Tom Cruise & Penelope Cruz Astrology - Birth Chart Relationship Compatibility Reading
Tom Cruise born: 03 July 1962 12:00, Syracuse, New York. Zodiac Sign: Cancer. Penelope Cruz born: 28 April 1974 12:00, Madrid, Spain. Zodiac Sign: Taurus

I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have spent most of my adult life being 'someone's girlfriend', and now I am happy being single.
American actor Tom Cruise, one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, had a three year relationship with stunning Spanish actress and model Penelope Cruz which ended in 2004. They met while filming Vanilla Sky and began dating in 2001 after Tom Cruise 10-year marriage to Nicole Kidman ended earlier that year. The following is Astrology Yards interpretation of their birth chart compatibility dynamics and why their relationship ran its course.
There was most likely an instant energy between the two as Tom's Sun in Cancer conjuncts Penelope's Mars in Cancer. This as well as signifying a strong working relationship provides a sexual tension and spark between the two, which no doubt would have helped them enter into a relationship together. Significantly this can also be an aspect leading towards tension and arguments between people and possibly as the novelty of the relationship faded this issue would have risen more to the surface.
Penelope and Tom have a second conjunction with both of their Jupiter's next to each other in the sympathetic sign of Pisces. Considered the planet of luck and good fortune, fun and enjoyable times, Penelope and Tom would have basked in each others company and no doubt envisaged many adventures together in the times ahead. Their spiritual outlook upon the world is also indicated by Jupiter and they would have shared similar viewpoints in this regard. With the Jupiter's being in Pisces, no doubt with their powerful influence they envisaged making right some of the wrongs of the world and pursuing noble causes together.
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Traits of Penelope

Venus is in Pisces
With Venus in the sign of Pisces you're sympathetic and understanding in your relationships, often letting your kind heart rule your head. You are charitable and like to help others, perhaps even choosing a career in which you take care of those less fortunate than yourself. You feel drawn to nurture the underdogs in society, which is an admirable intent as long as you're careful to ensure that your trusting nature isn"t being taken advantage of. It"s important that you constantly remind yourself of your own personal power. This helps you avoid any tendency to put yourself at risk or fall into a victim role. This is also true for your primary relationship. You're a kind and loving person, and need to make sure that you enter into a relationship with someone who appreciates these qualities. Fortunately the planet Venus is honoured in the sign of Pisces. Therefore you're likely to eventually fair well in your primary relationship. With the right person you'll enjoy sharing inspirational activities with your partner, whether it be listening to beautiful music or visiting an art gallery, or taking a peaceful walk by the ocean
Traits of Tom

Venus is in Leo
With Venus in the sign of Leo you're affectionate and passionate in your primary relationship, enjoying a sense of play and romance. You're likely to ardently pursue your partner basking in the delights and pleasures of love, particularly in the first romantic stage. Your partner is likely to benefit from your generous and thoughtful nature, enjoying being the recipient of your spontaneous gestures. However, you do like your loved one to show an appropriate amount of appreciation, and your enthusiasm for the relationship is also likely to wane if your loved one doesn"t return your affections in full, also showering you with gifts and attention. With the right person you'll take great pride in the relationship, eager to share your happiness with your friends. You enjoy attending social outings where you can take real pleasure in the company of other people. Anything that provides entertainment and fun will suffice, although you may prefer attending arts activities, such as dance, theatre and art galleries. Depending on other aspects in your birth chart, you may be extraverted or introverted in your relationships. Either way its difficult for others to resist your joyful approach to relationships, and as a result you're likely to benefit through your relationships with other people, in particular through people holding high places in society.
Venus is Conjunct Uranus
The planets Venus and Uranus are connected in your birth chart indicating that you value freedom and individuality in your most intimate relationships. In fact you're determined that your primary partner recognize your individual rights. You won"t allow anyone to curb your sense of freedom. You're attracted to an unusual, active or lively partner, rather than someone staid. For this reason your primary partner is likely to be inventive, extraordinary or involved in an unusual occupation. This isn"t everyones idea of an ideal partner, but it suits you. You seek spontaneity and intellectual stimulation from your primary relationship. Depending on other influences in your chart, commitment isn"t a major part of your vocabulary, and can be something that you tend to avoid, preferring to be "footloose and fancy free". Its likely that you're afraid of losing your independence, or perhaps you simply don"t like the confines of a conventional relationship. Fortunately you're likely to have many friends and potential partners. Your bright and magnetic personality attracts potential life partners like moths to a flame. You enjoy socialising and have a wide circle of friends, and believe that its important that a life partner share your friendships. Your best friend should be your partner, as far as you're concerned.
Personal Issues

Toms Sun Conjunct Penelopes Mars
This combination of the Sun and the planet Mars is a positive one for a working partnership that calls for concentrated effort on a joint project. It also ignites a strong sexual spark for a personal relationship, one that continues to flare throughout the union. It is an exciting combination. There is never a dull moment when Tom and Penelope are together. They love and fight with energy. Tom and Penelope are hard working and energetic, achieving more together than they can on their own. Together Tom and Penelope are able to tackle most of lifes challenges with confidence and a positive attitude, taking the initiative, rather than sitting back and waiting for things to happen. Together they also enjoy taking few risks in life, particularly ones that satisfy their sense of adventure. They need only be wary of becoming too impulsive, of taking unnecessary risks that lead to dangerous ground. Tom feels that Penelope provides the impetus and drive to help achieve his full potential. Tom is aware that his personality also helps Penelope achieve her goals. Penelope is excited by Toms powerful personality and is inspired in her ambitions. This is certainly a progressive relationship that makes an impact on both Tom and Penelope and those around them.
Toms Mercury Square Penelopes Venus
A positive blend of the personal planets of Mercury and Venus is a desirable one for an intimate union, and certainly advantageous to any association that requires harmony and collaboration. Therefore it is unfortunate that this combination is a difficult one. This association of planets indicates incompatibility in a relationship. No matter how hard Tom and Penelope try they find it hard to relax in each others company. Disharmony seems to infiltrate their union at every turn. The problem is that Tom and Penelope simply cannot find any common ground for agreement. Their opinions and values clash, which makes any shared activities fraught with tension. In particular Penelope feels that she is subjected to Toms unnecessary criticism. Penelope feels unappreciated and lonely, unable to share warm and loving moment required in her relationship. On the other hand Tom believes that he cannot express his opinions freely without being misunderstood. Tom loses confidence in his communication abilities and possibly withdraws his attention from the relationship. The extent of the difficulties in this relationship depends on other aspects of Tom and Penelopes association. The positive side is that Tom and Penelope are attracted to each and can work towards improving their communication skills. In this way they may learn to value each other.
Toms Venus Semisquare Penelopes Mars
This is a strong combination for a love union because it creates an intense sexual attraction. The durability and nature of the relationship depends on other connections between Tom and Penelope. Desire is strong, perhaps too strong at times in this relationship. Tom and Penelope are likely to fall in love at first sight enjoying a passionate union, the type of love affair featured in romance novels. At first both Tom and Penelope enjoy the intense physical nature of the union, but as time goes on the flames seem to burn too strongly. Penelope begins to feel possessive and perhaps somewhat obsessive, eager to maintain the force of passion. Tom feels overwhelmed by the passion of the romance and the force of Penelopes nature, and is in danger of becoming repulsed rather than attracted to Penelope. As a result the relationship becomes a combat zone. Tom and Penelope start to compete rather than co-operate. The positive side of the relationship is the strong attraction felt by both Tom and Penelope. However, it is important for both Tom and Penelope to learn to temper their desires in this union. They need to remain focused on co-operation and communication in order to keep an appropriate balance in the partnership. While this combination is often found between marriage or sexual partners, it can also be encountered in friendships or work associations which involve working on an artistic project. However, it is important that both individuals remain focused on the creative project at hand because a sexual flirtation could easily get out of control.
Primary Forces

Toms Sun Trine Penelopes Jupiter
The Sun and the favourable planet Jupiter are combining suggesting that this relationship is blessed with good fortune and happiness. It is an ideal combination for an intimate relationship such as marriage because it indicates shared philosophies on life and the ability to grow together. Together Tom and Penelope land on their feet no matter how difficult a situation. They seem destined to be in the right place at the right time. Tom and Penelope enjoy each others company, feeling all of the benefits that come with this union. Their optimism and enthusiasm are infectious, and as a couple they are popular. In particular Tom shines as a result of his association with Penelope. Tom feels able to embrace life and all it has to offer. He is aware that his union with Penelope is truly blessed and that it helps him to achieve his full potential. Penelope knows that her horizons are continually expanding through her association with Tom. Penelope feels able to conquer the world. In fact it is likely that both Tom and Penelope enjoy travelling, studying or teaching together. They enjoy sharing anything that expands their minds and contributes positively to their lives.
Penelopes Sun Trine Toms Pluto
This combination of planets indicates a relationship, which is life changing, whether it be a friendship, love union or work association. Both Penelope and Tom feel a powerful attraction for each other. It is as if they are both compelled to relate. The nature of the relationship depends on other aspects of their relationship. It is possible that this relationship is a positive one for both Penelope and Tom bringing rewards and challenges that lead to greater fulfilment in both their lives. Power and wealth may result from this relationship. Both Penelope and Tom are ardent in their pursuits enjoying intense and fulfilling pastimes, which are ultimately life changing. However, it is also possible that both Penelope and Tom experience the less attractive aspects of this relationship. They may become embroiled in a struggle for dominance, their relationship resembling a battleground from which neither emerges triumphant. They can be either intensely loyal friends or formidable opponents. Penelope feels empowered by this union, learning to rise to the challenges set by Tom. She feels that life is more exciting and intense, thanks to her union with Tom. Tom is a powerful force in this union.
Penelopes Sun Square Toms Saturn
Many astrologers believe that a connection between the serious planet Saturn and a personal planet such as the Sun is important, providing the cement for a long-lasting relationship. In other words, a serious planet is needed for a serious, meaningful union such as marriage. It is certainly true that the combination of the Sun and Saturn is found in many meaningful relationships. However, the planet Saturn can also cause problems. Certainly this combination indicates that Penelope and Tom both view this as a serious association, whether it is a marriage, friendship or a working partnership. Both Penelope and Tom are committed to their association. It is likely that they experienced a strong attraction in the initial stages of their relationship. When Penelope and Tom first met they each knew they had discovered a potential serious relationship, one to which they could commit and build on over a lifetime. If they believe in reincarnation, then it is likely that they felt a karmic attraction when they first met. Perhaps this was a moment of recognition when they first looked into the other persons eyes. However, the very qualities, which they seriously considered as attractive in the initial stages of the relationship, can become the source of friction if they are not careful. In particular, Tom needs to be wary of becoming too critical and judgmental. Initially Tom found Penelopes personality traits to be worthy of a committed union. He admired Penelopes qualities as complementing his own. However, it is easy for Tom to forget this attraction. As the relationship develops he feels threatened by the force of Penelopes personality and takes a superior attitude in defence. As a result Penelope feels threatened, disliking the authoritarian side of Tom. If Penelope is not careful her self-confidence is whittled away and the relationship becomes onerous. It is vital that both Penelope and Tom work at developing a stable basis for communication and understanding in this relationship. If both Penelope and Tom work at maintaining their own self-confidence as well as mutual respect then they have the makings for a very successful marriage or working relationship. Much of their success may depend on other supportive, positive connections between them.
Penelopes Sun Opposite Toms Neptune
Romance and love are central themes of this relationship between the Sun and the planet Neptune. This can suggest a romantic liaison in which both people are blessed with a sense of being with the right person at the right time, or it can mean a friendship that is based on a joint artistic project or spiritual interest. Perhaps they enjoy spending time in the natural surroundings of the beach or countryside. Either way Penelope and Tom are likely to enjoy escaping from the harsher realities of life into a world of their own creation. However, problems can arise when Penelope and Tom start to sacrifice their own personal needs for a misguided perception about what is good for the relationship. This behaviour can erode the creative component of the union and both Penelope and Tom may lose their self-confidence and direction in life. It is possible that, together, they may turn to drugs, alcohol or even crime in their attempts to maintain the loosening threads of their union. In particular, Penelope needs to be wary of losing her sense of self. It would be easy for Penelope to be deceived by Tom either through her own need to believe in a dream or through Toms behaviour. Tom needs to be wary of becoming secretive and dishonest within this association. As the relationship develops Tom may become confused about the true meaning of his bond with Penelope leading to a need to hide his true feelings. On a more positive note, Penelope and Tom may have other more positive connections in their relationship astrology that enables them to work through their problems in a loving and compassionate manner.
Penelopes Sun Square Toms Northnode
Destiny plays a strong role in Penelope and Toms relationship. There is an instant attraction, a spark that ignites the feelings of both Penelope and Tom. However, fate can be a cruel mistress. This relationship is fraught with problems that Penelope and Tom find difficult to understand and solve. In particular Tom feels that her light is hidden under bushel. He struggles to express his true self. Perhaps Tom owes Penelope a favour that seems never to be full repaid or may Tom has an inexplicable sense of responsibility for Penelope. Whatever the scenario both Penelope and Tom face certain challenges before reaching a full understanding of this union.
Penelopes Mercury Trine Toms Uranus
This is an exciting and unpredictable relationship. Penelope and Tom enjoy a lively union, whether it be a romance, friendship or work association. They take pleasure in topical conversations, sparking new ideas and ways of thinking. They may also enjoy taking part in an unusual activity or pursuing an environmental, humanitarian or political cause. This combination of planets indicates intellectual, rather than emotional, stimulation. Consequently this combination may indicate a friendship or work association, rather than a more personal union. However, an intimate relationship with other aspects is enhanced by this combination if both partners enjoy freedom. Penelope and Tom are excited by each others minds. In particular Penelope realises that Tom sparks her creativity. Both Penelope and Tom enjoy a new-found sense of freedom in each others company.
Toms Mercury Trine Penelopes Uranus
This is an exciting and unpredictable relationship. Tom and Penelope enjoy a lively union, whether it be a romance, friendship or work association. They take pleasure in topical conversations, sparking new ideas and ways of thinking. They may also enjoy taking part in an unusual activity or pursuing an environmental, humanitarian or political cause. This combination of planets indicates intellectual, rather than emotional, stimulation. Consequently this combination may indicate a friendship or work association, rather than a more personal union. However, an intimate relationship with other aspects is enhanced by this combination if both partners enjoy freedom. Tom and Penelope are excited by each others minds. In particular Tom realises that Penelope sparks his creativity. Both Tom and Penelope enjoy a new-found sense of freedom in each others company.
Toms Mercury Opposite Penelopes Northnode
Good communication is the key to many successful relationships. This union between Tom and Penelope is on the right track, despite a few disagreements along the way. There is a strong bond, which is likely to be intellectual rather than emotional. Perhaps Tom and Penelope have a common interest or friend, something that links them. Both Tom and Penelope believe that fate has played a hand in bringing them together, but there are obstacles strewn in their path. They may hold different opinions on a variety of matters. In the long run they are happy to disagree, understanding each others rights to hold different opinions. Tom and Penelope spend much of their time together trying to sort out misapprehensions.
Toms Venus Trine Penelopes Northnode
This is the combination for lovers. The North Node and Venus are both highly significant in relationship astrology indicating that this association was written in the stars. It is also likely that Tom and Penelope are in love, desiring to form a close and romantic bond, rather than remain friends only. Passion, romantic love and an intense desire to relate are central to this relationship. Within moments of meeting Tom and Penelope feel they have known each other for years. They enjoy each others company, discovering pleasures in common. If circumstances dictate that their relationship can only be a friendship, they would be wise to tread very carefully. This is not an association to take lightly. It could easily take over Tom or Penelopes lives. In some circumstances this combination of Venus and the North Node can indicate an association formed for artistic or creative projects.
Toms Venus Semisquare Penelopes Pluto
This is a powerful combination of planets indicating a strong bond, whether in a friendship, love union or work association. Tom and Penelope experience a compelling attraction to each other, one that easily becomes passionate and intense. Depending on the nature of the relationship, Tom and Penelope could easily end up in bed together. Positively they are transformed by this relationship, becoming more influential and powerful in their own lives, even if initially they have to overcome moments of feeling powerless. However, they also experience intense emotional battles as the passionate nature of the union becomes difficult to control. If Tom and Penelope are in a romantic liaison, these emotional struggles can overflow into the bedroom adversely affecting sexual relations. It is also possible that this combination of planets indicates a love affair that is intense and fraught with emotional problems. While both Tom and Penelope experience the tension, Tom feels more overwhelmed. He may even feel bullied by the strong personality of Penelope. Tom finds it difficult to live his life effectively while in this relationship. Penelope struggles to understand Tom and becomes impatient, wanting him to be more assertive. Penelope doesn"t realise how domineering she appears to be. The challenge for both Tom and Penelope is to direct their passion in a positive direction, possibly a shared artistic or creative pursuit.
Penelopes Venus Sesquisquare Toms Northnode
This is the combination of star-crossed lovers. The planet Venus and the North Node indicates a strong bond, but this blend is a difficult one. Fate has played a strong role in bringing Penelope and Tom together, but it also challenges their bond. Perhaps theirs is an illicit love or maybe they have difficulty reconciling their differences. Money may be a source of conflict. Penelope and Tom feel compelled to interact despite the difficulties. They are either passionate about each other or ardent about a joint artistic or creative project. This is a love story that needs to run its course.
Penelopes Mars Trine Toms Neptune
The glue that holds Penelope and Tom together is a focus on a joint artistic, spiritual or philanthropic cause, a shared idyll of how to make the world a better place. Together they share many dreams of how to improve their lives, their environment and the world at large. They are a creative duo, never short of ideas and with the ability to inspire. Depending on other aspects of their personalities they may or may not have the stability and endurance to create something concrete. Penelope is likely to be the leader, the person with the drive which enables them to achieve these dreams. Tom is the creative ideas person who inspires Penelope. If Penelope and Tom fail to share a common dream, then this relationship is likely to lack direction and Penelope and Tom slowly drift apart. They have difficulty maintaining a momentum necessary for a long-term bond. For this reason this combination of planets may indicate a relationship based on a shared project or past-time rather than an intimate lovers" bond. For instance Penelope and Tom may share a friendship, enjoying martial arts as a shared activity.
Toms Mars Quincunx Penelopes Uranus
Sexual attraction plays a key role in this relationship. Tom and Penelope find each others company exciting both in and out of the bedroom. When Tom and Penelope first meet they experience a thrill. However, it is difficult for Tom and Penelope to maintain the excitement beyond the initial stages of the relationship. An initially challenging union quickly becomes frustrating as both Tom and Penelope try to balance intimacy and independence. Tom is irritated by Penelopes constant need for autonomy and her apparent lack of commitment. At first Tom finds Penelopes independent spirit thrilling and arousing, but he soon becomes threatened and annoyed. Penelope grows to dislike Toms drive and determination, which she perceives as aggressive and arrogant. The challenge for Tom and Penelope is to allow each other the freedom to follow their individual interests. These moments of separation may help alleviate the growing tension and re-ignite the positive sparks.
Penelopes Jupiter Conjunct Toms Jupiter
A bountiful and loving relationship is the result of the strong influence of the planet Jupiter on this relationship. Ancient astrologers consider the planet Jupiter to be the great benefic, hence shining good fortune on this union whether it be a friendship, work association or romantic liaison. This relationship brings joy into the lives of both Penelope and Tom. The attraction is strong, although not necessarily a sexual rapport. Penelope and Tom share common goals and the impetus to explore these goals together. Their paths have crossed and it is more fun to continue their journey together. This can include journeys into the philosophical realms or adventures into other lands. Penelope and Tom share the same beliefs, possibly even common religious beliefs. They bring out the best in each other. Together they also bring out the best in other people. As a result they attract much good fortune when they join forces. They are examples of the adage "lucky in love".
Penelopes Jupiter Trine Toms Neptune
This is a union of empathy and understanding, particularly in the areas of spiritual and religious beliefs. Both Penelope and Tom understand and share each others aspirations and dreams. At times their intuitive understanding of each other is so keen that they almost seem telepathically linked. It is possible that both Penelope and Tom share a spiritual or religious conviction and belong to the same group or church. This may be a central force in their association. It is also possible that they take part in a philanthropic pursuit such as mission work in a foreign country or working for the same charitable organisation. Whatever the outlet for their beliefs, both Penelope and Tom appreciate and enjoy each others values, thus enabling them to better pursue a more altruistic path in life. Penelope and Tom brighten each others lives through their shared beliefs.
Toms Jupiter Sesquisquare Penelopes Uranus
This combination of the two planets Jupiter and Uranus indicates a meeting of two individual minds. In some associations it can be a case of "opposites attract". At the beginning of their relationship Tom and Penelope are attracted by the novelty of each other, but this quickly wears off. However, differences between Tom and Penelope are difficult to overcome. What follows is a discordant union. Their individual natures clash. What was once attractive becomes irritating and a cause of friction. Both Tom and Penelope find it awkward to allow each other the independence needed to pursue their individual interests. The end result for an intimate bond depends on other aspects of the relationship. However, this combination is a formidable one and could result in a love relationship breaking down unless Tom and Penelope find a way of following their independent paths within their association. A friendship or work association also needs to provide plenty of scope for individual expression.
Toms Jupiter Square Penelopes Neptune
When Tom and Penelope first meet they are attracted to each others spiritual and religious values. Their imaginations are inspired by each others differing beliefs. However, as the relationship develops the novelty wears off and conflict arises. At first Tom and Penelope may not be aware of the deterioration of this side of their association. It is an insidious process and one that Tom and Penelope find hard to understand. The problem is that their conflicting religious or spiritual values are undermining the success of their union. Secretly Penelope believes that she is following the true path. She does not realise that this is a rejection of her partners values. Tom is more vocal in his opposition to Penelopes convictions. Both Tom and Penelope have difficulty allowing each other to follow their own spiritual truth. Eventually conflict over spiritual matters takes its toll on this association. The challenge is for Tom and Penelope to discover a way in which they can both offer support and understanding for their opposing spiritual or religious values.
Penelopes Jupiter Opposite Toms Pluto
Obstacles are strewn along the path of this relationship because of the difficult combination of the planets Jupiter and Pluto. On the one hand Penelope and Tom feel a compelling need to relate to each other. On the other hand they find their opposing values a formidable hurdle. The problem is that they fail to understand each other at a deep level and yet this is an important component in their relationship. Penelope believes that she attempts to take an honest approach to her partnership, but is undermined by Toms insistence on delving beneath the surface. Tom is frustrated in his efforts to get to the bottom of matters. He is particularly angry when he perceives that Penelope contradicts herself. Their challenge is to find personal meaning in their own lives, while respecting the other persons values and beliefs.
Penelopes Jupiter Quincunx Toms Northnode
On the whole this is a joyful union. Penelope and Tom enjoy each others company, both benefiting from the joy that is destined to enter their lives through this liaison. It is possible that Penelope and Tom meet while traveling, at a place of higher learning, in a sports arena or through a philosophical or religious organisation. Together they enjoy exploring any or all of these avenues of joint interests. However, both Penelope and Tom need to set sensible limits on this union and any project undertaken together. Otherwise they may go overboard in their enthusiasm, egging each other on and taking unnecessary risks.
General Values

Toms Saturn Sextile Penelopes Neptune
The planet Saturn is a vital ingredient in relationship astrology. It is the planet that represents stability and commitment and is seen by astrologers as the necessary glue that holds a relationship together on a long-term basis. Of course not everyone is seeking long-term commitment, but for those who are Saturn is a welcome sign. The planet Neptune indicates inspiration, imagination and dreams. So Tom and Penelope feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union. This could be a personal relationship or a friendship that involves a spiritual, artistic or philanthropic project. Whatever the form of their relationship, Tom and Penelope enjoy a meaningful bond. Tom and Penelope both approach the relationship from different angles and need to respect each others differences in order for the relationship to succeed in the long term. Of course they may both agree that their union was destined to be for a short period only. When this association runs a smooth course Tom provides the structure and security, which enables Penelope to fulfil her dreams. In some cases Tom may act as Penelopes manager. In return Penelope challenges Toms fears, teaching him to break down certain boundaries and follow his dreams.
Toms Saturn Trine Penelopes Pluto
The combination of the planets Saturn and Pluto indicates that this is an important relationship, although not necessarily a personal one. Tom and Penelope combine their talents in a way that enhances their lives. Tom provides structure and security so that Penelope can safely make any changes necessary in her life. In return Penelope helps Tom break through any barriers created by her fears. For these reasons this can be a dynamic and satisfying union.
Penelopes Uranus Semisquare Toms Pluto
The combination of the planets Uranus and Pluto indicates a conflict in values, whether this is a personal or impersonal association. Penelopes need for intellectual stimulation is often met with opposition from Tom, who prefers to delve into underlying meanings. Penelope is more likely to experiment with various innovative methods of tackling problems in order to reach a new solution; however, Tom prefers to rake over old ground delving deeper and deeper in an effort to reach a sound understanding. They clash and find it hard to form a basis of understanding.
Penelopes Neptune Square Toms Pluto
The combination of the planets Neptune and Pluto is not usually a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates a conflict in values, which can erode the foundations of a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Penelope and Tom.
Synastry Between Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz

The planet Saturn is a vital ingredient in relationship astrology. It is the planet that represents stability and commitment and is seen by astrologers as the necessary glue that holds a relationship together on a long-term basis. Of course not everyone is seeking long-term commitment, but for those who are Saturn is a welcome sign. The planet Neptune indicates inspiration, imagination and dreams. So Tom and Penelope feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union. This could be a personal relationship or a friendship that involves a spiritual, artistic or philanthropic project. Whatever the form of their relationship, Tom and Penelope enjoy a meaningful bond. Tom and Penelope both approach the relationship from different angles and need to respect each others differences in order for the relationship to succeed in the long term. Of course they may both agree that their union was destined to be for a short period only. When this association runs a smooth course Tom provides the structure and security, which enables Penelope to fulfil her dreams. In some cases Tom may act as Penelopes manager. In return Penelope challenges Toms fears, teaching him to break down certain boundaries and follow his dreams.
Toms Saturn Trine Penelopes Pluto
The combination of the planets Saturn and Pluto indicates that this is an important relationship, although not necessarily a personal one. Tom and Penelope combine their talents in a way that enhances their lives. Tom provides structure and security so that Penelope can safely make any changes necessary in her life. In return Penelope helps Tom break through any barriers created by her fears. For these reasons this can be a dynamic and satisfying union.
Penelopes Uranus Semisquare Toms Pluto
The combination of the planets Uranus and Pluto indicates a conflict in values, whether this is a personal or impersonal association. Penelopes need for intellectual stimulation is often met with opposition from Tom, who prefers to delve into underlying meanings. Penelope is more likely to experiment with various innovative methods of tackling problems in order to reach a new solution; however, Tom prefers to rake over old ground delving deeper and deeper in an effort to reach a sound understanding. They clash and find it hard to form a basis of understanding.
Penelopes Neptune Square Toms Pluto
The combination of the planets Neptune and Pluto is not usually a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates a conflict in values, which can erode the foundations of a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Penelope and Tom.
The Planets
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
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Sun | 07°44 | ![]() |
Taurus | 10 | F |
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Moon | 25°49 | ![]() |
Cancer | 1 | F |
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Mercury | 00°34 | ![]() |
Taurus | 10 | F |
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Venus | 22°55 | ![]() |
Pisces | 9 | F |
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Mars | 04°49 | ![]() |
Cancer | 12 | F |
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Jupiter | 10°49 | ![]() |
Jupiter | 8 | F |
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Saturn | 00°50 | ![]() |
Cancer | 12 | F |
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Uranus | 25°13 | ![]() |
Libra | 4 | R |
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Neptune | 09°02 | ![]() |
Sagittarius | 5 | F |
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Pluto | 04°37 | ![]() |
Libra | 3 | R |
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Chiron | 07°06 | ![]() |
Virgo | 2 | F |
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Southnode | 20°10 | ![]() |
Gemini | 11 | F |
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Northnode | 20°10 | ![]() |
Sagittarius | 5 | F |
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Ascendant | 20°36 | ![]() |
Cancer |
Tom Cruise: The Planets
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
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Sun | 11°13 | ![]() |
Cancer | 10 | F |
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Moon | 01°05 | ![]() |
Leo | 11 | F |
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Mercury | 19°44 | ![]() |
Gemini | 9 | F |
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Venus | 19°16 | ![]() |
Leo | 11 | F |
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Mars | 26°06 | ![]() |
Taurus | 8 | F |
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Jupiter | 12°41 | ![]() |
Pisces | 6 | R |
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Saturn | 10°01 | ![]() |
Aquarius | 5 | R |
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Uranus | 27°55 | ![]() |
Leo | 12 | F |
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Neptune | 10°49 | ![]() |
Scorpio | 2 | R |
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Pluto | 08°01 | ![]() |
Virgo | 12 | F |
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Pluto | 07°06 | ![]() |
Virgo | 12 | F |
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Southnode | 09°02 | ![]() |
Aquarius | 5 | F |
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Northnode | 09°02 | ![]() |
Leo | 11 | F |
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Ascendant | 26°10 | ![]() |
Virgo |