Learn Astrology > Uranus in Virgo in Your Natal Chart or Horoscope

Uranus in Virgo - Learn Astrology Natal Chart / Horoscope Guide p>In this step, Uranus in the Zodiac Signs, of the learn astrology guide to your natal chart, you will discover what Uranus in Virgo in your horoscope means.

Uranus in Virgo Personality

People with Uranus in Virgo, have the ability to bring innovation and revolution to the areas of the workplace, technology and medicine. The last generation born with this combination are some of the children of the 1960's. During that time some of the first computers were being used by society and their influence was gradually increasing in companies. There were revolutions in healthcare with the advent of the pill. Generally the 1960's saw a time of revolution in the field of technology where people believed the automation of mundane tasks by robots and machines would free up people for a more leisure filled and better life. It was a time of optimisim in many ways after the suffering and rationing of the war years.

Uranus in the Signs Uniqueness, Eccentricity, Desire for Freedom, Being Alternative, Unusualness, Eccentricity, Interest in Science
Expressed Through Being
Uranus in Virgo Analytical, Discerning, A Perfectionist, Grounded, Critical, Detail Orientated, Logical, Bright, Obsessive, Fussy, Intelligent

People with Uranus in Virgo, were born into the time of this energy being prevelant in the world, and they echo these ideas inside of themselves. They have since become the people who have led the computer revolution and are now mostly well into their forties. The sign of Virgo rules the field of health and medicine and as such natives with Uranus in Virgo, believe in a revolution in the practise of healthcare and medicine. It is this generation who have brought in the gym culture, bans on smoking, organic food shops and popularisation of alternative therapies such as Homeopathy, Yoga, Pilates, Reiki and Shaitsu and a host of others.

Discover what Uranus in each sign of the zodiac in your horoscope means from the corresponding pages in this section.

Do you know your Uranus sign?

If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Uranus sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details.

Planets in the Signs

Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below;

Sun in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Moon in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mercury in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Venus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Mars in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Jupiter in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Saturn in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Uranus in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Neptune in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide Pluto in the Zodiac Signs - Learn Astrology Natal Chart/Horoscope Guide