Learn Astrology > Saturn in Sagittarius in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope

Saturn in Sagittarius - Learn Astrology Natal Chart / Horoscope Guide

In this step, Saturn in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Saturn in Sagittarius in your horoscope means.

Saturn in Sagittarius Personality

With Saturn in Sagittarius, the planet lies in the last of the Fire signs. The planet Saturn shows us where we have work to do in this life and where we have limitations to overcome. In the case of Saturn on Sagittarius the principle of hard work as epitomised by Saturn will be focused in the areas of religion, higher education or philosophy or cultural understanding all controlled by the sign of Sagittarius. This will infact include any area where there is a broadening of the mind above the local and mundane way of thinking into some kind of collective thought and system for the betterment of people and society.

Saturn in the Zodiac Signs Responsibility, Discipline, Accountability, Contraction, Seriousness, Time, Measure for Measure, Limitation, Wisdom, Father
Expressed Through Being
Saturn in Sagittarius Positive, Fortunate, Inspirational, Adventurous, Restless, A Searcher for Meaning, A Traveller, A Pioneer, A Thrill Seeker

People with Saturn in Sagittarius, will be very serious about these areas and will naturally become leaders in these fields. They may be the church leader or the University administrator or the champion of cultural development. People with this combination are likely to possess very strong ethical and moral standards and principles in these fields, which they will not compromise on. In some exteme cases, people with Saturn in Sagittarius may become fanatical and self righteous about their causes, not listening to voices of moderation or other peoples opinions. This however generally is a potentially powerful placement for Saturn as the ideas and principles and inspiration epitomised by the sign of Sagittarius are put to tangible use with the grounding and manifesting nature of the planet Saturn.

Discover what Saturn in each sign of the zodiac in your horoscope means from the corresponding pages in this section.

Do you know your Saturn sign?

If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Saturn sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.

Planets in the Zodiac Signs

Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;

Sun in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Moon in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mercury in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Venus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mars in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Jupiter in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Saturn in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Uranus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Neptune in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Pluto in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide