Learn Astrology > Pluto in Taurus in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope

Pluto in Taurus - Learn Astrology Natal Chart / Horoscope Guide

In this step, Pluto in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Pluto in Taurus in your horoscope means.

Pluto in Taurus Personality

Pluto was last in the sign of Taurus between the years of 1852 and 1884. Pluto takes about 248 years to make a full transit of the Astrological signs. Its time to pass through the signs can vary from between 12 and 32 years as it has an unusual orbit. It is considered a transpersonal planet and as such the interpretation of its movement through the signs applies to a whole generation of people and not specifically an individual.

Looking at the house position that your Pluto is in will give you more detailed information on how it applies to you. With Pluto in Taurus, the generation belongs to a time where there were great changes in the economy and material production. This generation encompassed the years of the American Civil War years. This period saw industrialisation for the war effort take place on a massive scale. The country would never be the same again with the invention of new technologies and the growth of factories to enable mass production.

Pluto in Taurus Power, Intensity, Death & Rebirth, Suffering, Transformation, Depth, Energy, Explosiveness
Expressed Through Being
Pluto in Taurus Grounded, Stubborn, Slow, Persistent, Materialistic, Enduring, Wealthy, Liking Beautiful Objects

Discover what Pluto in each sign of the zodiac in your horoscope means from the corresponding pages in this section.

Do you know your Pluto sign?

If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Pluto sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.

Planets in the Signs

Discover what each planet in the zodiac signs in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;

Sun in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Moon in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mercury in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Venus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mars in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Jupiter in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Saturn in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Uranus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Neptune in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Pluto in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide