Learn Astrology > Jupiter in the Zodiac Signs in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope
Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent.
Learn astrology by learning about Jupiter in the zodiac signs. The zodic sign Jupiter occupies in your natal chart or horoscope, reveals how Jupiter, the planet of luck associated with joy, expansiveness, positivity, generosity, laziness and boundlessness, is expressed.
Discover what lucky Jupiter means in each sign of the zodiac from the corresponding pages in this section.
Do you know your Jupiter sign?
If you would like to explore your natal chart or horoscope further, including your Jupiter sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.
Planets in the Signs
Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope}, means below.