Lunar Return Chart > Future Astrology Prediction Report

Every month, about every 28 days, the Moon returns to the exact position it was at when you were born. A chart drawn up for this point, the seed of the next lunar cycle, known as the lunar return chart, indicates the nature and major themes of the coming month.
Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.
American Author
The Moon in astrology, represents our emotions, so looking at this chart will indicate our emotional nature and emotional issues for the coming month. In this new chart, we look at the house position of the Moon and any aspects made to it. We also look at the ascendant and any aspects made to it and the house position of the Sun. This Lunar Return can tell you the ebb and flow of your life in the following month. It is not a major influence, but it can add colour and clarity to patterns, circumstances and events. Your physical and emotional reserves are described and this in turn helps you plan how to cope with everyday life during the course of the month. It is intended to give you the broad brush influences of the Moon’s cycles on your life.
Your Lunar Return Chart Location
Your location during the time of the lunar return, can actually change the chart that is formed. Some people go so far as to change their location at the time of the lunar return to ensure a more favourable chart for the month is formed. Wherever you are in the world, we can calculate your lunar horoscopes. The lunar return chart or lunar horoscope, can be calculated for the current or next month into the future.
Future Predictions
Lunar return charts are interpreted by astrologers to make future predictions and can be used in conjunction with a yearly astrology forecast report. The former is a snapshot of a the planets when the moon returns on your birthday, while the latter is formed by looking at how the planets move over the coming year. The two charts can therefore be used together to get an insight into what the month ahead is likely to bring.
Solar Return Chart Report Examples
Astrology Report Delivery
Astrology reports are ordered via PayPal and are usually delivered by email usually within 24 hours of receipt of successful payment. They are in PDF and web format and are mobile friendly and include an astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, birth chart or natal chart, showing the planets in the zodiac signs at your date of birth, time and place. The web format can be translated into multiple languages and includes easy to read listings of the positions of the planets & houses in your horoscope and aspects between planets & angles.