Learn Astrology > Neptune in Capricorn in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope

Neptune in Capricorn - Learn Astrology Natal Chart / Horoscope Guide

In this step, Neptune in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Neptune in Capricorn in your horoscope means.

Neptune in Capricorn Personality

The planet Neptune is in the sign of Capricorn from 1984 to 2000. It's important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign, and therefore the interpretation applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation you need to look at the house position of Neptune in your chart.

Capricorn represents the status quo and existing structures and ways of institution and government. With the passing of Neptune through this sign there would be changes and dissolution of outdated modes of government with ideals of a better future. This would involve removing physical and mental barriers between people with a glimpse that all people are intrinsically connected. Indeed the whole traditional relationship between east and west was thrown into confusion and a new order began with the era of glasnost and the thawing of the traditional icy relations between the superpowers. In 1989 the physical barrier that separated the two blocs was removed and quite soon afterwards the two Germanys became one unified country once again. Neptune dissolves the structures that it touches and gives us a glimpse into the underlying unity in the area it passes through. This is very evident when it passes through the earthly sign of Capricorn. This generation further saw the early signs of the internet revolution which would fully evolve as Neptune passed through the sign of Aquarius. The internet would in time help to remove traditional barriers of distance between people as they communicated instantly in a cyber world.

Neptune in Astrology Search for Higher Causes, Dreaminess, Search for Unity, Illusions, Self Sacrifice, Otherworldliness, Inclusiveness, Sympathy
Expressed Through Being
Neptune in Capricon Conservative, Traditional, Cautious, Father Figure, Hard Working, Reliable, Demanding, Wise, Responsible, Structured, Time Bound

People with Neptune in Capricorn will be a generation who believe in the dissolution and refinement of existing structures of government and the potential unity that can be brought about because of that.

Discover what Neptune in each sign of the zodiac in your horoscope means from the corresponding pages in this section.

Do you know your Neptune sign?

If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Neptune sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.

Planets in the Zodiac Signs

Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;

Sun in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Moon in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mercury in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Venus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mars in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Jupiter in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Saturn in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Uranus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Neptune in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Pluto in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide