression through you. If you have more than one angular planet they will have different needs and likely will contradict or conflict with one another. The key as always is to find the right time and venue to be able to express both as fully as possible.
1st House Cusp is in Libra
The sign Libra was rising over the eastern ascendant at your birth gracing you with an attractive and welcoming personality. People are drawn to your smile, your twinkling eyes, and your openness. But it is not so much your physical features but your aura of friendliness and inquiry that appeals. You are ready to be in relationship with others, listen to their trials, share their triumphs and just be together. You strive to make your environment as pleasant and peaceful as possible, being cordial and warm-hearted to everyone. And you have the knack of liking and appreciating even the most difficult and unpleasant people. Your social skills and pleasing personality will come in handy in your vocation. However your idealism and innocence about others will be challenged in making your living. Not everyone is as fair and just as you are, or as open and kind. You need to toughen up when it comes to work as your good nature is vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Vocationally you might be called to work with others in very personal ways, but it will be necessary to create emotional boundaries, be firm and professional. Your work might take you into territory that is critical and intense where you need to find your emotional strength. Your natural people skills and 'bedside manner' are a great asset but on your vocational journey they need to complement a more discriminating and critical part of yourself.
On the opposite side of your birth horizon is Aries, suggesting that through relating you will find the ability in yourself to be more independent and self willed about what you want. You are attracted to the autonomous spirit and competitive drive in others and are a great mate in complementing their independence. You learn about your own will and desire from others and this comes in handy when you want to break out on your own, have a tough decision to make or need to stand up to an intimidator at work. Your personality is designed for relating but through your vocation you also learn that others not always share your justice or values or have the same good intentions at heart.
Vocation And Character

Considering the Sun and MoonCharacter is fate
Whatever Heraclitus meant two and a half millennia ago is a mystery. However, this phrase has captured philosophical attention ever since, as its truth is evident. We do contribute to our fate through forging our character. It is that personal mix of our habits, rituals, values, beliefs, ideals and morals that all inform our character and contribute to our deeper layers of personality. Through time these become forged into who we are; our character becoming our fate. While the world may acknowledge our achievements from work well done, our greatest success lies in self-fulfillment and the satisfaction of a life well lived
Again the astrological horoscope becomes a useful guide to understanding personality characteristics that shape character. Astrologically the three aspects of your horoscope, which are the most relevant in considering your own individual character, are the Ascendant, which we have explored in the last section of this report, and the Sun and Moon. Character is fate and expressed through our life journey. Through examining your Sun and Moon it becomes clearer what you need to identify with and need on your vocational path, and therefore what is necessary to develop and nurture in character. Your Sun sign reveals the virtues that are part of your potential character while the Moon sign suggest what needs are important for you to feel safe in the world. Each individual's character is unique and your description of the Sun and Moon sign will be personalised through other astrological factors. However this is an entrée to begin to consider the virtues and needs of your character.
THE SUN: Virtues of the Essential Self
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
The Sun is the central focus of its system and therefore represents a multi-dimensional symbol. On one level it is the essential self and the twelve signs of the zodiac, which mark its apparent path through the heavens, represent spiritual concepts and virtues. Each sign characterises qualities of the human spirit. To the ancients the path of the Sun in the sky was akin to the hero’s journey and each sign designated a heroic labour. Astrologically we can present a case for each one of the twelve signs represents a soul state. Therefore when we are in touch with the virtues underpinning our Sun sign we become closer to its spiritual essence and feel closer to the true self. Psychologically this suggests a more soulful and meaningful experience of who we are.
On the other level the Sun is symbolic of our identity, the passport of the self. Of course one of the important considerations of identity besides sex, age and nationality is profession. The Sun is essentially what we might identify as important, what helps us feel vital and good about ourselves. The Sun suggests what we may be skilled at. It might not be easy at first, but as we grow we naturally become more aware of our solar impulse. Therefore in many ways the Sun sign helps shape the vocation, as it hints at what is important to be identified with and qualities that help us excel.
The Sun is in Aquarius
In contemporary astrology the zodiacal image of Aquarius has been transformed from its ancient counterpart through the discovery of Uranus, the first planet sighted beyond the seven classical ones of antiquity. As Uranus replaced Saturn as the modern ruler it brought the collective values of parity, liberality, consensus and social equality to the zodiacal territory of Aquarius. When the stage production of Hair opened in the 60's its leading anthem was called Aquarius, a revolutionary ode to world peace. With your Sun in Aquarius, you sense the winds of change and want to be carried away by the new spirit of freedom and equality for all. Aquarius is the archetypal essence that reminds us that world peace and equal opportunity are not only ideals, but also human values that can be achieved through a humanitarian spirit.
Your Aquarian virtue of freedom is not only the urge for unity in your external environment but your inner experience of independence which inspires you to strive for the rights and liberty of others. It is the freedom of your spirit that strengthens you to be liberated from the herd, to make your own choices, create an unconventional lifestyle, assess a situation independently, evaluate freely and be politically incorrect. All these are essential to your lifestyle and vocation. As a result you may enjoy exploring advanced and ground-breaking professional avenues in science, technology, astrology, electronics, aeronautics, or multi-media.
You are drawn to feats of humanitarianism that lessen mass suffering, improve living conditions and help in time of crisis and catastrophe. You celebrate the communal spirit that forges trustworthy communities and establishes socially responsible organisations. You embrace the individuality of each person but exist for the good of the whole. Brotherhood and Sisterhood is your ideal and it is here where you encounter your spiritual siblings; they are your friends, allies and colleagues, kindred spirits who share your inner spirit of freedom, individuality and human values. Your freedom of expression for the shared passions and enthusiasm is your link to your friends and colleagues. Friendship and the experience of being accepted for just being who you are is like returning home to a sense of congeniality and an enjoyment of the shared spirit of life. You need to experience the sense of belonging to a larger family and have your individuality acknowledged within the larger collective.
Your task is to learn the value of inner freedom, no longer being enslaved to wanting what others have or feeling the need to be like others. You yearn to be valued as an equal individual within the group. Equality is not having the same as everyone else or being like everyone else, but embracing your individual needs, desires and tastes. Freedom to be outside the herd, to broaden your perceptions and admire your own uniqueness is your vocation. To find your vitality and spirit and to feel soulful in the world, you need to strive to be altruistic, broadminded, detached, friendly and original. Let your humanitarianism be your guiding impulse.
THE MOON: Caring for Your Soul
Care of the soul asks us to observe its needs continually, to give them our wholehearted attention.
The Moon is the archetype of care and nurture. From a general overview the Moon reveals what needs are important to satisfy in our vocation. The Moon sign can help to identify what basic requirements are necessary to care for the soul at work. In a vocational capacity the Moon corresponds with the nurturing professions and if the individual is drawn to one of these professions, the Moon sign helps to differentiate what kind of caring could suit its temperament. The planetary sign acts as a filter for the archetypal urge when it seeks expression through the vocation.
The Moon is in Virgo
You have the Moon in Virgo reflecting your innate understanding of the cycles and rhythms of life. Your feelings and moods are embodied inspiring your life search to understand the nature of health and well being. To care for your soul you need to provide enough ritual to feel you are able to deal with the natural chaos and disorder of life. Without order or coherence you are prone to worry, anxious about what might happen. You are so acutely aware of what may possibly go wrong that your body often bears the stress, making it imperative to create the rituals of an everyday life through work and health. This characteristic calls you to your vocation to analytically understand the complexities of life.
From a young age you might have recognised your urge to attend to others, to cultivate, prepare and improve situations. Instinctually you are drawn to be of service through figuring out the problem. Whether your vocational path has led you into the service or technology industries, repair, labour or improvement occupations, you have a great need to be productive and helpful. Work and labour provide you with the means to feel productive and meaningful.
If you are called to the nurturing professions then your Moon in Virgo is comfortable with clinical work such as psychiatric nursing, clinical psychology, medical research and analysis. Instinctually you are health conscious and to care for your soul you need your daily regimen to be balanced and regular. Therefore you are naturally drawn to learning about healthy habits and routines. Being in touch with health may be so nurturing you may be called to a vocation where you can participate in assisting others feel healthier through diet, preventative medicine, holistic healing, exercising or analytic methods. Naturally you find these skills inside you.

The Rich Resources of Your LifeThe worth of someone is deeply tied to images of destiny, the twists and turns of fate, and the wheels of fortune. The same is true of money. Our relation to money is our relation to fate.
Traditionally the 2nd House is associated with money and the accumulation of assets. In a vocational sense the 2nd house details our earning capacity, income and resources. Psychologically this is the sphere where self esteem and personal values are shaped by our early experiences. It is where we learn what is ‘mine’, how to share, trade and exchange articles of value. Self worth, the impact of familial values, the substance and significance we place upon our efforts, income received or value returned are all intimately interwoven into the fabric of this house. In the modern climate of the corporate world, pay replaces satisfaction in the workplace; yet the secret of the 2nd house is that fulfilment is intimately tied to the expression of our skills and resources, not wages. Having found the wellspring of our talent, money follows. Pleasure is experienced through apprenticeship and mastery of our skills and talents, not through economic management.
The 2nd House suggests innate resources, which can be developed and valued. In a literal sense these are ‘traded’ for income or other rewards which support us in the world. This area suggests our innate strengths, skills and talents that must be utilized in earning our living. Psychologically these are our personal assets and resources, which sustain and support us in our career. Talent not only refers to our natural abilities and capacity for success, but also in ancient times was a weight of gold or a monetary unit. The secret of the 2nd house is to recognize that it is our innate talents and skills that bring our wealth and living. This house also describes what we value and also what gives us value. In a way it describes what we like to do. Consider what you appreciate and desire. Your 2nd house is indicative of what you desire and planets in this house reveal what you might attract because of your values and desires.
The sign on the cusp of the house symbolizes aspects of the assets you need to use in a resourceful way. The sign suggests what needs to be valued in your vocation, the natural style of earning an income, as well as your attitudes towards wages and money. 2nd house planets reveal the earning style and literally may suggest how you earn your living or your patterns and relationship to money and possessions. These are the archetypal urges needing to be expressed in a skillful and resourceful way in your career. Planets here are the forces that shape your sense of worth and value and help you tap into your innate resources. It is important that you use these skills and resources in supporting your own sense of self-esteem. Symbolically, understanding this archetypal presence in your life can help unravel any damaging patterns that support an impoverished sense of self or a disapproving attitude towards money and possessions. Forging an alliance with this energy helps you create a supportive and positive approach to your sense of worth which in turn influences the way the world values you.
2nd House Cusp is in Scorpio
On your 2nd House Cusp is the sign Scorpio. In contemporary astrology the ruler of this house is Pluto, the lord of the underworld. Pluto's name is derived from the Greek, meaning wealth or riches and in classical times the lord of the underworld was a rich man. Metaphorically this mythic image is brought into your 2nd house, the sphere of income and money, bringing the mystery of wealth into your vocation. This might suggest that you have hidden talents and resources that are revealed through your working life. It certainly means that you need to consider what riches you do possess and how to best maximise their potential. Others might not be able to see your skills and talents clearly and therefore your untapped talents and resources may still be unacknowledged. Scorpio waters run deep. For you they flow through where you locate your deepest resources.
This suggests you have a great resource in being able to know what lies beneath the surface of things. Vocationally this suggests that you have a therapeutic skill that can be tapped. Professionally you might be drawn to earning your income as a psychoanalyst, doctor, healer, carer or bereavement counsellor. Innately you know the cycles of life and might choose to deal in careers where life, death or rebuilding are in high focus. You have a knack for dealing well in crisis. One of your great skills is dealing with critical passages, whether they are in individual's lives, in organisations or projects. Whether you are helping to rebuild someone's life, a company or a house you have an ability to transform situations. Research is also another avenue, especially when you are digging deep to find the missing piece of the puzzle; whether a forensic, archaeological, medical or financial researcher does not matter. What matters is that you search beneath the surface to find the truth. Herein lies your talent and your fortune.
Wealth is not just a fiscal reality. You find pleasure and riches in the deep connections with others in life, whether that is helping someone in distress, being a witness to another person's transitions or feeling respected and appreciated yourself. With this astrological image you have an inherent ability with money. However there is a cautionary side. Power and money are aligned; therefore beware of money being used as a power tool to manipulate others or yourself. In your life money is a potent symbol and one that transforms relationships and feelings. Destiny suggests that your path may cross into corporations where there is a lot of money, encounter wealthy business people or clients or deal with great transfers of money. But the secret in your life is that it is not money that is the source of transformational power, but your integrity, honesty and presence. Your greatest asset is your character. And when you value your integrity and morality, like Pluto, you are the rich one.
Mars is in the 2nd House
Masculine Mars is in your 2nd house, the sector that reveals your potential earning power and what you value. Planets in the 2nd house are the forces that mould your sense of worth and value. Considering the Martian presence in your life can help you understand your authentic attitude towards money and possessions. Mars values independence, therefore you probably prefer to earn your own living and pay your own bills rather than relying on others to provide. You would probably also chose to be self-employed or at least do your own thing if given the choice. As a warrior you prefer to fight your own battles rather than someone else's. You value your independent spirit and want to put it to work. Quite common with this placement are individuals who earn their living in trades such as electricians, fitters and turners, builder or carpenters where there is goal and deadline. Occupations where danger and adrenaline is high such as working in an emergency unit, the police force or the fire patrol would also appeal to action-packed Mars. Given the entrepreneurial streak you might also be fired up working in high risk positions such as the stock market, financial trading, investing or property development. This energy also yearns to be active so physical or sport-orientated jobs might also suit. Therefore there are a variety of vocations you might be drawn to. Even though they may be masculine in temperament they are not always the exclusive domain of men. As the best-seller Men are from Mars suggested earning your income is dictated by this archetypal essence which is drawn to danger, intrigue and excitement, values independence, adventure and courage and needs to be stimulated and challenged.
One of your resources is your entrepreneurial flair and your bravado. You are willing to take a risk, confront obstacles and be challenged. This suggests you will be quite happy exploring all your options on your career path, starting and resigning from many different jobs until you find your niche. As you look back over your career path you will probably find a number of fool-hearted enterprises that you have attempted. All were important for you as you learn on the job and need to experiment with your what works and what doesn't. You need to be challenged and inspired by what you do and need a goal post in sight. Your competitive nature needs to strive for a finish. Whether you compete with others in the workforce or against your own standards you do need to set guidelines and objectives.
Mars is also the planet of desire and depending on your background you either have a strong desire to go and get what you want or are ambivalent, still caught in the backwash of earlier attitudes which do not support your sense of self esteem. One thing is for sure: you do want things and it is natural for you to wish for these. So make your wish list and work towards getting these. Look at what you value. Whether that is a red sports car or a surf board you probably are attracted to boy's toys and gadgets that make life a lot more fun, sporty and adventuresome. And this is the way you value life and will try to earn your living. Happiness for you is finding the way to be gainfully employed doing your own thing.
Saturn is in the 2nd House
Saturn is in your 2nd house. To ancient astrologers this planet defined the edge of the solar system, the last visible god who wandered about the Sun. As such it became known as the boundary keeper and the authority that dealt out the consequences of inappropriate action. Placed in the sector of your resources and finances it is important that you use the conscious awareness of this archetype to support your attitudes towards self worth and value. This suggests that tradition, caution and security in how you approach the sphere of money and finances will be important. You are more a long-term investor than a short term one. Over time what you value will appreciate and grow, and you will derive a great satisfaction when your mortgage is paid off or your investments mature, as you value time and its natural process of maturation. Anything too fast or too sudden will not suit your investment style. Similarly when it comes to making your living you will be cautious and hard working as ethically you value what has been truly earned through effort and conscious application. Therefore your attitude towards material possessions will also be the same, valuing what is of good quality and well made, and mistrusting what is cheap and readily available. It is wise to build your financial portfolio over time, not rushing into anything or getting caught up in get rich quick schemes. Also it is prudent to recognise that you value employment where there is a strong structure, is well established and where you have room for advancement.
With the planet of consequence in your financial sector it is best you follow the letter of the law. Creative accounting, tax dodges and money laundering are not for you; if they are then you have an above average chance of being caught out and fined. Therefore it is important that when rules apply, you follow. Destiny has bound you to the system and it is in respecting the system that you find your wealth. It is also wise to take your own advice and heed your own judgement when it comes to financial matters as you need to learn to be an authority in this realm. While you seek approval and feedback in these matters it may not come. The reason is that you need to find your own way. Even though you would prefer that you were mentored, fate has placed the responsibility for financial success in your own hands.
Saturn may often be highly self-critical. This might suggest you introject negative feelings of self worth and internalise a lack of value contributing to your struggle to create a healthy sense of self-esteem. You may have been highly criticised earlier for your values and chastised for what you liked. And today you may still be rebelling against these standards through unconsciously participating with a negative version of your worth. Time to reassess. You need to take stock of your resources. Take a personal inventory and you will find a wide array of valuable resources that support you and need to be valued, including organisational skills and professionalism, self discipline, competency, being highly responsible, trust worthy, dedicated and respectful. Sound management of your resources makes it likely that you will earn your income in an executive or managerial capacity. Like the mountain goat you are adept at starting at the bottom of the mountain and slowly climbing to the summit of your success. However the key to this is maintaining your integrity, self-respect and valuing the process of time.
Uranus is in the 2nd House
Ultimately wealth and independence are entwined and when you are self-reliant you feel affluent. With Uranus in your 2nd house it is important to be aware that your approach to money and possessions could be quite unconventional, as this planet is known for its rebelliousness and nonconformity. This planet also signifies unpredictability and surprises. In the 2nd house this could suggest sudden changes of fortune. Therefore it would be important to consider how you might bring your unique skills and specialised talents to your career path in order to feel more comfortable on the wheel of fortune. You might forge your own independent route choosing to make your living outside convention or in an unconventional way. Or it could also suggest working in an environment that is futuristic, cutting-edge or ahead of its time. Another possibility is that you might find that you earn your income in a humanitarian way, working to improve the human condition or the state of the earth. Whatever road you take into the world of work, it needs to be a road less travelled.
Finding your own distinctive path that has not been trampled upon suggests that you will need to tap into your uniqueness and inventiveness. You are ingenious and can use your imagination to forge your way. Vocationally you are well suited to fields of endeavour that are unusual, ones that have not even been thought of yet. Therefore you are comfortable being on the edge of change, helping forge new directions and advancements. A career in technology might suit especially if you are helping revolutionise attitudes to work or helping create solutions for the future. Or politics is another sphere where you can use your vision and your protest to create change. Revolutionising the human experience is also akin to this astrological statement. Therefore whether you are attracted to science or the liberal arts, you feel the need to help advance human understanding and equality. You have an altruistic streak that needs expression in your vocation.
Uranus in the 2nd also reveals your attitudes towards money and possessions. Again this may be unusual or at least out of the ordinary. Your attitudes to material assets and financial security may fluctuate and change considerably. Or you might also unexpectedly receive money. It is important to consider your attitudes to money as they might be unconsciously contributing to financial worries. Ironically you need money to help you feel independent; therefore it is in your best interest to find ways to make this possible. You might find you have an uncanny knack at picking the right shares, making astute investments or being clever at financial planning. Reflect on original ways to make money. You have an inventive streak, which is a resource. Discover how this might work best for you. Ultimately you have the ability to be detached from the material world. This is important as this helps you feel relaxed and confident that you have enough resources.

The Labours of the 6th HouseAll work is a vocation, a calling from a place that is the source of meaning and identity, the roots of which lie beyond human intention and interpretation.
Astrologically, the 6th House is an eclectic territory associated with many facets of daily life. All these components of the 6th House suggest everyday routines that are necessary to maintain order and coherence in order to contain the chaos of life. The 6th House recommends ways to remain focused and cantered. When we lose touch with this thread of continuity, chaos fills the void with stress, loss of direction and purposelessness. The 6th house also indicates the areas of the body susceptible to carrying the stress when work is not nurturing or fulfilling. When we are not able to en-soul our everyday life with our work, then we are reminded of our distress by complaints of the body and the mind. Literally work makes us sick.
Vocationally the 6th house symbolizes what is compatible with our nature and what we need in our work to feel fulfilled, therefore less stressed. Traditionally the 6th house describes occupation; it illustrates the routine conditions of the job, the daily responsibilities and activities involved in performing job tasks that contribute to personal satisfaction. It also describes the atmosphere and those who share the workspace. Astrological wisdom has always suggested that work and well being are one and the same; to be well we need work that suits our soul. However, 6th house issues can become confused. In our workaday world often duty replaces satisfaction, the process of work is sacrificed for outcome, and ritual becomes obsession. The work instinct is to be productive; however when this turns to duty or perfectionism the enjoyment of work is lost. Analysing the 6th house reveals the most satisfying work environment and routines, and profiles the most rewarding way an individual can be employed. The 6th house is often referred to as a house of service. However, it is where we best serve ourselves through the quality of our employment.
Following is an analysis of your 6th house as described by the sign on the cusp and any planets that occupy this sphere. You will be able to maximize your fulfillment with work by recognizing the routines and tasks that are incompatible with your temperament and therefore create stress. Through becoming aware of daily rituals that support your natural disposition you will feel more satisfied and rewarded by your job. The sign on the cusp of the 6th house is the first clue to rewarding work. Planets in the 6th house are archetypal energies that need to be accessed daily and integrated into your lifestyle. They are life forces that you are fated to meet in the world of work and vocation. In a perfect world we would use them productively through our daily tasks and labours, giving them an expression in the continuity of our daily rituals. Metaphorically work is the way we honour the archetypal force that underlies the planetary expression.
6th House Cusp is in Aries
Aries is the sign on the cusp of your 6th house. This suggests that independence and freedom are important considerations in the routine conditions of your employment. You need to be unconstrained in your work environment and are able to work effectively when there is an atmosphere of spontaneity and you are given the permission to be adventuresome and risk-taking in your position. Movement and challenge are important considerations in your job portfolio; therefore you may be well suited to travelling with work or changing environments regularly. Once the goal posts are in place, it is important that your work environs encourage you to be self-motivated. Therefore if your entrepreneurial and visionary character does not find an outlet in the everyday world of work, you at risk of becoming bored and restless.
You work best when invested with responsibility and free from reporting to superiors constantly, therefore you may be better suited to self-employment or at least employment that allows you to be in charge. Your competitive spirit seeks an outlet through work so the more challenges the better; therefore without constant change and stimulation you become impatient and uninterested. Restlessness, boredom, lack of direction or an inability to commit yourself to the job at hand may result in a sudden urge to leave your employment, or if you stay, you become frustrated and short tempered with those in the environment. When frustrated and irritable, you may provoke your co-workers just to get a reaction and enliven the atmosphere. Frustration and anger in the atmosphere of your workplace signals the lack of spirit and enthusiasm in the working environment which creates tension and stress for you. Your nature is more akin to taking the risk to leave, rather than try and steer a sinking ship.
This sign also suggests the area/s of the body that are most likely to reveal the stress when your daily work life is not supportive. Since Aries rules the head, stress may be expressed through headaches, migraines, hearing loss or eyestrain. If you are not mobile enough in your occupation you could also feel fatigued and exhausted. However, it is your lack of focus, restlessness and even reckless manner in your workplace that reveal you are not suited to the job. This aspect of your chart suggests you should be invigorated and energised by the challenges and labours of work. It is important to remember that there are ways of minimising stress at work. Movement, a change of pace, a challenge, going to the gym during your lunch break, playing a competitive sport with one of your work colleagues are all healthy outlets. When you feel bottlenecked and the vital signs of life are not responding, you need to expend physical energy to get back on track. Being physical, motivated and challenged are the necessary components of a daily life.

The Status of the Tenth HouseEvery man has is own vocation; his talent is his call
The cusp of the 10th house is the Midheaven, the highest point on the ecliptic at our moment of birth. Its elevation in the horoscope suggests a complex of factors: it is the most public area of the horoscope and represents our relationship to and experience of the world; this represents the goal posts which are not only set by ourselves but have been put in place by our ancestors; the MC and 10th house represent the parental expectations and values influencing our career choices. Therefore the 10th house is a very important sphere in considering a fulfilling vocation. In essence it suggests our fate in the world.
Traditionally the 10th house is associated with career. Since career suggests a course of one’s life, the 10th house will play a prominent role in helping to navigate the career path. The 10th suggests where we need to find our authority and autonomy in the world and where we strive to be successful. As the peak of the horoscope the 10th house suggests what we would like to achieve in our relationship with the world. It also suggests the public sphere and how we are recognized in that sphere, either through our professional titles, our achievements or contributions. It is in this arena where we strive to contribute to the world in our own unique way
The sign on the cusp of the 10th house (the Midheaven) suggests the career paths which may be fulfilling and lead to success. The sign also indicates what we want to achieve and where we need to strive for authority. Planets in the 10th house are in the public sphere and seek to be expressed through vocational pursuits and are also heavily influenced by both parental and societal expectations. Planets in the 10th house are the archetypes encountered along your professional path. They represent both resources and challenges met in the career as well as characterize images of a fulfilling vocation.
10th House Cusp is in Leo
In the body Leo governs the heart, a symbol of its need for love and admiration. Astrologically the Sun rules this sign and like its planetary counterpart Leo needs to become the central focus of any system they belong to. Since Leo is on your 10th House Cusp you too need to be at the centre of your profession, heartened by and 'in love' with the career path you take through life.
Leo's calling is to express itself and be engaged in creative productions. Your need for self-expression and self-promotion in a career is important. This is also matched by the necessity for self-discovery through your occupation. You need to feel that your vocation is fulfilling your desire for self-exploration. Therefore in any career it is important that you discover your personal talents and skills. You do not always need to be a sole performer; however, you need to have a spotlight focused on you. Your career is more satisfying when it supports your need to be recognised and appreciated. Having your identity as a central part of your vocation is important, as your creativity needs to be identified and demonstrated. Produce your own play, design your own label, and manage your own business if at all possible. What makes a difference is that your name is attached to your creative output and that it is recognised.
Lions need to feel they are being recognised for their achievements and need to receive feedback and a form of applause in order to feel fulfilled. Praise goes a long way in encouraging you to perform well; in fact it is a necessary part of your vocational needs. Approval, especially father's, is important for you to be able to feel secure in the world. Of course you will also encounter the father archetype in the world through substitutes mainly superiors, bosses, bureaucracy. Often a hallmark of your vocation is your encounter with authority. Leo is a fixed fire sign so when you do feel secure, loved and appreciated you are extremely loyal and trustworthy, radiating a warmth and generosity into your environment. With support and acknowledgement you help brighten the world you live in. Self-esteem and confidence are linked with your vocation; therefore, it is important that you feel pride in what you do, as well as be appreciated for what you do. You need to be encouraged to stand back and see the creative result of all your efforts. If your heart is not in your job then you are likely to feel despondent. So it is vital that you seek fun and satisfaction through your career.
Since Leo needs to relate to an audience you may thrive in professions where you are able to interact with others and use your creative skills. Professions like promoters, teachers, entertainers, instructors, motivators, authors, and actors are called to the centre stage of their own creativity. The Leo temperament is also very natural working with children, children's products or children's entertainment. Therefore you may do well in recreational and creative businesses, theatre, amusement, leisure occupations as well as the range of lifestyle occupations. At the end of the day you need to have felt a response for your creative endeavours, a reflection from the world that your contribution has been valuable.
The Moon is in the 10th House
The Moon is in your 10th house, suggesting that you bring the realm of feelings, sensitivity and emotion to your profession. In classical astrology the Moon was associated with the public. Combining this with the lunar need to nurture, the vocations that are associated with the 10th house Moon are health care professions, social work, family counselling or therapy, nursing and involvement in the public service. Other professions which deal with the public, also ruled by the Moon are chefs, bakers and brewers, waiters, other occupations dealing with food and agriculture, the food industry, including catering, hotel management and promotion.
Besides the public, the moon is symbolic of women and women's issues. Therefore the Moon in the 10th house is also representative of professions concerning women's rights, health care and social services. Specialized medical areas such as gynaecology or specific issues of infertility, pregnancy, hormonal changes and rites of passage could play a role vocationally.
The Moon is also concerned with the home and is associated with a range of professions dealing in home services such as real estate, products for the home, home design and building (with a personal touch), domestic services, home services, furniture, antiques and making the home secure and safe. The mothering and nurturing side of the Moon is involved in the professions concerning the care of children, such as day care workers, teachers, early childhood educators, counsellors, family care providers, obstetricians, midwifery, and paediatricians. With this placement all these professions could be considered for a fulfilling career.
Astrological statistics have linked the Moon to the profession of writers, perhaps in a broader sense because this profession uses the right side of the brain and works in an imaginative way. Professionals such as writers, songwriters, poets, playwrights, artists, scriptwriters, novelists and creative journalists are under the spell of the Moon and may find creative writing an important part of their vocation. What is of importance is that you feel at home with your career and are able to use your strong perceptive and intuitive nature in your work.
The Sun is Opposite The Midheaven
With the Sun conjunct your IC your security is your identity. The quality of father's acknowledgement and support has influenced the way you feel about yourself. Favouritism may also have played a key role in the family. However it is from your family origins and inheritance that you can forge your identity which is the bedrock of your worldly experiences. Your strong sense of emotional stability and knowing you belong is the best support for your career.
Mercury is Opposite The Midheaven
Mercury is anchoring the base of the horoscope, suggesting that the archetype of mobility and communication was an important aspect of your familial experience. To feel secure you need to communicate and interact with others. Therefore you have a moveable anchor in your life that allows you feel secure enough with change and variety. Your sibling relationships have influenced your style of relating and impacted on the way you forge friendships and express yourself. To feel successful in the world you need to be secure with expressing your ideas and speaking your mind

Every man has is own vocation; his talent is his call
A Considered VocationTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
Fulfillment in the world is more a product of who we are, not what we do. Our vocational nature implies a path of individuation, a road 'less traveled by', and in some ways, a road still under construction. Hopefully this astrological consideration of your vocational potentialities has helped you reflect on a fulfilling career path.
Astrological consideration of a vocation also needs to be placed in the context of the life cycle. Adolescents greatly benefit from a traditional examination of the vocational patterns in the horoscope to help confirm and inspire their career plans. However in adult years, especially when on the verge of mid-life (36+), the urge to find meaning and purpose through vocation is more the issue. Vocation is a lifelong task and one that is at the heart of the individuation process and the lenses through which we view vocation need to be re-examined and rechecked at every new stage of the life cycle.
The Birth Planets of Jessica Ennis
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 01°44 | ![]() | VIRGO | 10 | F |
![]() | sun | 07°45 | ![]() | AQUARIUS | 4 | F |
![]() | mercury | 04°57 | ![]() | AQUARIUS | 4 | F |
![]() | venus | 09°45 | ![]() | AQUARIUS | 4 | F |
![]() | mars | 26°52 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 24°20 | ![]() | AQUARIUS | 4 | F |
![]() | saturn | 07°38 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 2 | F |
![]() | uranus | 20°55 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 2 | F |
![]() | neptune | 04°33 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 3 | F |
![]() | pluto | 07°19 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | F |
![]() | chiron | 09°26 | ![]() | GEMINI | 8 | R |
![]() | northnode | 03°59 | ![]() | TAURUS | 7 | R |
![]() | southnode | 03°59 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 24°20 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 03°09 | ![]() | LEO | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Jessica Ennis
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | mars |
![]() | moon | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | sun | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mercury |
![]() | sun | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | venus |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | sun | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | sun | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | venus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | venus | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | mercury |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | midheaven | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | mars |