Learn Astrology > Uranus in Capricorn in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope
In this step, Uranus in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Uranus in Capricon in your horoscope means.
Uranus in Capricorn Personality
The combination of Uranus in Capricorn, is in many ways a contradiction. The planet of revolution and radical change lies in the most traditional and conservative of all the signs. There is a definite tension here in this clash of opposing forces which may manifest in the psyche of the individual. However as with all paradoxes there is a middle ground and a solution, in that change, when well thought out and properly structured and grounded can be accepted as a positive and regenerating and ultimately necessary force.
People with Uranus in Capricorn, will want to overhaul traditional structures in Society and business and commerce, yet they will be respectful of the past and all that is owed to it. Instead of tearing down, the natural influence of Uranus for change will be tempered and it will be an attitude of practical and accountable and necessary change. In many ways this is a powerful combination because it speaks of an individual who believes in change not for changes sake but change because it is ultimately long overdue and of benefit for all concerned. With the planet lying in Capricorn, any change will have to be well thought out and long lasting and above all practical and beneficial.
Uniqueness, Eccentricity, Desire for Freedom, Being Alternative, Unusualness, Eccentricity, Interest in Science | |
Expressed Through Being | |
Conservative, Traditional, Cautious, Father Figure, Hard Working, Reliable, Demanding, Wise, Responsible, Structured, Time Bound |
People with Uranus in Capricorn, may be the kind of individual brought in to a traditional business which is no longer profitable who will introduce modern practices, new technology and streamlined methods to once again put the business on a profitable footing. People with Uranus in Capricorn may also advocate the introduction of morality in business rather than the pure pursuit of profit at all costs. A good balancing of the Uranus in Capricorn forces would be for example a company or person that is successful but donates large chunks of their profit to worthy causes.
Discover what Uranus in each sign of the zodiac in your horoscope means from the corresponding pages in this section.
Do you know your Uranus sign?
If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Uranus sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.
Planets in the Zodiac Signs
Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;