Leonardo Dicaprio Astrology, Natal Chart & Progressed Chart Reading
Born: 11 Nov 1974 02:47, Los Angeles, California. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

I really don't know what I'm doing... I don't. It's terrible. I go in there and I learn how to be like the character and do the best I can, and that's all I really do.
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio is an American actor and film producer who achieved international fame for this role in James Cameron's Oscar wining film The Titanic (1997), as Jack Dawson, a penniless artist from Wisconsin who wins tickets for the ill-fated RMS Titanic.
DiCaprio was the only child of half Italian and Germain, George DiCaprio an underground comics artist and producer and Irmelin (née Indenbirken), a German born legal secretary who divorced when he was one years old. He was raised mainly by his mother and spent part of his childhood in Germany with his maternal grandparents and speaks fluent German. DiCaprio's romantic on-off relationships with various models have been widely covered in the media.
The following is Astrology Yard's interpretation of Leonardo Dicaprio's progressed chart.
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Progressed Moon

Progresed Moon Phase is
Moon 0 to 45 degrees ahead of the Sun.
It is time to sow the seeds for the next 29-year phase of your life. In the past few years you undergone a winter phase, one during which you have had plenty of time to reflect on your life and make plans for the future. You have recently been through a period of pondering a deeper meaning in your life, reevaluating your values and adjusting your goals. Perhaps you have had to let go of loved ones or cherished dreams. It has been a time of Winter where many things have seemingly lain dormant in your life. Now you are entering a Spring phase and can begin to explore new ideas and reach out for new experiences. New people and new projects are likely to enter your life now. You are also likely to explore different relationships and activities that can help you achieve your goals. Perhaps you ended a significant relationship during the previous phase, mourning the loss of a loved one. Now you are free to meet someone new, perhaps to marry or make some other commitment. On the other hand you may have moved home, away from the comfort of your family. After a period of resettlement, you are now eager to explore your new environment. It is also possible that you are in the process of changing careers. Whatever the scenario it's now time to birth your new ideas. You are now ready to approach your life with renewed self-confidence and purpose. So celebrate your past achievements and treasure the memories and take your the first step into your new life.
The Moon in Pisces
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 To 11 Sep 2017 00:06
You are reaching the end of a cycle in your life when the progressed Moon travels through the sign of Pisces. This has a subtle rather than dramatic influence on your life events. You gradually feel a need to slow down and reflect on the past. You ask questions, which may not have immediate answers. You feel a need to ponder on your own behaviour, past patterns, friendships and relationships, career moves and other areas of your life that have held importance. Answers and understanding come slowly rather than overnight. Inner reflection is more important than public success when the progressed Moon is in the sign of Pisces. Therefore this is a time when emotional and spiritual matters take precedence over material ones. If you need to retreat from society then now is the time to do so, as long as you can responsibly manage your time and commitments. Spiritual retreats, communing with nature and rejuvenating health retreats can be highly beneficial. You can also benefit from pursuing the artistic or creative side of your nature during this period. Soothing activities are important at this time. This is nature's way of asking that you slow down and make way for a new phase of your life. In the process you may need to make changes and close a few doors so that you can make room for the new ones to open when the Moon moves in to a new cycle in Aries.
The Moon in the 6th House
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 To 24 Sep 2017 19:17
It is time to get organized, discard old bad habits and incorporate news ones in your daily life. Your schedule, diet, exercise regime or lack thereof all need to be revised. If you are usually disorganized then now is the ideal time to bring order to chaos. Diaries, planners, calendars, filing systems and pocket organizers can all be useful during this phase. Your co-workers can play a vital role in helping you establish a new regime. You may also benefit from a big spring clean of your office, home, car or any other area of your life that needs attention. If you have been eating unhealthy food or overeating then now is a good moment to change your diet. You could consult a dietician or rely on your own resources. You also need to focus on your daily exercise. Are you getting enough exercise or are you overdoing things? Perhaps you could start a new and enjoyable activity or sports or maybe meditation or yoga would be beneficial? The emphasis is on making sure that your daily routine supports your goals in life. For this reason you may also start reconsidering your current work schedule with a view to changing jobs. You are not necessarily interested in a new career direction, but you may become keen to change jobs or employers. If you work in your own business then you may change your venue to something more suitable to your lifestyle. For instance you may move your office closer to your home, or you may move your business to a more beneficial location. No matter what the focus of your life is during this phase, you need to make sure that you are moving forward in a healthy and balanced lifestyle, one that benefits your life goals. The sign of your progressed Moon will also show you the area of your life most likely to be affected by this new schedule!
The Moon Opposition Pluto
From 11 Jan 2016 13:00 (09°13AR : 08°13LI)
This is an intense time. Emotions that have built up over a period of time now need an outlet. Likewise any unresolved conflict or problems are simmering and likely to erupt. If you have been harbouring secrets then they are likely to be revealed during this period. You need to find a positive outlet for your feelings. You may also need to seek counsel to help you find the most positive path forward. You are being forced to face problems, rather than continue to push them away. You may have difficulty in letting go, surprised by the depth of your feelings. If you can go with the flow then you are likely to experience the joy that comes from letting go of things or people who have held you back in your life. Personal growth can be challenging, but the rewards are a renewed sense of purpose. So use this time to gain new meaning in your life, and perhaps enlist the extra support of those you trust.
The Moon Trine Neptune
From 22 Jan 2016 06:18 (09°34AR : 08°34SA)
During this period you are more sensitive to other people and your surroundings. You may feel the urge to pursue a more spiritual path, perhaps rejoining a former religion or joining a new spiritual group. Alternatively you may be drawn to creative or artistic expression. During this period you are more likely to remember your dreams. They may be more vivid, carrying messages for your waking life. Your perceptions are changing in subtle ways. You are rather like the butterfly that is emerging from the cocoon. Enjoy the new emerging you. As a result you will discover new depths and meanings that colour your life.
The Moon Opposition The Moon
From 23 Jun 2016 16:19 (14°44AR : 15°44LI) To 21 Aug 2016 18:55 (16°44AR : 15°44LI)
Exact 23 Jul 2016 06:15 (15°44AR : 15°44LI)
This is an emotional time, during which your feelings are not as reliable as usual. The trouble is that you are likely to overreact right now. Close personal friends and relatives, in particular women, are stirring up your feelings. Perhaps you are hurt by their actions, or perhaps they are reacting to you. Your life is changing and you feel insecure. These changes are likely to be occurring in your family and home life. You may even move house during this period. On the other hand the changes may be taking place within. However, these changes are manifesting in your life, your perceptions are unlikely to be correct right now. You would be well advised to think before you speak. It is far better to take some time to carefully consider your words and actions until you are feeling more secure. In the meantime you could enjoy reading moving stories, going to the cinema or spending time with young children and animals. Counseling may also be beneficial, if you feel that it would help you adapt to your changing relationships and environment.
The Moon Square Saturn
From 22 Sep 2016 02:15 (17°47AR : 18°47CA) To 19 Nov 2016 20:02 (19°47AR : 18°47CA)
Exact 21 Oct 2016 12:07 (18°47AR : 18°47CA)
It is time to make some changes in your life. This can be a challenging period during which you feel lonely, perhaps even depressed. Try not to succumb to gloomy feelings. You will do better if you can focus on the work at hand. You are being asked to rely on your own resources. The onus is on you taking a long, hard look at all areas of your life and making the necessary changes. You are quite serious, not as light-hearted as usual. In fact your loved ones and colleagues may wonder what has happened to your sense of humour. You feel misunderstood and therefore are likely to isolate yourself socially. Now is the time for serious work. Your work, home, family and marriage are all open for contemplation. If you are married then you are likely to be faced with some big decisions. This could include buying a house together, starting a family or moving to a new area. On the other hand you may be single and seriously considering marriage. Your professional life may also change. If you are satisfied with your job and your career then you may apply for promotions, or take further courses to advance your career. If you are dissatisfied then you are likely to make changes. Right now you are being forced to work hard towards your goals, to keep sight of your personal and professional ambitions and to shoulder your responsibilities. At times you may feel tired. It is important that you take good care of your physical health. If you have been living an unhealthy lifestyle then you need to start a new diet and exercise regime as soon as possible. This is not a time to neglect your health because you are required to work hard to achieve your ambitions. If you can move forward with your personal and professional plans then you are likely to reap great rewards.
The Moon Conjunction Chiron
From 26 Nov 2016 20:44 (20°02AR : 21°02AR) To 24 Jan 2017 04:55 (22°02AR : 21°02AR)
Exact 26 Dec 2016 01:32 (21°02AR : 21°02AR)
Conflicting emotions abound during this period. Some events may seem to be very upsetting and yet contrarily also very healing. It is a little like a death in the family. When someone in the family dies we grieve for our loss, and yet this grief can also bring us closer to our friends and family and teach us appreciation of our own lives. On a less grievous scale it can be similar to a child leaving home. On the one hand the parents are grieving the loss of their child, however
The Moon Semisquare Jupiter
From 25 Jan 2017 19:17 (22°05AR : 08°05PI) To 24 Mar 2017 21:33 (24°05AR : 08°05PI)
Exact 23 Feb 2017 21:09 (23°05AR : 08°05PI)
You may be feeling impatient, ready to achieve great things but your ideas meet deadends. The trouble is that you may not have a true grasp of practicalities. Excess may be more of a feature of this period than you realise. If you can slow down and appreciate the gifts and those who give then you are most likely to gain some enduring benefits.
The Moon Sesquisquare Neptune
From 08 Feb 2017 22:04 (22°34AR : 08°34SA) To 07 Apr 2017 22:55 (24°34AR : 08°34SA)
Exact 09 Mar 2017 23:13 (23°34AR : 08°34SA)
During this period you are more sensitive to other people and your surroundings. For this reason you may feel confused. Your former goals may have lost some of their meaning. Try not to be too concerned. You simply need to slow down, rest and reflect on some important aspects of your life.
The Moon Opposition Uranus
From 27 Jul 2017 13:06 (28°24AR : 29°24LI) To 22 Sep 2017 20:26 (00°24TA : 29°24LI)
Exact 25 Aug 2017 05:32 (29°24AR : 29°24LI)
Be prepared for a change of plans. You are currently required to modify the way that you approach certain areas of your life. Whether you realise it or not tension has been building for some time. For instance you may have been concentrating on one area of your life to the detriment of others. Perhaps conflict has been simmering in one or more of your key relationships or perhaps you have been working too hard to the detriment of your health. Whatever the scenario may be you are now required to change your attitude and perhaps your lifestyle. If you do not take charge of the necessary adjustments then people or events will suddenly force you off the merry-go-round. Although life can be a bit unpredictable right now, you will fare better if you go with the flow rather than try to cling to the status quo. It is possible that you are feeling restless, ready for new challenges. If this is the case then you are likely to enjoy the opportunities that arise. Either way by the end of this period you will enjoy a new sense of liberation, recognising that your life is better. You are now feeling more able to follow your dreams.
The Moon Opposition Mercury
From 06 Aug 2017 09:11 (28°45AR : 29°45LI) To 02 Oct 2017 15:28 (00°45TA : 29°45LI)
Exact 04 Sep 2017 01:05 (29°45AR : 29°45LI)
Right now your communications with other people are laden with a few difficulties. It seems as though your attempts to interact are frustrated and you are not sure why. This is also true for new projects and anything that involves the exchange of information. You are being forced, whether you like it or not, to change the way in which you approach projects and people. Therefore this is the ideal time to undertake any activity that focuses on improving verbal or written communications. Marketing, sales, business and intellectual activities can benefit from extra curricular training. Projects that require mental agility or concentration are advanced through a little extra effort. You may like to start a training course, take up a teaching position, or start a writing project. This may cause a little tension in your professional and personal associations, but nevertheless you are keen to improve your skills. Arguments with colleagues and loved ones may erupt from time to time, but you have the tenacity to continue to work at exchanges. It is important that you aim to keep your interactions as calm as possible, avoiding heated arguments. During this phase you are likely to learn when to retreat and when to calmly state your case. Right now you have the chance to improve your network of associates, learn new skills and apply them to your daily life with a little patience and persistence.
The Moon in Taurus
From 11 Sep 2017 00:06
You are now entered a period where security, rather than independence, becomes a consideration. Of course it is possible to have both independence and security, but in the past you have been busy striking out on your own without a real concern for precautions. Now you begin to shift your focus to the need to safeguard your schemes. It is time to consolidate on any projects started during the previous few years. This can include work projects, monetary investments, real estate, and family matters. In the recent past you have had the freedom to forge ahead with your own goals, taking the initiative and leading others. Now you need to slow down and take stock of your achievements. The practicalities are inescapable. Perhaps you started a new business, spending many hours getting this project off the ground. Now you need to sit down with your accountant or bookkeeper and make sure that this can continue to be a viable operation. On the other hand you may have moved to a new area and started a new job. Now that the novelty of everything has worn off you have the opportunity to reassess the wisdom of your move and put down some roots. Perhaps you are ready to buy a house and settle down, even start a family. Perhaps you have embarked on an academic course and now you need to either search for a job or further your studies so that you can make the most of your studies. In the previous phase the emphasis was on your goals and ambitions. Now is the time to focus again on other people and the effects of your actions on their lives. Perhaps you have been working hard, establishing yourself in a new company. Now you need to ensure that you make time for your family and loved ones. It is important to establish a schedule during this phase. In fact you may find yourself yearning for more stability and routine. Financial matters may also be a focus. Perhaps you have been over spending in an effort to gain your independence. Now you need to tighten the budget. On the other hand you may now reap the rewards of past investments and savings. Either way you now feel the urge to plan your financial future, saving and investing rather than spending. Now is the time to check your insurance. The more that you can slow down and assess your progress and strengthen your position, the more likely you are to enjoy the opportunities that arise in the next phase of your life.
The Moon in the 8th House
From 24 Sep 2017 19:17
Change is a certainty during this phase. The more strongly that you have felt in an emotional rut, the more eager you are likely to feel the need for change. You are undergoing a transition and need to discard out-dated habits and projects. This is an ideal time to clean out cupboards at home and work. You need to discard out-dated clothes, get rid of clutter and rearrange your environment. As you discard the old, you start to attract new. You are keen to establish a life that more truly reflects your dreams and objectives. You are also eager to ensure that your colleagues, friends and loved ones truly understand your needs. This is a period during which you want to delve into meaningful matters. Superficiality holds no appeal. Therefore topics such as sexuality, life, death, metaphysics and physics hold a certain fascination. It is possible that you consider childbirth during this period, or perhaps someone close to you has a child. You may also suffer the loss of a loved one, although it is also possible that you simply recall memories of loved ones who have died earlier in your life. Memories play an important role during this phase, offering you insights into areas of your life that need to be faced, healed and ultimately changed. On a more mundane level you may feel an urge to sort out your financial investments, investigating property and equity options. You are keen to build a nest egg for the future. This is the ideal time to explore new opportunities, as long as you are willing to let go of anything that has been holding you back. The sign of your Progressed Moon reveals the manner in which you approach this phase of transition. If your Progressed Moon is in a Fire or Air sign then you are excited, seeking new inspiration and easily discarding the old habits. You need only be wary of being too rash. If your Progressed Moon is in an Earth or Water sign then you may find it more difficult to move out of your comfortable environment. You need to make modifications slowly, ensuring that your need for security is taken account of.
The Moon Sextile The Midheaven
From 18 Nov 2017 13:31 (02°24TA : 03°24CA) To 14 Jan 2018 08:31 (04°24TA : 03°24CA)
Exact 16 Dec 2017 23:48 (03°24TA : 03°24CA)
You are able to make progress in your career and home objectives during this phase. You can establish a good reputation at work, as well as being appreciated by your family members. You enjoy your occupation and are popular in the workplace. People in authority notice your attributes and opportunities for promotion are likely to arise. Your family members also notice your efforts at home, and you receive the support of those you love.
The Moon Sextile Jupiter
From 31 Mar 2018 08:58 (07°05TA : 08°05PI) To 26 May 2018 13:11 (09°05TA : 08°05PI)
Exact 28 Apr 2018 11:52 (08°05TA : 08°05PI)
This is a bountiful period during which your confidence and optimism increase. You are formulating clear personal goals and can be secure in your ability to achieve results. You have plenty of energy for working towards your aspirations and can easily enlist the help of other people. Risks taken now usually pay off, although you do need to be wary of grandiose plans. This is an excellent time for marketing, planning, selling, teaching, and studying.
The Moon Opposition Mars
From 12 May 2018 12:11 (08°35TA : 09°35SC) To 07 Jul 2018 11:40 (10°35TA : 09°35SC)
Exact 09 Jun 2018 12:42 (09°35TA : 09°35SC)
You are feeling energetic right now, ready to tackle big jobs and new activities. You may also feel a readiness to face any fears that have previously blocked your ambitions. Therefore this period is conducive to undertaking any tasks or projects that require concentrated efforts and initiative. You may initiative a new field of activity or you may be forced by someone else or circumstances to take on a project that you previously would have shied away from. Either way you have the drive to succeed. One of the risks of this phase is that you are tempted to go overboard in your efforts to achieve your objectives because you are keen to move forward regardless of the costs. Impatience may mar this period. Therefore you need to ensure that you pay closer attention to your aims. Patience and collaboration are needed, rather than competition. Save any competitive urges for a demanding sport or solo adventure rather than projects that require the co-operation of other people. Avoid rash decisions and stressors that trigger your temper and this can be a rewarding phase during which your motivation is strong and your achievements satisfying.
Progressed Sun

The progressed Sun moves slowly through the signs and houses of a Natal Chart. Unlike the Moon, the Sun will not progress through the entire zodiac. As such its significance is highlighted mainly when the sign or house changes. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of the progressed Sun can also be important in showing themes in a person's life.
The Sun in Sagittarius
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 To 29 Aug 2015 16:07
Life has been intense in the past, but now everything seems to lighten. Your Sun has progressed into the ebullient sign of Sagittarius and the world is about to become your oyster. Travel, study, philosophy, religion, sports and culture are all part of the smorgasbord that is about to be emphasized in your life. Your world is expanding.
The Sun in the 3rd House
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 To 01 Jan 2019 00:09
The progressed Sun moves slowly through the houses. The third house of your chart is currently emphasized indicating that your need for communication and knowledge are background themes in your life.
The Sun Sextile Uranus
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 (29°19SA : 29°24LI) To 25 Jan 2016 08:00 (00°24CA : 29°24LI)
Exact 31 Jan 2015 17:09 (29°24SA : 29°24LI)
Life is uncertain. One area of your life is irrevocably changing forcing you to leave behind the familiar and step into the unknown. This can be exciting if you enjoy the excitement of the unknown. However, if you usually enjoy the comfort of familiarity then you could be a bit unsettled during this phase. It is the perfect time to discard anything that has grown old and tiresome, particularly bad habits. At the same time you need to welcome new ways of viewing the world and new activities. Science, technology, metaphysics, electronics, world politics or conservation may be attractive right now. Try to enjoy the freedom and independence of this lifestyle change.
The Sun Sextile Mercury
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 (29°19SA : 29°45LI) To 27 May 2016 11:34 (00°45CA : 29°45LI)
Exact 03 Jun 2015 12:48 (29°45SA : 29°45LI)
This is the perfect time for making decisions, studying, sitting examinations, signing contracts or teaching. In fact it is ideal for any project or decision that requires a sharp mind and commitment. Communications are clear and effective.
The Sun in Capricorn
From 29 Aug 2015 16:07
The progressed Sun moves slowly through the signs of the zodiac. Currently your Sun has progressed into the sign of Capricorn causing you to become a little more serious. It is time to consolidate and be a little more sensible. In the past you have expanded your horizons, but now you need to slow down and build foundations for the future. Slowly but surely wins the race. It is possible that you have had an extended period of study or travel. Now you need to put your skills to the test. Gradually you can reassess your goals and show the more practical side to your nature.
The Sun Square The Ascendant
From 30 Sep 2017 06:38 (02°07CA : 03°07LI)
Exact 23 Sep 2018 15:23 (03°07CA : 03°07LI)
It is time for change. If you have been procrastinating then now you are forced to make decisions. If you have been working towards making changes in selected areas of your life then now the opportunities will arise. The time has come for action. "Talk comes cheap" as the saying goes. You are required to focus on your goals and the pursuit of your own happiness. It can be a rewarding period, although your loved ones may react adversely if you ignore them. You may also need to dig deep and assert your own goals, even if this means challenging those in authority. However, it is best to enlist the co-operation of those around you so that you can move forward with your goals without creating conflict or burning bridges. During this phase you are likely to experience a renewed sense of purpose. Projects that have been brewing for some time may now come to fruition. You may have been reflecting on various areas of your life with a view to making changes. The time is now ripe for those changes. You can purposefully move forward with renewed resolve.
The Sun Opposition The Midheaven
From 07 Jan 2018 15:31 (02°24CA : 03°24CA)
Exact 01 Jan 2019 00:09 (03°24CA : 03°24CA)
The foundations of your life need close inspection. You need to review your home, family, traditions, and possibly even ancestry. This could last for quite a long time. During this phase you feel the urge to review your inner most self in the context of your home and family and your personal dreams. Your nesting instincts become stronger. You may move to a new residence, design and build your own home or start a property investment portfolio. You may leave the family home, invite members of your extended family to share your home or start a family of your own. It is also possible that you are somewhat restless during this period while you test your lifestyle preference. Whatever the scenario of your choice, your home and family require your attention. The time is ripe for reflecting on your private self and making adjustments to ensure that your life reflects your personal hopes, dreams and wishes.
The Sun Semisquare The Sun
From 10 Apr 2018 23:08 (02°39CA : 18°39SC)
Life is pretty frustrating right now. It is likely that you are going through a midlife transition and are feeling somewhat confused about your life direction. Perhaps you want to make changes, but can't either because you lack the courage or because of your responsibilities. Feeling trapped is not a pleasant experience. Nevertheless the purpose of this period is to ensure that you do not act rashly. Try to slow down and reassess your situation in a different light. As a result you may see your life in a different light. Make adjustments where you can and trust that you are able to improve your circumstances when the time is right.
The Sun in the 4th House
From 01 Jan 2019 00:09
The progressed Sun moves slowly through the houses. The fourth house of your chart is currently emphasized indicating that your home and family are important background themes in your life.
Progressed Inner Planets

Progressed Mercury moves slowly through the signs and houses of a Natal Chart. Progressed Mercury can turn Retrograde and then Direct in a person's lifetime. As such its significance is highlighted when the sign or house changes. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Mercury can also be important in showing themes in a person's life.
Mercury in Capricorn
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12
It is time to consolidate your plans. Progressed Mercury moves slowly through the signs of the zodiac. Currently your Mercury has progressed into Capricorn indicating that you are consolidating on your previous goals. Studies undertaken in the past now start to bear some fruit. You may make plans to enter a new business venture or sign contracts on investment opportunities.
Mercury in the 3rd House
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 To 09 Dec 2016 21:42
Sharpen your intellectual sword because you are going to need it. Communications, contracts, merchandise and anything connected with your mind and wit are coming to the forefront. If you are involved in a career that demands concentration, communication and correspondence then you are likely to excel during this phase of your life. Your oratory skills are on the up and up. Spoken and written projects may begin. You may also embark on short journeys that keep you busy, demand your skills and encourage you to explore new areas. If you have a bright wit and intellect then you are likely to sparkle. Quick wit and repartee, accompanied with substance, will take you far. You may also decide to study or learn a new skill which in turns propels you onto a different path. If you have siblings then you may spend more time with them. Connections of all kinds are important. Social media, the internet and books may hold more of a fascination and help you make decisions, reach out to others or learn more about yourself.
Mercury Sextile Uranus
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 (00°19CA : 29°24LI) To 22 Jan 2015 19:21 (00°24CA : 29°24LI)
Excitement is the key to this part of your life. If you enjoy new experiences then you are likely to thrive right now. In fact you may be striving for freedom, a radical change in your life that brings a new sparkle. If you have been wanting to start a new and stimulating hobby or project then now is the perfect time. However, if you are frightened of new challenges then this period could be very unsettling. Either way it is time to be flexible. Try to enjoy the unexpected challenges that arise now. Eventually you will appreciate a new sense of independence.
Mercury Sextile Mercury
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 (00°19CA : 29°45LI) To 11 Apr 2015 15:32 (00°45CA : 29°45LI)
This can be a busy, unsettled time. You may feel over stimulated, as if you have too many choices. Perhaps you believe that others are making decisions that are forcing you to consider your options. This can be a positive time to change bad habits. If you have been in a rut then this stimulation is necessary. However, if you are a positive go-getter then try to slow down and prioritise.
Mercury Square The Ascendant
From 20 Feb 2016 06:02 (02°07CA : 03°07LI) To 24 May 2017 10:04 (04°07CA : 03°07LI)
Exact 07 Oct 2016 06:18 (03°07CA : 03°07LI)
It is time to improve communications and make decisions regarding your marriage and business partnerships. If you are single you may meet a new stimulating lover during this phase or you could make a decision regarding a current lover. For instance you could decide that this person is marriage material or that you need to end the relationship and move on. It is time for commitment and you need to be prepared to make the moves right now, whether this is a marriage vow or separation. If you hesitate in speaking your mind or heart then you may regret your indecision later. The object of your affections is not likely to wait around. It is time for action. If you are married then you may deepen your commitment either through a renewal of vows, a shared pastime or better interactions. Alternatively you, or your partner, may be in two minds about the future of this union. Commitment may waver. It is also possible that legal papers may be served or legal matters may be finalised during this period. Business partnerships may be formed or ended.
Mercury Opposition The Midheaven
From 24 Apr 2016 01:49 (02°24CA : 03°24CA) To 26 Jul 2017 20:50 (04°24CA : 03°24CA)
Exact 09 Dec 2016 21:42 (03°24CA : 03°24CA)
Decisions need to be made, most likely these are connected with your home and family, however
Mercury Semisquare The Sun
From 22 Jun 2016 23:09 (02°39CA : 18°39SC) To 24 Sep 2017 10:56 (04°39CA : 18°39SC)
Exact 07 Feb 2017 13:24 (03°39CA : 18°39SC)
This is a difficult time for pursuing your goals, particularly those associated with communication, networking, transport, study and teaching. Business associations may also be troublesome during this period.
Mercury in the 4th House
From 09 Dec 2016 21:42
Your home life is about to become very busy. You may have an addition to your family, or changes to your house or neighbourhood. Perhaps you have been planning redecorations, renovations or extensions. Now the work is likely to start. If you have always wanted to set up an office or a hobby room at home then you are likely to do so during this phase. You may also decide to dip into your family history, learning things about the past and influences on the present. This is not a passing whim but rather an urge to connect with your home and family in a new and different way. You want to enjoy your environment. At the very least you may spend more time at home with a hobby such as reading, doing cross word or jigsaw puzzles.
Mercury Semisquare Venus
From 01 Apr 2017 01:42 (03°53CA : 19°53SC) To 02 Jul 2018 07:43 (05°53CA : 19°53SC)
Exact 15 Nov 2017 20:50 (04°53CA : 19°53SC)
This can be both a positive and unsettling time in your relationships. If you are married then perhaps you are in two minds about your commitment to your spouse. You need to carefully consider all of the consequences before jumping to conclusions. On the other hand perhaps your marriage has become a little stale with more routine than romance. If this is the case then now is an ideal time to explore some new and stimulating shared interests. If you are single then you may meet one, perhaps even two, potential partners. Money matters may also be stimulated during this phase.
Progressed Venus
Progressed Venus moves slowly through the signs and houses of a Natal Chart. As such its significance is highlighted when the sign or house changes. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Venus can also be important in showing themes in a person's life.
Venus in Capricorn
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12
Love and money are influenced as Venus progresses through the Signs of the Zodiac. Your Progressed Venus moves a little more than one degree per year. At birth your Venus sits in a Zodiac Sign and this is the major influence on your relationship with love and money, but the Progressed Sign can also shed some light on how you can best handle your affairs. Love and money are personal matters and any light shed on these areas can be very helpful. In your case your Venus has progressed into the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn meaning that you now move from a carefree period to one that demands more responsibilities in your close relationships, and when it comes to money matters. Perhaps you are now a little more mature and stable. Alternatively you may now be able to consolidate on experiences of the past. Either way you are likely to find greater pleasure in achieving success in those areas that matter most.
Venus in the 4th House
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12
The time has come for you to find peace and harmony in your home and within your own family. If you already experience these qualities then you are likely to see subtle changes that bring even more pleasure. If your home life has been unsettled, or your family relationships are fraught, then you may need to come to terms with some past events before settling into a new and more tranquil lifestyle. During this phase the planet of love is slowly progressing through the sector of your Birth Chart connected with home and family. Therefore love can be more prominent at home. If you need to redecorate or make changes to accommodate these feelings of pleasure and love then you are likely to do so, slowly and surely improving your private life. The money does come when you need it.
Venus Sextile Mars
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 (10°18CA : 09°35SC) To 23 Mar 2015 19:02 (10°35CA : 09°35SC)
Your desire for pleasure is strong. You are likely to start a new and exciting venture during this period motivated by a need to increase your wealth. Your passion is also excited. Therefore, if you are single, then it is possible that you meet a new lover, someone who inspires your passion. If you are married then look for an increase in romance and ardour within your relationship.
Venus Square The Moon
From 11 Jul 2018 05:22 (14°44CA : 15°44LI)
Your focus is on matters close to your heart. Your home and family now bring you a sense of warmth and comfort as you pay attention to ways in which you can improve everyone's situation. Love is at the forefront of your dreams and desires. It is an ideal time to renovate your current home or to purchase your dream home. You have the opportunity now to improve your relationships with loved ones. If you are single you may meet someone significant. If you are married then you are likely to enjoy pleasurable pastimes and a renewed sense of romance.
Progressed Mars
Progressed Mars moves slowly through the signs and houses of a Natal Chart. As such its significance is highlighted when the sign or house changes. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Mars can also be important in showing themes in a person's life.
Mars in Sagittarius
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12
The planet Mars stays in one Zodiac Sign for many years so you need to check whether or not it has progressed into a new Sign or if this is your Birth Chart Sign. If your Mars has changed or is changing Zodiac Signs then this can be a significant period indicating a change of pace in your life. If in your case the fiery Mars is progressing into the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius meaning that your basic motivational urges are about to change. Slowly you notice that events and projects that have been a source of conflict or drama in the past no longer seem to hold the same power in your life. You are now able to approach most matters, and in particularly work projects, with a lighter heart. Now you can see the bigger picture. You may feel an urge to change direction - study a new course, travel to a different land or perhaps take a more philosophical direction.
Mars in the 3rd House
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12
During this period you learn to assert yourself and speak your own mind. If you are already confident in communicating your feelings, thoughts and opinions then this is likely to be a period during which you discovery more and more opportunities to express yourself. If you have previously lacked confidence then now you are likely to find your own voice. You may also feel the urge to branch out and learn new skills. Alternatively you may lead others, teaching and training. Projects that involve concentration may be rewarding.
Mars Conjunction Neptune
From 24 Jan 2015 11:49 (07°34SA : 08°34SA) To 17 Nov 2017 16:51 (09°34SA : 08°34SA)
Exact 22 Jun 2016 00:21 (08°34SA : 08°34SA)
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars Square Jupiter
From 13 Mar 2017 17:45 (09°05SA : 08°05PI)
Exact 16 Oct 2015 03:18 (08°05SA : 08°05PI)
Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.
Mars Square Saturn
Responsibility is the key theme of this period of your life. Circumstances at home or work force you to shoulder more than your fair share of everyday tasks. You need to work hard rather than shirk your duty. Fortunately you are able to concentrate and even work in isolation to achieve this objective. At times you may feel tired and somewhat despondent, but you also have the resolve to complete the task. The end result is satisfying and will help build foundations for your future.
Mars Square Uranus
Life is rather frenetic right now. You have plenty of energy, but sometimes the direction seems unpredictable. Others may erratic, seemingly demanding changes that do not fit in with your own objectives. Misunderstandings occur. Perhaps you are restless. A sudden urge for a change of scenery may erupt. If you have been living your life to please other people then you are likely to really yearn for greener pastures. An unusual hobby or an unorthodox counselor may help you explore your changing world. If you can remain open to suggestions and negotiate compromises then you are likely to enjoy a newfound sense of freedom at the end of this phase. Find the courage to embrace a new lifestyle.
Mars Square Neptune
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars Square Pluto
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistakes made now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars Square Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars Square NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. Opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars Square SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. Opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars Square Ascendant
It is time for action. If you have been waiting for the right time to make changes in your life then now may well be the moment. Mars is the planet of motivation and action. Therefore you are likely to feel the urge to alter aspects of your life. It is time to get fit through sports or an activity that requires movement. A change of diet may also be beneficial. It is time to change bad habits and adopt a newer, healthier attitude to life. Former English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli says, "action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." This could be your catchcry during this phase. Opportunities abound if you have the courage to take up the challenge. Your newfound zest is likely to affect other areas of your life such as your career and your marriage. If you are single then you may fall passionately in love with someone. You would be wise to apply reason to your passion. Take your time before making major commitments. If you are married then ardour may reignite. It is also possible that your loved one is somewhat concerned about the changes that are occurring. Conflict may result. You need to find a balance between asserting your own rights and considering the needs of those close to you. The main aim of this period is to help you find healthy and purposeful outlets to increase your sense of wellbeing and happiness in co-operation with loved ones and associates.
Mars Square Midheaven
Tension within your private and public life arises during this period. Your career versus your home is the theme. Perhaps you have been spending too much time at work, pursuing your own professional ambitions and now your family is demanding that you redress this imbalance. On the other hand it is possible that you have been pouring your energy into your family life to the detriment of work. Right now your boss or business is demanding more attention. Whatever the scenario your challenge is to find the right balance between work and family.
Mars Sextile Moon
Personal satisfaction is a key motivator right now. You are likely to change your life in ways that give you more fulfillment. For instance you may lessen your load at work, or move your workplace closer to home. On the other hand you may make plans to renovate your home or move house. Another possibility is that you start a new project that is very enjoyable. Working out any unwanted frustrations in the sports arena is also beneficial during this phase.
Mars Sextile Sun
You are highly motivated, full of determination and vitality, ready to achieve your objectives. This could be general ambitions or a particular project or physical activity. You are capable of moving ahead, overcoming obstacles and discarding bad habits.
Mars Sextile Mercury
A new direction is needed. You are ready to change direction, having carefully considered all of your options. New opportunities to pursue your ambitions arise and you eagerly accept the challenge.
Mars Sextile Venus
Your desire for pleasure is strong. You are likely to start a new and exciting venture during this period motivated by a need to increase your wealth. Your passion is also excited. Therefore, if you are single, then it is possible that you meet a new lover, someone who inspires your passion. If you are married then look for an increase in romance and ardour within your relationship. This is not the time for rash decisions. Impetuosity will quickly backfire. Therefore direct your newfound energy into positive outlets.
Mars Sextile Mars
Your life is changing direction. It is possible that it is time for you to retire from your professional work. You are ready for the new challenges in retirement. It is also possible that you need to make adjustments in your lifelong goals. A reassessment now is very beneficial.
Mars Sextile Jupiter
Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.
Mars Sextile Saturn
Responsibility is the key theme of this period of your life. Circumstances at home or work force you to shoulder more than your fair share of everyday tasks. You need to work hard rather than shirk your duty. Fortunately you are able to concentrate and even work in isolation to achieve this objective. At times you may feel tired and somewhat despondent, but you also have the resolve to complete the task. The end result is satisfying and will help build foundations for your future.
Mars Sextile Uranus
Life is rather frenetic right now. You have plenty of energy, but sometimes the direction seems unpredictable. Others may erratic, seemingly demanding changes that do not fit in with your own objectives. Misunderstandings occur. Perhaps you are restless. A sudden urge for a change of scenery may erupt. If you have been living your life to please other people then you are likely to really yearn for greener pastures. An unusual hobby or an unorthodox counselor may help you explore your changing world. If you can remain open to suggestions and negotiate compromises then you are likely to enjoy a newfound sense of freedom at the end of this phase. Find the courage to embrace a new lifestyle.
Mars Sextile Neptune
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars Sextile Pluto
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistaken actions now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars Sextile Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars Sextile NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. Opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars Sextile SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. Opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars Sextile Ascendant
Mars is the planet of motivation. Your life may undergo a change of direction, taking a more positive trend. Events now are likely to trigger beneficial changes in your life, even if they don't at first appear to be beneficial. Remain optimistic. You also discover a personal talent or pastime that gives you a sense of purpose. Alternatively a project that you have been working on behind the scenes may now take a more prominent role. Life can become a lot more rewarding during this phase. It is also time for you to focus on your health. Your self-motivation is high right now. In fact you may have so much excess energy that you need to find a challenging outlet, one that does not involve unnecessary risks. It is an ideal time to start a new diet or exercise regime so that you have plenty of vitality for the new activities and opportunities that emerge now. The main aim of this period is to help you find healthy and purposeful outlets to increase your sense of wellbeing and happiness.
Mars Sextile Midheaven
You are able to move ahead with your life plans. These may include a lifelong dream such as climbing mountains, changing careers, marriage or parenthood. Right now you have plenty of energy to achieve these goals. In fact you may benefit from hard physical work or a challenging sport. You may also prove to be a confident and strong leader during this period. Public recognition comes through hard work.
Mars SemiSquare Moon
Personal satisfaction is a key motivator right now. You are trying to change your life in ways that give you more fulfillment. However you are likely to be disappointed if you push too hard and fast. Try to adjust your expectations rather than force others to follow your lead. If you experience conflict with loved ones then you need to resolve problems rather than ignore them. Working out any unwanted frustrations in the sports arena is also beneficial during this phase.
Mars SemiSquare Sun
Right now you are capable of moving ahead, overcoming obstacles and discarding bad habits if you persist. Don't let laziness stop you. You need to stay focused and persist in your objectives. Assertion not aggression wins the day.
Mars SemiSquare Mercury
A new direction is needed. On the positive side you are ready to change direction, having carefully considered all of your options. New opportunities to pursue your ambitions arise and you eagerly accept the challenge. On the other hand it is possible that you are feeling restless but unsure about how to proceed. If this is the case then take your time. Remind yourself that there is no need to rush or force matters. Explore all of your options and wait until your new path becomes clear.
Mars SemiSquare Venus
Your desire for pleasure is strong but you may be frustrated in trying to achieve satisfaction. You may want to start a new and exciting venture during this period but obstacles seem to block your path. This is not the time for rash decisions. Impetuosity will quickly backfire. Therefore direct your newfound energy into positive outlets and trust that your patience will eventually be rewarded.
Mars SemiSquare Jupiter
Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.
Mars SemiSquare Saturn
Responsibility is the key theme of this period of your life. Circumstances at home or work force you to shoulder more than your fair share of everyday tasks. You need to work hard rather than shirk your duty. Fortunately you are able to concentrate and even work in isolation to achieve this objective. At times you may feel tired and somewhat despondent, but you also have the resolve to complete the task. The end result is satisfying and will help build foundations for your future.
Mars SemiSquare Uranus
Life is rather frenetic right now. You have plenty of energy, but sometimes the direction seems unpredictable. Others may erratic, seemingly demanding changes that do not fit in with your own objectives. Misunderstandings occur. Perhaps you are restless. An unusual hobby or an unorthodox counselor may help you explore your changing world. If you can remain open to suggestions and negotiate compromises then you are likely to enjoy a newfound sense of freedom at the end of this phase. Find the courage to embrace a new lifestyle.
Mars SemiSquare Neptune
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars SemiSquare Pluto
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistaken actions now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars SemiSquare Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars SemiSquare NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SemiSquare SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SemiSquare Ascendant
Mars is the planet of motivation. Right now you may be experiencing a lack of motivation. Perhaps you are tired or just frustrated? Try to re-evalutate your goals and ensure that you are on the right track. You may need to make some adjustments before you can move forward. This is particularly relevant to matters that affect your health, such as diet and exercise. It is time to make the effort to develop new, healthier habits.
Mars SemiSquare Midheaven
Tension within your private and public life arises during this period. Your career versus your home is the theme. Perhaps you have been spending too much time at work, pursuing your own professional ambitions and now your family is demanding that you redress this imbalance. On the other hand it is possible that you have been pouring your energy into your family life to the detriment of work. Right now your boss or business is demanding more attention. Whatever the scenario your challenge is to find the right balance between work and family.
Mars SesquiSquare Moon
Personal satisfaction is a key motivator right now. You are trying to change your life in ways that give you more fulfillment. However you are likely to be disappointed if you push too hard and fast. Try to adjust your expectations rather than force others to follow your lead. If you experience conflict with loved ones then you need to resolve problems rather than ignore them. Working out any unwanted frustrations in the sports arena is also beneficial during this phase.
Mars SesquiSquare Sun
Right now you are capable of moving ahead, overcoming obstacles and discarding bad habits if you persist. Don't let laziness stop you. You need to stay focused and persist in your objectives. Assertion not aggression wins the day.
Mars SesquiSquare Mercury
A new direction is needed. On the positive side you are ready to change direction, having carefully considered all of your options. New opportunities to pursue your ambitions arise and you eagerly accept the challenge. On the other hand it is possible that you are feeling restless but unsure about how to proceed. If this is the case then take your time. Remind yourself that there is no need to rush or force matters. Explore all of your options and wait until your new path becomes clear.
Mars SesquiSquare Venus
Your desire for pleasure is strong but you may be frustrated in trying to achieve satisfaction. You may want to start a new and exciting venture during this period but obstacles seem to block your path. This is not the time for rash decisions. Impetuosity will quickly backfire. Therefore direct your newfound energy into positive outlets and trust that your patience will eventually be rewarded.
Mars SesquiSquare Mars
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Mars SesquiSquare Jupiter
Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.
Mars SesquiSquare Saturn
Responsibility is the key theme of this period of your life. Circumstances at home or work force you to shoulder more than your fair share of everyday tasks. You need to work hard rather than shirk your duty. Fortunately you are able to concentrate and even work in isolation to achieve this objective. At times you may feel tired and somewhat despondent, but you also have the resolve to complete the task. The end result is satisfying and will help build foundations for your future.
Mars SesquiSquare Uranus
Life is rather frenetic right now. You have plenty of energy, but sometimes the direction seems unpredictable. Others may erratic, seemingly demanding changes that do not fit in with your own objectives. Misunderstandings occur. Perhaps you are restless. An unusual hobby or an unorthodox counselor may help you explore your changing world. If you can remain open to suggestions and negotiate compromises then you are likely to enjoy a newfound sense of freedom at the end of this phase. Find the courage to embrace a new lifestyle.
Mars SesquiSquare Neptune
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars SesquiSquare Pluto
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistaken actions now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars SesquiSquare Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars SesquiSquare NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SesquiSquare SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SesquiSquare Ascendant
Mars is the planet of motivation. Right now you may be experiencing a lack of motivation. Perhaps you are tired or just frustrated? Try to re-evalutate your goals and ensure that you are on the right track. You may need to make some adjustments before you can move forward. This is particularly relevant to matters that affect your health, such as diet and exercise. It is time to make the effort to develop new, healthier habits.
Mars SesquiSquare Midheaven
Tension within your private and public life arises during this period. Your career versus your home is the theme. Perhaps you have been spending too much time at work, pursuing your own professional ambitions and now your family is demanding that you redress this imbalance. On the other hand it is possible that you have been pouring your energy into your family life to the detriment of work. Right now your boss or business is demanding more attention. Whatever the scenario your challenge is to find the right balance between work and family.
Mars Quincunx Mars
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Conjunction Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Conjunction Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Conjunction Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts.
Jupiter Conjunction Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Conjunction Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Conjunction Jupiter
This is a rare occurence indicating a new and positive phase of your life. You may make plans to study, travel, teach or publish material. On the other hand you may simply change your lifestyle to more truly reflect your own goals.
Jupiter Conjunction Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Conjunction Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Conjunction Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Conjunction Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Parenthood may also be a joyful experience. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Conjunction Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Opposition Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Opposition Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Opposition Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter Opposition Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Opposition Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. A leadership role may be thrust on you. Be careful not to misuse your power because it could backfire.
Jupiter Opposition Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Opposition Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals. Keep your plans as simple as possible. Grandiosity should not take over. Pay attention to the details.
Jupiter Opposition Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Opposition Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Opposition Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Opposition Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Opposition Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Trine Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Trine Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Trine Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter Trine Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Trine Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Trine Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Trine Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Trine Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Trine Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Square Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Square Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Square Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts.
Jupiter Square Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Square Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Square Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Square Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Square Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Square Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Square Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Parenthood may also be a joyful experience. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Square Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Sextile Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Sextile Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Sextile Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter Sextile Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Sextile Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Sextile Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Sextile Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Sextile Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Sextile Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Sextile Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Sextile Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter SemiSquare Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter SemiSquare Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter SemiSquare Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter SemiSquare Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter SemiSquare Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now.
Jupiter SemiSquare Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter SemiSquare Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter SemiSquare Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter SemiSquare Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter SemiSquare Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter SemiSquare Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter SemiSquare Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Quincunx Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Conjunction Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Conjunction Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Conjunction Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Opposition Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Opposition Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Opposition Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Opposition Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Trine Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Trine Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Trine Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Trine Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Square Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Square Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Square Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Square Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Sextile Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Sextile Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Sextile Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Sextile Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn SemiSquare Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn SemiSquare Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn SemiSquare Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn SemiSquare Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn SesquiSquare Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn SesquiSquare Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn SesquiSquare Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn SesquiSquare Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Quincunx Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Opposition Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy within your intimate relationship.
Uranus Trine Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Square Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Sextile Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus SemiSquare Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus SesquiSquare Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Quincunx Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Conjunction Neptune
Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson said: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." The same can be said of dreams. Right now you are reflecting on the way that you have lived your life - your past loves, your dreams and your artistic and spiritual endeavours. It is time to contemplate. Action now may prove frustrating. You need to take time for meditation, prayer and other spiritual and artistic tasks. You may need to adjust your expectations of yourself and loved ones. You may need to forgive and forget. In some cases you may need to face the facts that you have let fear rather than love rule aspects of your life. All sorts of metaphysical realisations may emerge during this phase.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Opposition Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic nature within your most intimate relationship. You need to ensure that you attract a marriage partner who is compassionate rather than someone who is deceptive.
Neptune Trine Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Square Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Sextile Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune SemiSquare Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune SesquiSquare Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Quincunx Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Opposition Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth within marriage is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Trine Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Square Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Sextile Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto SemiSquare Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto SesquiSquare Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Quincunx Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Chiron Conjunction Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Opposition Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your ability to attract healers and teachers at appropriate times in your life.
Chiron Trine Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Square Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Sextile Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron SesquiSquare Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Mars Sextile Pluto
From 17 May 2017 15:45 (09°13SA : 08°13LI)
Exact 20 Dec 2015 06:43 (08°13SA : 08°13LI)
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistaken actions now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars Sextile Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars Sextile NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. Opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars Sextile SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. Opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars Sextile Ascendant
Mars is the planet of motivation. Your life may undergo a change of direction, taking a more positive trend. Events now are likely to trigger beneficial changes in your life, even if they don't at first appear to be beneficial. Remain optimistic. You also discover a personal talent or pastime that gives you a sense of purpose. Alternatively a project that you have been working on behind the scenes may now take a more prominent role. Life can become a lot more rewarding during this phase. It is also time for you to focus on your health. Your self-motivation is high right now. In fact you may have so much excess energy that you need to find a challenging outlet, one that does not involve unnecessary risks. It is an ideal time to start a new diet or exercise regime so that you have plenty of vitality for the new activities and opportunities that emerge now. The main aim of this period is to help you find healthy and purposeful outlets to increase your sense of wellbeing and happiness.
Mars Sextile Midheaven
You are able to move ahead with your life plans. These may include a lifelong dream such as climbing mountains, changing careers, marriage or parenthood. Right now you have plenty of energy to achieve these goals. In fact you may benefit from hard physical work or a challenging sport. You may also prove to be a confident and strong leader during this period. Public recognition comes through hard work.
Mars SemiSquare Moon
Personal satisfaction is a key motivator right now. You are trying to change your life in ways that give you more fulfillment. However you are likely to be disappointed if you push too hard and fast. Try to adjust your expectations rather than force others to follow your lead. If you experience conflict with loved ones then you need to resolve problems rather than ignore them. Working out any unwanted frustrations in the sports arena is also beneficial during this phase.
Mars SemiSquare Sun
Right now you are capable of moving ahead, overcoming obstacles and discarding bad habits if you persist. Don't let laziness stop you. You need to stay focused and persist in your objectives. Assertion not aggression wins the day.
Mars SemiSquare Mercury
A new direction is needed. On the positive side you are ready to change direction, having carefully considered all of your options. New opportunities to pursue your ambitions arise and you eagerly accept the challenge. On the other hand it is possible that you are feeling restless but unsure about how to proceed. If this is the case then take your time. Remind yourself that there is no need to rush or force matters. Explore all of your options and wait until your new path becomes clear.
Mars SemiSquare Venus
Your desire for pleasure is strong but you may be frustrated in trying to achieve satisfaction. You may want to start a new and exciting venture during this period but obstacles seem to block your path. This is not the time for rash decisions. Impetuosity will quickly backfire. Therefore direct your newfound energy into positive outlets and trust that your patience will eventually be rewarded.
Mars SemiSquare Jupiter
Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.
Mars SemiSquare Saturn
Responsibility is the key theme of this period of your life. Circumstances at home or work force you to shoulder more than your fair share of everyday tasks. You need to work hard rather than shirk your duty. Fortunately you are able to concentrate and even work in isolation to achieve this objective. At times you may feel tired and somewhat despondent, but you also have the resolve to complete the task. The end result is satisfying and will help build foundations for your future.
Mars SemiSquare Uranus
Life is rather frenetic right now. You have plenty of energy, but sometimes the direction seems unpredictable. Others may erratic, seemingly demanding changes that do not fit in with your own objectives. Misunderstandings occur. Perhaps you are restless. An unusual hobby or an unorthodox counselor may help you explore your changing world. If you can remain open to suggestions and negotiate compromises then you are likely to enjoy a newfound sense of freedom at the end of this phase. Find the courage to embrace a new lifestyle.
Mars SemiSquare Neptune
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars SemiSquare Pluto
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistaken actions now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars SemiSquare Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars SemiSquare NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SemiSquare SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SemiSquare Ascendant
Mars is the planet of motivation. Right now you may be experiencing a lack of motivation. Perhaps you are tired or just frustrated? Try to re-evalutate your goals and ensure that you are on the right track. You may need to make some adjustments before you can move forward. This is particularly relevant to matters that affect your health, such as diet and exercise. It is time to make the effort to develop new, healthier habits.
Mars SemiSquare Midheaven
Tension within your private and public life arises during this period. Your career versus your home is the theme. Perhaps you have been spending too much time at work, pursuing your own professional ambitions and now your family is demanding that you redress this imbalance. On the other hand it is possible that you have been pouring your energy into your family life to the detriment of work. Right now your boss or business is demanding more attention. Whatever the scenario your challenge is to find the right balance between work and family.
Mars SesquiSquare Moon
Personal satisfaction is a key motivator right now. You are trying to change your life in ways that give you more fulfillment. However you are likely to be disappointed if you push too hard and fast. Try to adjust your expectations rather than force others to follow your lead. If you experience conflict with loved ones then you need to resolve problems rather than ignore them. Working out any unwanted frustrations in the sports arena is also beneficial during this phase.
Mars SesquiSquare Sun
Right now you are capable of moving ahead, overcoming obstacles and discarding bad habits if you persist. Don't let laziness stop you. You need to stay focused and persist in your objectives. Assertion not aggression wins the day.
Mars SesquiSquare Mercury
A new direction is needed. On the positive side you are ready to change direction, having carefully considered all of your options. New opportunities to pursue your ambitions arise and you eagerly accept the challenge. On the other hand it is possible that you are feeling restless but unsure about how to proceed. If this is the case then take your time. Remind yourself that there is no need to rush or force matters. Explore all of your options and wait until your new path becomes clear.
Mars SesquiSquare Venus
Your desire for pleasure is strong but you may be frustrated in trying to achieve satisfaction. You may want to start a new and exciting venture during this period but obstacles seem to block your path. This is not the time for rash decisions. Impetuosity will quickly backfire. Therefore direct your newfound energy into positive outlets and trust that your patience will eventually be rewarded.
Mars SesquiSquare Mars
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Mars SesquiSquare Jupiter
Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.
Mars SesquiSquare Saturn
Responsibility is the key theme of this period of your life. Circumstances at home or work force you to shoulder more than your fair share of everyday tasks. You need to work hard rather than shirk your duty. Fortunately you are able to concentrate and even work in isolation to achieve this objective. At times you may feel tired and somewhat despondent, but you also have the resolve to complete the task. The end result is satisfying and will help build foundations for your future.
Mars SesquiSquare Uranus
Life is rather frenetic right now. You have plenty of energy, but sometimes the direction seems unpredictable. Others may erratic, seemingly demanding changes that do not fit in with your own objectives. Misunderstandings occur. Perhaps you are restless. An unusual hobby or an unorthodox counselor may help you explore your changing world. If you can remain open to suggestions and negotiate compromises then you are likely to enjoy a newfound sense of freedom at the end of this phase. Find the courage to embrace a new lifestyle.
Mars SesquiSquare Neptune
Imagination, intuition and relaxation are all key words that can be applied to your life right now. It is not a time to take on extra responsibilities. Instead you should take some time out and take a vacation by the ocean or in the middle of the countryside. If you cannot get away from your responsibilities at work then perhaps an evening art or meditation class would be more feasible. You need to spend more time in spiritual, artistic and philanthropic pursuits. As a result your imagination and creativity can blossom. If you do not slow down then you may feel lethargic or lack motivation and wonder why. Listen to your intuition and dare to dream.
Mars SesquiSquare Pluto
Generally speaking this is a positive time in your life. You are feeling powerful, capable of achieving your goals. A breakthrough may be experienced now, something or someone who supports your true purpose. You have plenty of energy that you direct into successful enterprises. This is a triumphant period. However, there is a word of warning that comes with this progression. Make sure that you truly appreciate those who have helped you on the ladder of success. As American First Lady Barbara Bush once said: "Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people -- your family, friends, and coworkers, and even strangers you meet along the way." In other words don't overlook the needs of those around you. This phase indicates that mistaken actions now could have long reaching consequences.
Mars SesquiSquare Chiron
It is time to take action to take better care of yourself and loved ones. Perhaps you need to have a health checkup, change your diet or start an exercise program. A spiritual retreat or health farm may also renew your energy. On the other hand you may need to take care of someone close to you right now. Broken promises to yourself and others need to be rectified.
Mars SesquiSquare NorthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SesquiSquare SouthNode
You are moving forward at a rapid pace. Destiny is also playing its hand. New opportunities are arising and you have the ability to make the most of them. It may require hard work, but you are likely to reap the rewards. You may need to say goodbye to some aspect of your life in order to move forward but opportunities seized now will assist your drive for success, not just worldly rewards but also spiritual satisfaction.
Mars SesquiSquare Ascendant
Mars is the planet of motivation. Right now you may be experiencing a lack of motivation. Perhaps you are tired or just frustrated? Try to re-evalutate your goals and ensure that you are on the right track. You may need to make some adjustments before you can move forward. This is particularly relevant to matters that affect your health, such as diet and exercise. It is time to make the effort to develop new, healthier habits.
Mars SesquiSquare Midheaven
Tension within your private and public life arises during this period. Your career versus your home is the theme. Perhaps you have been spending too much time at work, pursuing your own professional ambitions and now your family is demanding that you redress this imbalance. On the other hand it is possible that you have been pouring your energy into your family life to the detriment of work. Right now your boss or business is demanding more attention. Whatever the scenario your challenge is to find the right balance between work and family.
Mars Quincunx Mars
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Conjunction Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Conjunction Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Conjunction Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts.
Jupiter Conjunction Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Conjunction Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Conjunction Jupiter
This is a rare occurence indicating a new and positive phase of your life. You may make plans to study, travel, teach or publish material. On the other hand you may simply change your lifestyle to more truly reflect your own goals.
Jupiter Conjunction Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Conjunction Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Conjunction Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Conjunction Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Parenthood may also be a joyful experience. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Conjunction Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Opposition Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Opposition Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Opposition Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter Opposition Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Opposition Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. A leadership role may be thrust on you. Be careful not to misuse your power because it could backfire.
Jupiter Opposition Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Opposition Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals. Keep your plans as simple as possible. Grandiosity should not take over. Pay attention to the details.
Jupiter Opposition Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Opposition Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Opposition Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Opposition Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Opposition Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Trine Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Trine Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Trine Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter Trine Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Trine Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Trine Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Trine Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Trine Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Trine Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Square Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Square Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Square Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. Education is a motivating factor. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts.
Jupiter Square Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Square Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Square Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Square Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Square Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Square Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Square Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Parenthood may also be a joyful experience. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Square Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Sextile Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter Sextile Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter Sextile Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter Sextile Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter Sextile Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now. You are keen to move ahead with your life goals. Leadership or teaching roles may also be attractive.
Jupiter Sextile Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter Sextile Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter Sextile Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter Sextile Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter Sextile Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter Sextile Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter SemiSquare Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter SemiSquare Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter SemiSquare Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter SemiSquare Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter SemiSquare Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now.
Jupiter SemiSquare Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter SemiSquare Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter SemiSquare Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter SemiSquare Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter SemiSquare Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter SemiSquare Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter SemiSquare Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Moon
Emotional wellbeing is a key to this phase. You are keen to change your circumstances in ways that help you feel more comfortable. This is particularly true for home and family.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Sun
Health and vitality are improving now. You are keen to really shine in some area of your life. Rewards are forthcoming.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Mercury
Your communications with other people are positive and rewarding. You are optimistic, busy making plans to expand your horizons. This is the perfect time to study, travel, teach or sign beneficial contracts. Education is the key to success during this phase. The more that you now learn, the more that you will be able to apply later on.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Venus
Your social life, confidence and financial affairs are likely to receive a boost now. Other people, particularly those in high places, may reward you in some way. Make the most of your popularity.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Mars
You have plenty of energy to achieve your goals. Motivation is easy right now.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Saturn
Time to restructure your life. You are able to build more positive foundations for the future based on a realistic assessment of your goals.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Uranus
Education is a key theme in your life right now. You are more likely to learn through unorthodox methods rather than convential ones. Nevertheless you are keen to spread your wings. Comfort is not so important to you. Excitement is! You may travel, return to study or take up an unusual hobby. Metaphysical matters or religion may also hold a strong attraction during this phase.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Neptune
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." This quotation by author Ralph Vaull Starr could be the theme of your life right now. It is a time for dreaming, for reflection and for making the most of any opportunities that arise to enable you to follow your dreams.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Chiron
Life is about to change for the better. Initially you may not welcome these changes, preferring the status quo. You may find the altered circustances of your life difficult to understand, even painful. However, you will soon see the benefits.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Ascendant
This is a prosperous time. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy." This quotation by musician Garth Brooks seems very applicable to your life right now. You feel rich in ways that money can't buy. Of course you are very lucky during this phase and may well receive a financial bonus through promotion at work, a lucky win or a gift from a benefactor. However, you are just as likely to experience a sense of well-being through enjoyment of your professional or social life or as a result of study or travel. Marriage or parenthood may also be joyful experiences. Your world is expanding and you are fulfilled.
Jupiter SesquiSquare Midheaven
The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.
Jupiter Quincunx Jupiter
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Conjunction Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Conjunction Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Conjunction Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Opposition Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Opposition Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Opposition Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Opposition Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Trine Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Trine Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Trine Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Trine Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Square Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Square Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Square Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Square Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Sextile Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Sextile Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Sextile Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Sextile Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn SemiSquare Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn SemiSquare Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn SemiSquare Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn SemiSquare Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn SesquiSquare Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn SesquiSquare Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn SesquiSquare Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn SesquiSquare Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Quincunx Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Opposition Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy within your intimate relationship.
Uranus Trine Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Square Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Sextile Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus SemiSquare Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus SesquiSquare Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Quincunx Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Conjunction Neptune
Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson said: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." The same can be said of dreams. Right now you are reflecting on the way that you have lived your life - your past loves, your dreams and your artistic and spiritual endeavours. It is time to contemplate. Action now may prove frustrating. You need to take time for meditation, prayer and other spiritual and artistic tasks. You may need to adjust your expectations of yourself and loved ones. You may need to forgive and forget. In some cases you may need to face the facts that you have let fear rather than love rule aspects of your life. All sorts of metaphysical realisations may emerge during this phase.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Opposition Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic nature within your most intimate relationship. You need to ensure that you attract a marriage partner who is compassionate rather than someone who is deceptive.
Neptune Trine Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Square Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Sextile Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune SemiSquare Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune SesquiSquare Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Quincunx Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Opposition Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth within marriage is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Trine Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Square Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Sextile Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto SemiSquare Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto SesquiSquare Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Quincunx Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Chiron Conjunction Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Opposition Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your ability to attract healers and teachers at appropriate times in your life.
Chiron Trine Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Square Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Sextile Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron SesquiSquare Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Progressed Outer Planets

Progressed Jupiter moves slowly through the signs and houses of a Natal Chart. As such its significance is highlighted if the sign or house changes. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Jupiter, although not common, can be important in a person's life.
Progressed Saturn
Progressed Saturn moves slowly and may change sign or house in a Natal Chart. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Saturn, although nfew in a lifetime, can be important in a person's life.
Saturn in the 10th House
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12
The planet Saturn progresses slowly through the Zodiac and therefore its influence is subtle. Saturn is a wonderful planet when you do your homework. However, if you try to escape your responsibilities then you are likely to suffer the consequences. So wherever this planet progresses you need to listen to your conscience and obey, rather than try to cut corners. In your case Saturn is progressing now through the 10th House of your Birth Chart indicating that your careere requires serious consideration. If you were born with Saturn in the 10th House then you have already experienced the serious nature of making life choices. You approach career and lifestyle choices with caution. During this period much time and effort will have to go into the task of establishing yourself in the career or lifestyle of your choosing. The more that you take your time and carefully consider meaningful choices, the more gratification that you are likely to experience.
Saturn Square The Moon
From 02 Jan 2015 06:12 (16°42CA : 15°44LI)
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Square Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Square Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Square Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Sextile Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn Sextile Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn Sextile Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn Sextile Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn SemiSquare Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn SemiSquare Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn SemiSquare Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn SemiSquare Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn SesquiSquare Moon
This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.
Saturn SesquiSquare Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Saturn SesquiSquare Ascendant
Your life is changing in subtle ways that require you to become more dependable and steady. For a long time you may have been noticing that your role at home or work has been altering. You may have been required to shoulder more responsibilities at work or within your family. It is possible that you are ready to retire from work and pay more attention to your home and family life. On the other hand perhaps your career is requiring extra effort. It is time to pay close attention to improving your health. It is also important that you realistically assess your options and make changes that truly reflect your ambitions. You cannot shirk your duty but you can ensure that you are satisfied with jobs well done. A conscientious effort is required. You are likely to reap unwelcome consequences if you avoid paying attention to those subtle reminders of care to yourself and loved ones. On the other hand you are likely to reap great benefits from taking a more mature role.
Saturn SesquiSquare Midheaven
Many moral fables tell us that we reap the consequences of our actions during our lifetimes. If we have lived good, moral lives then we are likely to reap rewards. If we have lived immoral lives then our consequences may be dire. Life may not be quite so black and white. However, it is true that right now the planet Saturn is heavily influencing your life. Any reckless or immoral behaviour is unlikely to escape the attention of those around you, particularly anyone in a position of power or authority. On the other hand you are likely to reap rewards for hard work. If you have been working hard in a particular area of your life then you are likely to start seeing results. This could be true of any professional or business venture and your home and family. Marriage may also be a serious consideration during this phase. If you are single then you may start to seriously consider a future wedding. Perhaps you are realising the role that fear has played in preventing you from seeking a suitable partner. On the other hand you may have been busy pursuing your personal goals. Now you are ready to consider a wedding. If you are already in a serious relationship then you are likely to seriously consider your current situation. It is possible that you may end a relationship after some reflection, realising that this person is unsuitable. However, you are also likely to renew your commitment to someone special. This is also a good time to reassess your personal health and happiness. A new diet and lifestyle are likely to be beneficial in the long term. If you have been neglecting your health then you may be forced to slow down and change any bad habits. You have the ability during this phase to reassess your strengths and weakness and to restructure many areas of your life to ensure a solid foundation for success.
Saturn Quincunx Saturn
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Opposition Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy within your intimate relationship.
Uranus Trine Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Square Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus Sextile Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.
Uranus SemiSquare Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus SesquiSquare Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Uranus Quincunx Uranus
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Conjunction Neptune
Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson said: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." The same can be said of dreams. Right now you are reflecting on the way that you have lived your life - your past loves, your dreams and your artistic and spiritual endeavours. It is time to contemplate. Action now may prove frustrating. You need to take time for meditation, prayer and other spiritual and artistic tasks. You may need to adjust your expectations of yourself and loved ones. You may need to forgive and forget. In some cases you may need to face the facts that you have let fear rather than love rule aspects of your life. All sorts of metaphysical realisations may emerge during this phase.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Opposition Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic nature within your most intimate relationship. You need to ensure that you attract a marriage partner who is compassionate rather than someone who is deceptive.
Neptune Trine Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Square Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune Sextile Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.
Neptune SemiSquare Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune SesquiSquare Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Neptune Quincunx Neptune
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Conjunction Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Opposition Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Opposition Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth within marriage is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Trine Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Trine Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Square Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Square Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto Sextile Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Sextile Ascendant
This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.
Pluto SemiSquare Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto SesquiSquare Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Pluto Quincunx Pluto
It is not possible for this aspect to occur by progression in a person's lifetime.
Chiron Conjunction Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Opposition Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your ability to attract healers and teachers at appropriate times in your life.
Chiron Trine Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Square Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron Sextile Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Chiron SesquiSquare Ascendant
This point progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your healing abilities. You are on a quest to learn the many aspects of healing - physical, emotional and spiritual. The quotation from the Bible's New Testament Luke iv. 23. - "Physician heal thyself" - may hold special meaning. You may also need to learn when to give others the freedom to heal themselves and when to offer a helping hand.
Progressed Uranus
Progressed Uranus moves slowly and may change sign or house in a Natal Chart. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Uranus, although not common in a lifetime, can be important in a person's life.
Progressed Neptune
Progressed Neptune moves slowly and is unlikely to change sign or house in a Natal Chart. Aspects of progressed Uranus, although not common in a lifetime, can be important in a person's life.]
Progressed Pluto
Progressed Pluto moves slowly and may change sign or house in a Natal Chart. It is important to note these changes. Aspects of progressed Pluto, although not common in a lifetime, can be important in a person's life.
The Birth Planets of Leonardo Dicaprio
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 15°44 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | F |
![]() | sun | 18°39 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | mercury | 29°45 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | F |
![]() | venus | 19°53 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | mars | 09°35 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 08°05 | ![]() | PISCES | 6 | F |
![]() | saturn | 18°47 | ![]() | CANCER | 10 | R |
![]() | uranus | 29°24 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | F |
![]() | neptune | 08°34 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 3 | F |
![]() | pluto | 08°13 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | F |
![]() | chiron | 21°02 | ![]() | ARIES | 7 | R |
![]() | northnode | 10°22 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 3 | R |
![]() | southnode | 10°22 | ![]() | GEMINI | 9 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 03°07 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 03°24 | ![]() | CANCER | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Leonardo Dicaprio
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | moon | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | moon | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | sun | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | venus |
![]() | sun | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mars |
![]() | sun | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | venus | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mars | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | mars | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | mars | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | sun |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
Progressed Planets of Leonardo Dicaprio
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 26°47 | ![]() | PISCES | 5 | F |
![]() | sun | 29°19 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 2 | F |
![]() | mercury | 00°19 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 2 | F |
![]() | venus | 10°18 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 3 | F |
![]() | mars | 07°32 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 1 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 11°41 | ![]() | PISCES | 4 | F |
![]() | saturn | 16°42 | ![]() | CANCER | 9 | R |
![]() | uranus | 01°29 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 12 | F |
![]() | neptune | 10°04 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 2 | F |
![]() | pluto | 09°07 | ![]() | LIBRA | 11 | F |
![]() | chiron | 20°00 | ![]() | ARIES | 6 | R |
![]() | northnode | 10°04 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 2 | R |
![]() | southnode | 10°04 | ![]() | GEMINI | 8 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 08°53 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 14°04 | ![]() | LEO | 9 | R |
Progressed Aspects of Leonardo Dicaprio
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | sun |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | mercury |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | sun | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mercury |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | venus | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | mars | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | mars | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | mars | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | venus |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | midheaven | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | moon |