Learn Astrology > Uranus in Pisces in your Natal Chart or Horoscope
In this step, Uranus in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Uranus in Pisces in your horoscope means.
Uranus in Pisces Personality
Only the very young or very old of our generation have the combination of Uranus in Pisces. Only within the last few years did the revolutionary planet Uranus enter the sign of spirituality Pisces. The last time we had Uranus in Pisces, was in the roaring twenties, which would make most of the older people with this combination as approaching their nineties. Where Uranus is placed is where the people have an ability to change and revolutionise the current way of thinking.
With Uranus in Pisces, the revolution is in Spirituality. In the twenties this took the form of a rise in Spiritualism and the occult often in an attempt to understand and make contact with the generation that was lost in the great war. Conventional religion could not deal with the great loss and people turned to other forms to assauge their grief. Similar people with Uranus in Pisces will seek spirituality outside of standard religion and will search for their own methods of connecting with the divine. People with this combination may look to create advances in technologies for natural and sustainable energies and green methods of farming which do not harm the earth such as wind, water or solar power.
Uniqueness, Eccentricity, Desire for Freedom, Being Alternative, Unusualness, Eccentricity, Interest in Science | |
Expressed Through Being | |
Dreamy, Sensitive, Escapist, Empathic, Understanding, Compassionate, Indirect, Psychic, Artistic, Other Worldly, Evasive |
Pisces also represents the past and people with Uranus in Pisces, will seek to break free from influences of the past.
Discover what Uranus in each sign of the zodiac in your horoscope means from the corresponding pages in this section.
Do you know your Uranus sign?
If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Uranus sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.
Planets in the Signs
Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;