William and Kate's Child, Prince George of Cambridge Astrology, Natal Chart Reading
Born: 22nd July 2013 14:24, London, Paddington UK. Zodiac Sign: Cancer

There are stars whose radiance is visible on earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark.
British Princess George of Cambridge is the son of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge (known as Kate) and the grandchild of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. He is third in line to succeed his paternal great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II, after his grandfather and father.
Astrology Yard's interpretation of Prince George of Cambridge's natal chart below, is aimed to act as a guide for his mentors and parents on how he can be loved, supported and encouraged in his journey from babyhood to adulthood, full of its joys and challenges. Then childhood can become a true foundation for a rewarding and joyful adult life. Both children and their parents can be satisfied with a strong and healthy emotional bond, happy memories and many possibilities for future success.
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Family And Friends

The MoonBeing deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
The Moon tells you about your children's emotional nature and basic needs. It is also the key to how they experience intimacy in relationships. The Moon tells you about your children's relationship with their mother, how they experience their mother's nurturing. As a result it can also give you insights on how to best nurture your children as babies and maturing young adults. When a child feels safe and has their basic needs met, they are better able to achieve their goals later in life.
The Moon is in Capricorn
Security is likely to be an important requirement throughout Prince George Alexander Louis's life. Baby Prince George Alexander Louis needs to feel secure in his environment. For this reason a settled and structured routine is advisable. Prince George Alexander Louis is comforted by familiar and safe surroundings and may react adversely to spontaneous activities. A shy or reserved child, Prince George Alexander Louis spends hours closely observing adults and consequently imitating their actions and behaviour. For this reason, parents do well to approach Prince George Alexander Louis with reason and temperance, rather than with strong emotions.
Prince George Alexander Louis's mentors, particularly his mother or grandmother, do well to enlist Prince George Alexander Louis's help in daily chores. This child is eager to help loved ones, as long as he can see the reasons for co-operating. Young Prince George Alexander Louis wants to learn as much as possible to enable him to grow up as soon as possible. Prince George Alexander Louis may be a loner, preferring his own company or the company of adults, rather than socialising with peers. Parents are likely to discover a stubborn side to Prince George Alexander Louis's nature if they try to introduce varied and spontaneous activities. Prince George Alexander Louis is also sensitive to criticism. He responds well to discipline as long as it is fair and consistent. It is important that Prince George Alexander Louis is taught to co-operate with others from a young age, while at the same time being given plenty of time to pursue his own interests. Prince George Alexander Louis may be able to concentrate for long periods of time, unlike some of his peers. This is particularly true when it comes to practical and logical pursuits. Prince George Alexander Louis is unlikely to feel comfortable with the realm of the imagination unless there are other factors influencing his birth chart.
Patience and support from adult loved ones go a long way to supporting this sensible and stable young person. Prince George Alexander Louis finds comfort in building blocks, model sets, or any toy that has a useful purpose. Prince George Alexander Louis may enjoy receiving his own watch or clock at a young age. It is also possible that a pet can provide a loving and welcoming outlet for suppressed love and emotions.
The Moon is in the 2nd House
It is important to create a comfortable environment for Prince George Alexander Louis. He needs to be surrounded with familiar and pleasing decor and toys. As a baby Prince George Alexander Louis enjoys being kept snug and cozy. Growing up he enjoys a pleasant and warm environment and a close bond with his mother, or a caring mother figure. Prince George Alexander Louis's mother, or a female mentor, plays a significant role in helping him feel safe in the world. Although it is likely that this significant woman is Prince George Alexander Louis's mother, she could also be a grandmother, female sibling, favourite aunt, or any other female mentor.
Familiar people, toys and routines help young Prince George Alexander Louis develop a strong sense of self-esteem and emotional security. When Prince George Alexander Louis is feeling secure he is a happy-go-lucky child, willing to leave his mother's side and explore his surroundings. Feeling well loved and cared for, Prince George Alexander Louis shares his toys and other possessions. However, Prince George Alexander Louis is less likely to be sociable, or share toys, when he feels insecure. He is also likely to be more possessive of his mother if feeling anxious.
Of course the ability to share toys also depends on the sign of Prince George Alexander Louis's Moon. A child with a Moon in the sign of Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Gemini or Aquarius is more likely to want to share his possessions with other children. However, a child with a Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or Leo is less likely to want to share their toys. Parents could allow Prince George Alexander Louis to keep some of his most precious items out of other children's way, while encouraging him to share some of his other things. It is also possible that young Prince George Alexander Louis forms an attachment to a particular toy, perhaps a cuddly toy or security blanket. It is essential that toys and possessions are not given in place of quality time and affection. Otherwise Prince George Alexander Louis may learn to attach too much importance to material things. On the other hand, in a warm and loving home, Prince George Alexander Louis quickly develops his own set of values, which stands him in good stead for the rest of his life.
The planet Venus describes your children's personal relationships with family and friends. Like a Moon, Venus is important in describing how your child prefers to interact. This planet also gives vital information about your child's receptivity to love. This is important because a child feels loved in different ways. Some children feel cherished when loved ones are paying them lots of attention, whereas others feel most loved when given the freedom to go their separate ways. Therefore gaining an understanding of the planet Venus in your child's chart can give you insights into how to encourage rewarding relationships with family and friends.
Venus is in Virgo
Prince George Alexander Louis is a keen observer of human relationships. An intelligent child, Prince George Alexander Louis likes to keep his room in order and is eager to help around the house. However, he has difficulty expressing love and affection. Prince George Alexander Louis does care about his loved ones, but struggles to communicate his innermost feelings. The problem is that Prince George Alexander Louis is critical of himself and therefore believes that others are critical too. Prince George Alexander Louis is extremely sensitive to any disapproval expressed by friends and family. As a result Prince George Alexander Louis may have problems at playgroups, pre-school and school. He copes well with the academic side of school but is shy. Prince George Alexander Louis lags behind in social situations, preferring to read a book alone rather than play with other children. Prince George Alexander Louis is a perfectionist, with high expectations of himself and others. Of course, the extent of Prince George Alexander Louis's shyness depends on other aspects of his birth chart. He is a highly intelligent child and responds well to reason. It is simply that parents and mentors need to encourage Prince George Alexander Louis to relax and enjoy the company of other children, so that he can benefit from warm and loving relationships. Prince George Alexander Louis can be encouraged to relate to one or two special friends in a safe environment at home or in the local neighbourhood. He benefits from playing games with one or two friends, including board or card games, or pretending to be doctors and nurses or holding pretend tea parties. This is Prince George Alexander Louis's way of learning social skills.
Venus is in the 9th House
Prince George Alexander Louis has a strong sense of social justice, which can be apparent from a young age. Prince George Alexander Louis is aware of all that is wrong and right in the world because he wants everyone to live in harmony. Prince George Alexander Louis likes to relate to children and adults from all walks of life and cannot understand racial or religious intolerance. Race and religion are no barrier for young Prince George Alexander Louis. In fact he is likely to be drawn to interacting with peers and mentors from different races and religions, fascinated by the cultural differences. In other words Prince George Alexander Louis enjoys unusual friends and is likely to be very loyal to these friends. Parents need to ensure that Prince George Alexander Louis is permitted to enjoy a variety of social influences. He may rebel against restrictions or social stigmas. Young Prince George Alexander Louis may also surprise loved ones by asking to attend an unusual religious or cultural event. This may even involve travelling to a foreign country. He is curious to understand what makes people different and so it is best to give him the freedom to explore within reasonable limits.
Prince George Alexander Louis also loves art, music, ballet and theatre, particularly creative works from other cultures. He may have a gift for one of these arts. His enthusiasm for pursuing the talent as more than a hobby depends on other aspects of his birth chart. The sign of Venus can also influence Prince George Alexander Louis's choice of pastimes. If his Venus is in the signs of Aries or Sagittarius, then he may show enthusiasm and talent for sport. Venus in the sign of Sagittarius can also depict a love of philosophy, religion and travel. Venus in the signs of Leo, Libra, Taurus, or Pisces emphasises Prince George Alexander Louis's sensitivity to the fine arts and music, as well as the possibility of an artistic talent. Venus in the sign of Libra can also mean a love of diplomacy. If Venus is in the sign of Scorpio or Virgo then Prince George Alexander Louis may enjoy academic research or science. Venus in the signs of Gemini or Aquarius may depict a love of ideas, philosophy and travel whereas Venus in the sign of Cancer or Capricorn may be less adventurous. Anthropology, archaeology, theology, law, and sociology are likely topics of interest for the maturing Prince George Alexander Louis.
Talents And Schooling

The SunDance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you ve never been hurt and live like it s heaven on Earth.
The Sun represents your child's identity. It describes your child's basic personality traits and their talents. It also tells you how your children think of themselves; how they need to express themselves; how they need to shine in their lives; how they feel alive. It is the centre of a child's self-expression. The Sun can also tell us about a child's father.
The Sun is in Cancer
The family nest plays an important role in the life of a Cancer Sun sign child. Prince George Alexander Louis enjoys interacting with family members, particularly those with a gentle and loving approach. In fact it's likely that extended family members, as well as close ones, play an important role in supporting Prince George Alexander Louis during babyhood, childhood and perhaps even in his adult life. Prince George Alexander Louis's father may also play a prominent nurturing role in his life. Prince George Alexander Louis is a sensitive child. If allowed to develop in a safe and nurturing environment, Prince George Alexander Louis blossoms and develops a talent for caring for other people. However, if Prince George Alexander Louis does not feel safe in his environment, he can become quiet, and perhaps shy. You may see little Prince George Alexander Louis shyly standing in the background waiting for his turn. He needs to be gently nudged in the right direction so that he can have his turn to shine. Little Prince George Alexander Louis also need to be guided into activities outside of the family home. For instance, leaving the warmth and safety of home to start school can be somewhat threatening for Prince George Alexander Louis. At these times Prince George Alexander Louis needs extra support from loved ones. When upset Prince George Alexander Louis may withdraw into a world of his own. Once again some time out can be a good thing, but Prince George Alexander Louis needs to be urged to express his feelings and move on. Prince George Alexander Louis needs to be encouraged to express his feelings in an appropriate manner, while discouraged from sulking behaviour. This, of course, does depend rather heavily on Prince George Alexander Louis's Moon sign. A Fire or Air Moon enables Prince George Alexander Louis to express his feelings, whereas a watery or earth Moon may emphasise his tendency to withdraw. Either way loved ones enhance Prince George Alexander Louis's young life enabling him to achieve his goals. Prince George Alexander Louis values a loving family, and strives to create a warm and safe environment for loved ones throughout his life. This talent is displayed in whatever path he chooses.
The Sun is in the 8th House
Some babies are born looking wise. It is almost as if they have come from a place of greater knowledge. Prince George Alexander Louis is such a baby. In fact he is a wise little person. Prince George Alexander Louis is sensitive to the emotional undercurrents of the adult world, and gains a real understanding of human emotions from a young age. Sometimes this understanding is gained through a family crisis, which is painful but provides deeper insights. Often it is simply that Prince George Alexander Louis is an intuitive child, sensing how those around him feel. This can be an uncomfortable phenomenon for adults who do not like emotional scenes. Death and sex may be considered private by some adults. However, they are a source of fascination for Prince George Alexander Louis. He needs to be taught to respect other people's limits, while at the same time respecting his own abilities to see beneath the surface. He needs to be encouraged to listen to his own heart and to talk openly about his feelings. This talent for seeing beyond the facade could be utilised later in life in work as a psychologist, counsellor, researcher, journalist or strategist or even to gain an understanding of economic and marketing trends. These are just some examples of the positive ways in which Prince George Alexander Louis's talent can be directed. This resourceful child is bound to have ideas of his own.
The planet Mercury describes your children's intellectual abilities. The sign and placement of Mercury can describe whether or not your child finds it easy to concentrate at school. Your child may be a daydreamer or have great concentration. Your child may be shy or interact easily with other people. Either way it is possible to boost your child's self-esteem by choosing study methods and schooling that suits their needs rather than forcing them to fit into an alien environment. Gaining an understanding of the planet Mercury can help in these matters.
Mercury is in Cancer
Prince George Alexander Louis is a sensitive child, very responsive to his immediate environment. If all is well with his loved ones then Prince George Alexander Louis is comfortable. However, if there is some emotional tension, then young Prince George Alexander Louis is also tense and unable to concentrate on his own activities. If there is conflict at home then Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to be unsettled, whether at home or at school. In other words, loved ones influence Prince George Alexander Louis's ability to focus on his own thoughts and tasks, as well as his resolutions. Therefore, he needs a lot of encouragement to learn to disconnect and to make his own decisions with careful thought. This is a child who lets his heart rule his head. This is not necessarily a negative trait, but does mean that he needs patience, not criticism when it comes to learning new tasks and life skills.
Some tasks, such as cooking and caring for a pet, come easily to young Prince George Alexander Louis. However, academic topics are more of a challenge. Prince George Alexander Louis enjoys learning through story telling and benefits greatly from legends, fairy-tales, and myths. He also has a talent for creating his own stories, and may even have a talent for painting or creative drawing. Any creative activity is of great benefit for young Prince George Alexander Louis as an outlet for expression of any pent-up emotions. Prince George Alexander Louis's sensitivity also means that he has a talent for interacting with loved ones, understanding their needs and wishes. Prince George Alexander Louis is a good listener. This is quite a skill for one so young. Parents and mentors need to ensure that Prince George Alexander Louis is given the freedom to concentrate on his own interests, rather than caring for other people.
Mercury is in the 8th House
Prince George Alexander Louis is an insightful child. From a young age he seems to understand the hidden side of things. This can range from the more esoteric side of life such as a deep understanding of human nature to the more mundane such as how a gadget has been constructed. On the more arcane level Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to be sensitive to any births or deaths in the family. Therefore parents and friends need to support young Prince George Alexander Louis, telling him the truth and answering questions as truthfully as possible. These questions could be quite challenging such as "Where did my little cat go when she died?" or "What happens to people when they die?". He develops compassion at a young age.
On a more mundane level parents and mentors need to be available to help Prince George Alexander Louis in daily tasks. This is a child who enjoys mystery books, model kits, microscopes, handyman tools, having his own garden plot and other hobbies that help him more fully understand the cycles of life. His enquiring mind needs to be occupied, because Prince George Alexander Louis is not likely to dally in inconsequential matters. For this reason he needs to attend a school that encourages questions and individual research.

The AscendantThe future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
The Ascendant, or Rising Sign as it's sometimes called, is considered to be an important component of an astrology chart. Ancient astrologers believed that the Ascendant depicted a person's primary motivation. Some believed that it was one of the links to discovering what makes a person happy. It could be said that when we're accomplishing our primary motivation then we're happy. By gaining knowledge of a child's Ascendant and discovering this child's primary motivation in life, parents and mentors can then help them achieve their goals. Caring adults can encourage the child with love and support. In turn your child experiences a sense of happiness and fulfilment.
The Ascendant is in Scorpio
Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to wait until he feels comfortable before pursuing his goals in life. He is also likely to depend on other people to take the initiative. Scorpio is a fixed sign denoting fixity of purpose, resolution, self-reliance and independence. However, it is also a Water sign indicating that feelings play a strong role in Prince George Alexander Louis's ability to achieve his goals. Prince George Alexander Louis has strong feelings. Even as a baby Prince George Alexander Louis wants lots of comfort and close contact with his parents, particularly his mother. Prince George Alexander Louis particularly benefits from the close contact of breastfeeding as a baby.
Prince George Alexander Louis is a child with hidden depths. He is shrewd, resourceful, perceptive, secretive, proud, and reserved. In his own quiet way Prince George Alexander Louis is determined to have his own way, and may resort to underhanded methods of achieving his goals. Parents need to encourage Prince George Alexander Louis to express his feelings, while also setting clear and fair rules of behaviour. Prince George Alexander Louis needs to be taught that integrity is important in life, that his strong will is best applied to achieving positive results.
Ambition and drive, like many traits, can be powerful positive forces in your children's lives, helping them achieve their dreams. Too much ambition can hinder your child's ability to collaborate. On the other hand, without motivation your child may not be able to establish a healthy sense of self and successfully leave home and family. Studying Mars, the planet of drive and energy, assists parents and mentors. Mars describes vitality in your child's birth chart. If our children are free to pursue their own dreams and ambitions, their joie de vivre is a wonderful thing to see. By understanding the placement of Mars in your child's chart, you can help support their goals. You gain insight into whether or not your child lacks motivation in certain areas and why. You can also see if your child has an excess of passion. As a result you can either patiently try to motivate your child, or you can provide plenty of stimulation and direction.
Mars is in Cancer
The astrological placement of the planet Mars in the sign of Cancer is not an easy one for young Prince George Alexander Louis. The fiery energy of Mars is a strange mix with the watery energy of the sign of Cancer. In other words the more upset Prince George Alexander Louis feels about something, the harder he finds it to express himself or to take action. Therefore, Prince George Alexander Louis is easily frustrated when trying to achieve his goals. Frustration often results in tears. He needs to be in the right mood before tackling most tasks.
Self-confidence plays a major role in Prince George Alexander Louis's ability to achieve his goals. If pushed to do something he doesn't want to do then he may dig in his heels or resort to passive behaviour. He seems to lack motivation, more likely to withdraw into a brooding silence rather than pursue his talents. Parents and mentors are probably best advised to leave young Prince George Alexander Louis alone to sort through his strong feelings, waiting for an opportune moment before approaching him. Anyone who tries to provoke little Prince George Alexander Louis into action when he is really upset is likely to encounter resistance. Prince George Alexander Louis can switch from sulking to tears very easily. The best approach is to gently encourage Prince George Alexander Louis to apply reason to unsettling situations. Prince George Alexander Louis needs to learn that neither sulking nor tantrums ultimately serve anyone's purpose. Of course young Prince George Alexander Louis is simply trying to protect himself from further upset; however, he needs to be gently taught to positively express his feelings and how to assert his own rights.
Although Prince George Alexander Louis has some trouble following through on his own goals, he is adept at fighting on the behalf of loved ones. He is a real fighter when it comes to looking after younger children, pets, anyone who he loves or anything that he is passionate about. With encouragement Prince George Alexander Louis learns to direct his emotions in to activities that are emotionally satisfying. He is likely to enjoy activities such as swimming, cooking, sports fishing, sailing and starting his own collection. He may also be motivated, from a young age, to fight for causes such as environmental ones.
Mars is in the 8th House
As a young child Prince George Alexander Louis seems to attract gifts from many different sources. It seems as if young Prince George Alexander Louis is blessed with abundance. This, of course, has many benefits. Prince George Alexander Louis learns to use resources wisely from a young age, gaining confidence in his ability to be successful in the material world. Savings and investments feature early in Prince George Alexander Louis's life. He has a strong drive to learn about monetary cycles, outstripping his peers in these valuable lessons. However, there are also some hazards associated with this placement of Mars. As he grows older, Prince George Alexander Louis could become greedy, expecting more and more material gifts from loved ones. His money making enterprises could become somewhat obsessive. He also has difficulty sharing his resources with other children. Peers can be jealous, recognising that Prince George Alexander Louis's desire to accumulate money and goods can sometimes come at the expense of friendships. The ideal way to circumvent these potential pitfalls is to teach young Prince George Alexander Louis about spiritual values. He needs to learn the value of sharing intimate moments with loved ones or enjoying the gifts of nature. As a result young Prince George Alexander Louis can become a true advocate for wise use of the world's resources. Nevertheless he still possesses the uncanny ability to attract material blessings from other people.
Childhood Journey

Wouldn't it be ideal if we could isolate one trait in our personalities, capture it in a glass for observation and dissection? Of course this is not possible. Neither is it possible for us to isolate one part of a birth chart. The different aspects of our children's birth charts intermingle in a complex manner to make the little person that we know and love. However, it is possible for us to influence the development of our children, to support them in their journey. The aim of this section is to give vital clues for parents and mentors on how to guide, but not coerce, the development of your child.Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Saturn is Square The Moon
Prince George Alexander Louis needs lots of love and affection. He is a sensitive child, seemingly fated to struggle with at least one adversity in his young life. This could start when Prince George Alexander Louis is a baby. Perhaps he is born during a difficult time for either his mother or father, resulting in a lack of parental support. While this is understandable it is also emotionally painful for young Prince George Alexander Louis. On the other hand it is possible that Prince George Alexander Louis is a fretful baby, failing to thrive for a short period of time. Another possibility is that Prince George Alexander Louis sails through babyhood, but as a young child the family suffers a setback that has a serious effect on young Prince George Alexander Louis. While this may be of some concern to parents, most challenges in life have a positive outcome. Whatever the challenging circumstances, young Prince George Alexander Louis initially may feel insecure in his little world, despite the best parental intentions. Much of this depends on other influences in Prince George Alexander Louis's birth chart.
With other positive influences, Prince George Alexander Louis may be quietly confident and somewhat serious. Either way a firm and loving hand and a warm environment can help Prince George Alexander Louis overcome adversity and consequently feel secure and gain confidence. Criticism is to be avoided at all costs, because Prince George Alexander Louis is more sensitive to harsh words than other children. Instead, parents need to do all that they can to boost Prince George Alexander Louis's self-esteem so that he can mature into a confident adult. As Prince George Alexander Louis matures, he overcomes adversity. He learns the advantages of hard work and self-discipline. The positive side to early-life difficulties is that Prince George Alexander Louis has the wisdom of experience, and outstrips other children in his achievements. This combination of the planet Saturn and the Moon is an important one in astrology. In some cases, it simply acts to tone down other influences in a child's birth chart. For instance, a fiery child may seem more introverted under this influence. For a full explanation of the likely outcome of this combination it is best to visit a qualified astrologer.
Saturn is Square The Sun
Prince George Alexander Louis's relationship with his father plays an integral role in his life, probably from the moment of birth. It is even possible that young Prince George Alexander Louis has been named after his father or the father's family's name, or a close friend of his father, or that his father chose his name. Hence the bond starts at birth. This bond can be a positive one in the long term; however, it is possible that Prince George Alexander Louis's father is initially somewhat strict or oppressive. Perhaps he feels protective of young Prince George Alexander Louis, not realising that all young people need freedom to explore. Or perhaps he is simply a disciplinarian with difficulty expressing the love that is in his heart. Either way Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to feel limited in his self-expression as a child, particularly before the age of 14. As a result his self-esteem could suffer. He may be a serious and somewhat shy child. It is important that Prince George Alexander Louis's father, or father figure's in his life express a lot of praise and affection to help balance the discipline. This way Prince George Alexander Louis grows into a well-balanced young person, secure in the knowledge of his ability to achieve his goals with the support of important men in his life. He will have the self-discipline to succeed. In some cases it is not Prince George Alexander Louis's father that takes this stern role, but another adult male in his life. Therefore all of the above would apply to this man, not his father. It is also possible that problems can be experienced early in life because of Prince George Alexander Louis's relationship with his father or a father figure. If this is the case then it is likely that Prince George Alexander Louis will face these challenges, grow in wisdom and achieve success later in life, particularly from the age of 29 years.
Jupiter is Conjunct Mercury
Prince George Alexander Louis is an explorer. As soon as he can crawl and walk, he is eager to take off and investigate his surroundings. He enjoys learning new things. Prince George Alexander Louis has an inquisitive mind and responds well to most teaching methods. Prince George Alexander Louis's parents and mentors are easily able to influence him through introducing fun and educational activities. These could include books, DVDs, computer games and visits to the library or cinema for the more introverted child. If Prince George Alexander Louis is more extroverted then parents and mentors could introduce visits to educational institutions such as museums, art galleries, and children's hands-on centres or trips to the park or beach. Prince George Alexander Louis also benefits from social visits to friends and family members.
Prince George Alexander Louis's parents' and mentors' main task is to think up new and fascinating ideas to assist his development. He needs little encouragement to study at school, enjoying his teachers and peers. Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to excel at most school subjects, but may be particularly drawn to studying languages, geography, religious education, biology, sports, and law. In conclusion this combination of the positive planet Jupiter with the planet Mercury is a most fortunate influence in helping Prince George Alexander Louis cope with his own stages of development and life in general.
Uranus is Square Mercury
Prince George Alexander Louis is a little rebel. He is intelligent, quick to grasp concepts and to make up his mind. Once his mind is made up, he is unlikely to change it. Prince George Alexander Louis is wilful. This is a challenge for parents and mentors because little Prince George Alexander Louis can be quite uncooperative.
Even as a youngster Prince George Alexander Louis is opinionated and prone to argue rather than listen to adult advice. Prince George Alexander Louis needs to learn by experience and is constantly testing limits. Parents and mentors can influence Prince George Alexander Louis positively by making sure that all rules are fair and consistent. Prince George Alexander Louis also needs to be given plenty of freedom to explore his environment and learn new activities within safe boundaries. Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to act before he thinks of the consequence. His rash behaviour can get him into all sorts of trouble. He does not respond well to physical discipline. Parents would be advised to try innovative discipline approaches such as having some quiet time in his room. Prince George Alexander Louis soon misses the stimulation of other people's company and household occurrences. He is more likely to rebel against authoritarian parenting methods of his father, or a father figure.
Prince George Alexander Louis does well at school in a kind of erratic manner. Left to his own devices, he can quickly rise to the top of the class. However, he can also easily plummet once he loses interest or if he clashes with a teacher. Plenty of patience is needed to help young Prince George Alexander Louis overcome his wilful ways and to learn to consider other people.
Pluto is Opposite Mercury
Prince George Alexander Louis is an insightful child who likes to understand what motivates people. Rather than enjoying learning things for the sake of trying something new, Prince George Alexander Louis likes to pull them apart and discover what makes them work. This can include anything such as dismantling a complex mechanical toy or simply pulling the head off a much beloved doll to see what is underneath. It can also include asking embarrassing questions of family members in order to understand a loved one's motives. Prince George Alexander Louis is not trying to be difficult, although his methods of learning are a little unusual. He merely wants to understand all things hidden.
Prince George Alexander Louis needs to be encouraged to explore his environment; even if he does have unusual methods at time. He is sensitive to criticism and easily feels rejected if his parents or mentors express disapproval. This can result in a lack of self-assurance. Prince George Alexander Louis is scared to try new things for fear of being chastised. Therefore parents and mentors need to encourage Prince George Alexander Louis's endeavours by teaching him in a direct and forthright manner. Prince George Alexander Louis does not respond well to coercion or force. He also challenges any untruths. Prince George Alexander Louis comprehends hidden meanings and responds best to the truth. Prince George Alexander Louis may also appreciate toys and activities that can be researched, engineered and constructed. Parents and mentors need to ensure that Prince George Alexander Louis's entry into school is as smooth as possible, perhaps even explaining to teachers in advance that Prince George Alexander Louis is a serious and unique student. Prince George Alexander Louis needs to be protected from harsh teachers because he is likely to clash. He needs tolerant teachers who can successfully avoid a clash of wills. With the right direction, Prince George Alexander Louis is a potent force.
Neptune is Opposite Venus
Prince George Alexander Louis is imaginative and creative but has difficulty expressing himself. His parents need to be a source of comfort and support as young Prince George Alexander Louis develops, as well as inspiring him to find his passion. He is a sensitive soul in a harsh world, and needs help in practical matters. Prince George Alexander Louis is happiest when spending time with loved ones or when absorbed in a creative project. He adores passing time with family and friends, but is particularly drawn to his mother or grandmother. He yearns to spend as much time as possible with his mother. At times he is able to enjoy such quality time, but the demands of a daily schedule and mother's responsibilities means that Prince George Alexander Louis is sometimes disappointed. He needs to be taught about realistic expectations. Otherwise he grows up with unrealistic expectations of loved ones. Prince George Alexander Louis can be encouraged to help with household chores, while being given plenty of time to develop his imagination with books to read and outings.
Prince George Alexander Louis delights in escaping outdoors on nature trips such as visits to the park and the beach. He also enjoys reading stories about fairies, goblins, dragons and other such mythical beings. In fact Prince George Alexander Louis is delighted by any activity that enables him to visit imaginary realms. Parents and mentors also need to find some positive outlets for Prince George Alexander Louis's imagination and talents. Art, music, dance, and the theatre may prove to be highly beneficial. History, religion, metaphysics, photography and philanthropy may also appeal to the maturing Prince George Alexander Louis. At times young Prince George Alexander Louis may appear to be a little lost soul, but parents need not worry. As Prince George Alexander Louis matures and discovers his true passion, he shines.
Jupiter is Conjunct Mars
Prince George Alexander Louis is self-confident and active, with a seemingly endless supply of energy. He is eager to take part in most activities and has plenty of initiative and courage. He knows what he wants and how to achieve his desires. A born leader, Prince George Alexander Louis also shows his playmates how to start and complete projects. Adults notice that Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to excel in leadership roles and business later in his life. He enjoys playing active games and can often be found outdoors in rain or shine. His natural optimism and sunny nature seems to attract positive attention wherever he goes. Sometimes Prince George Alexander Louis goes a little overboard in his efforts to achieve his goals, but this is a minor problem. Parents need do little to encourage Prince George Alexander Louis through his various stages of childhood, but rather need only offer a steadying hand or an occasional word of advice. Prince George Alexander Louis may enjoy an active pet to accompany him on his various antics. He may also benefit from joining a sports team as an outlet for his abundant stamina.
Saturn is Trine Mars
Young Prince George Alexander Louis knows how to work and achieve. He has a serious side to his nature that is obvious from a young age. This is because safety and peace of mind play an important role in Prince George Alexander Louis's childhood development. He needs to feel secure and is likely to play his part in achieving a sense of accomplishment and security. While other children are out playing Prince George Alexander Louis is often at work. He is organised, hard working and honest with an ability to work methodically towards his goals. This is quite unusual in a young child. It is important for parents to ensure that Prince George Alexander Louis is working to achieve his own desires rather than taking responsibility for others in the family. There is a temptation for less responsible members of the family to rely on young Prince George Alexander Louis. Parents, in particular his father, need to encourage Prince George Alexander Louis to have fun. Prince George Alexander Louis is a practical child and may find it difficult to be frivolous and playful.
It is important that young Prince George Alexander Louis is able to enjoy the carefree side of childhood. The more support that he receives from his father, or an important father figure, the easier Prince George Alexander Louis finds to adjust to the different stages of childhood development. He may achieve a prominent position in his career later in life or prove adept in running his own business later in life.
Neptune is Trine Mars
The combination of the planets Mars and Neptune indicates a sensitive child, a slow learner and a youngster who is more likely to learn by intuition rather than by rote. As a result it may take Prince George Alexander Louis a little longer than other children to find his direction in life, but he is likely to have a real talent in one or more areas of life. Therefore he needs plenty of support, patience and as many opportunities to try different activities. This is one time when it is appropriate for a child to be given permission to end an activity that is not satisfying. Commitment comes later in life, once Prince George Alexander Louis has found his true passion. It is possible that young Prince George Alexander Louis is a child prodigy displaying a talent for music, art, dance, acting or even swimming, diving or skiing at a young age. However, once again structured activities and enforced discipline are unlikely to yield results. Give little Prince George Alexander Louis his freedom, where practicable, to follow his own heart.
It is possible that Prince George Alexander Louis's father plays a role in directing his life, either though his absence or by inspiring him with his own talents. It is also possible that Prince George Alexander Louis has a close relationship with a grandmother, who introduces him to new and different projects. Either way Prince George Alexander Louis is not likely to follow a conventional path. He needs lots of reassurance and support for his unique talents. Otherwise he could become easily discouraged, trailing other children in the different stages of childhood development. Prince George Alexander Louis is likely to benefit from taking part in water sports, gymnastics or being taught artistic crafts.
Pluto is Opposite Mars
Woe betide anyone who stands in the way of young Prince George Alexander Louis. He may appear docile, but underneath he has an iron will. Those closest to Prince George Alexander Louis recognise that he knows what he desires and is unlikely to let anyone or anything stand in his way. This trait can be seen at a very early age. Prince George Alexander Louis doesn't like to be thwarted and has quite a temper. It is not always apparent and can erupt out of the blue. This presents quite a challenge for Prince George Alexander Louis's parents, who need to teach him that tantrums and other manipulative forms of behaviour are not the way to achieve his goals. Prince George Alexander Louis has to learn that getting his own way is not the most important thing in life. Co-operation and consideration are also valuable. Of course, the extent of Prince George Alexander Louis's forceful manner does depend on other aspects of his birth chart. However, childhood development is likely to be strewn with some dramatic lessons. It is also vital that Prince George Alexander Louis's parents, in particular his father, avoid physical punishment. Prince George Alexander Louis responds adversely to force, and also needs to learn how to manage conflict as well as possible.

This report has been written from a child's point of view with the aim of helping parents and mentors better understand their youngsters. Of course, each person is ultimately responsible for their own actions, but the support that children get early in life goes a long way to helping them live rich and rewarding adult lives. Children need to be given the freedom to be their true selves rather than being forced to live up to parental expectations or to fulfill parents' own personal journeys. They need their parents to live their own lives to the full, joyously and responsibly. Above all children need love and support. What great gifts and what a challenging role for parents! It is the author's hope that this report may help in the process of childhood development, supporting both child and parent. My own father often quoted the above saying by Mark Twain. So I thought that I would share it in this report. My mother gave me many of the aforementioned gifts. I hope that these have shone through in the writing of this report.When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
Bringing Up Father
The Birth Planets of Prince George Alexander Louis
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 28°17 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 2 | F |
![]() | sun | 29°58 | ![]() | CANCER | 8 | F |
![]() | mercury | 13°31 | ![]() | CANCER | 8 | F |
![]() | venus | 00°08 | ![]() | VIRGO | 9 | F |
![]() | mars | 06°07 | ![]() | CANCER | 8 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 05°58 | ![]() | CANCER | 8 | F |
![]() | saturn | 04°59 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 11 | F |
![]() | uranus | 12°30 | ![]() | ARIES | 4 | R |
![]() | neptune | 04°51 | ![]() | PISCES | 3 | R |
![]() | pluto | 09°47 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 2 | R |
![]() | chiron | 13°14 | ![]() | PISCES | 3 | R |
![]() | northnode | 13°39 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 12 | R |
![]() | southnode | 13°39 | ![]() | TAURUS | 6 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 27°11 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 20°36 | ![]() | VIRGO | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Prince George Alexander Louis
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | sun |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | sun | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mars |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | venus | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | moon |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | mercury |
![]() | venus | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mars | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | mars | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | mars | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | mars | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | moon |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | midheaven | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | midheaven | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |